So apparently 200,000 of you Americans are gonna die when this is all over

So apparently 200,000 of you Americans are gonna die when this is all over...

What's gonna be your last game?

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I wish

Same old shit. Resident evil, dark souls, Madden, COD, etc

I'm no boomer and although I'm not fit I'm not fat either.
Gonna buy all games since boomers will not fuck us zoomers after this year is over.
fuck capitalism, that just a boomer invention to exploit college students into being forced to apply for unpaid internship since all entry level jobs require senior tier experience and paid you like if you were a paid intern.

fuck you

I can't believe how widespread this Trump Epidemic got. I guess that's what happens when you go full MIGA.

It's a big nothing burger

>actually believing the Trump Epidemic doesn't exist
Yeah bro, it's all a conspiracy. The moon landing was faked, big foot exists, aliens built the pyramids, and there are two Luke Skywalkers.

>i-it's just a flu bro

>Gonna buy all games since boomers will not fuck us zoomers after this year is over.
Way to give them what the always wanted - your cash.
You're a fool if you think this will make any difference to the status quo of crony capitalism

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Don't forget the earth is flat

probably ff7r or trials of mana, whichever one i live long enough to see

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Do americans really?

Hope most of them are from of African heritage. It's amazing how they give their kids the stupidest names. Its not even restricted to the US. You see this phenomena in Haiti and Cuba, were they give the kids the stupidest names. Usnavy, really?

Hello CCP shill, what a curious way to spell the Chinese pandemic, but English isn't your first language.

>"I hope this virus kills blacks for how they name their kids"

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Wonder how they put that thing in a hearse?

You think it's only gonna be 200k? Mate you're funny.

>people blame everybody but the chinks who have lied about the seriousness of the disease until they have spread carriers everywhere into the world
Chinks, like niggers, Americans and Arabs, should get wiped out

200,000 people will die within a few months regardless of what happens. You can pin any death at all to the virus.

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Cope harder eurofag

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Wait that image isn't part of a porno?

french president looking to get

I just hope it reaches africa and latin america.
they will not have the means to fight it

>hear that even if you recover from coronavirus you can still get permanent lung damage
>remember getting real sick in January when I usually never get sick
>now I have more chest pains more then I ever did
>breathing isn't as good as it used to be

Good luck to you fellow anons

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200,000 people is literally nothing

>MIGA supporter goes full conspiracy when you point out their king's failure on containing the Trump Epidemic

>they will not have the means to fight it
just like the usa LOL

200,000 deaths? yeah nah what a load of bullshit, Trump will open things up by Easter and we'll be back to normal. It's insane how liberals are completely out of touch with reality no matter the country

It's okay user, you're just a hypochondriac. you're fine

If this post ends in 5, everyone her catches and dies from coronavirus

>permanent lung damage

Lungs do not work that way

i got binding of isaac i suck at the game, and oblivion. i have so many games to play.

that's just Dr.Fearmonger's projections

Get fucked, doomer. I'm living forever

>off by 1
You do know that means it'll happen to (you) specifically only right? GG

>a quarter to a half of all Americans die
Thank fucking god. You don't realize just how badly this country unironically needs that. It will be x100 times easier to get job, get a gf, even get a house.

flyover US will be fine
cities are fucked

>and there are two Luke Skywalkers.
don't joke about Big Luke that's real

>yearly flu deaths in America are close to 20,000
>not covid, not black death, just regular-ass flu
>entire country shuts down because a whopping 3x more people than normal will die of the flu

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It should be 2 million

Wrong once a incel always a incel, women want top of the line men

>it's just a flu bro
dude the world doesn't shut down over the sniffles, this is a bioweapon and we aren't being told everything


I thought that with the way the virus worked, it would just rip apart your lung cells and leave scar tissue behind thus making your lung capacity smaller

Yeah I mean it's not like tons of those faggots dying because their too social for their own good doesn't suddenly mean that there's far less men for them to be picky about. Oh also by the way the virus seems to affect men a lot more then women. ;^)

60000 is the number with shutdowns
The number without could be 600000 or 6000000.
It’s infectivity is too high and we don’t have enough hospital resources to handle the flu in that many people at the same time

>Nationalism is treason
How did this man get elected?

200,000 of 325 million is actuslly not a lot of people. We've actually got a lower hospitalization rate than most other countries.

I'm sure that Europe will have a pretty similar ratio. I'm mainly concerned about how this will affect political unstable and underdeveloped countries in the 3rd world. Shit might hit the fan in Iran desu

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>quarter to half of all americans
>population is currently 372 million
Are you retarded?

Just going to ignore China locking down millions and welding people into their homes for months now, and Italy getting ravaged?

>current US pop is at least 300mil
Do the math, that's like actually winning something from those Pepsi sweepstakes

All it's going to do is clear out our nursing homes.

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>he thinks only 200,000 are going to die
Upwards of 50,000 people died in Wuhan...and that was with their draconian quarintine methods. The US has...just told people to be careful.
If you think only 200,000 people are going to die in America, then you're going to be in for a very rude surprise.

>all the Yas Forums schizos in this thread

Im screenshotting so many of these and cant wait to post them in 6 or 7 months time when all this shit comes to an end :) i think the title at the top of the collage image will be "Yas Forums - factually incorrect"

The world literally is shutting down over sniffles because people are absolute retards. Covid is only marginally more deadly than a normal flu, problem it is more easily transmitted. The threat isn't the virus, it's tends of thousands of elderly/young people going into hospitals at once, something they can't handle. We aren't self-isolating to make sure we don't GET it, EVERYONE is going to get it eventually like every other flu every year. They just want to make sure people don't get it ALL AT ONCE, and that it's staggered so the critical-risk folk can be accommodated at hospitals. The fact this needs to be repeatedly explained to people blows my fucking mind.

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>Trump epidemic
I see through that bulshit. It's the china virus and the biggest infested shit hole is none other than New York City. Everyone else doing their part but entitled liberal faggots can't keep from going out and sucking each other off

user that's like 0.002% the population of America



>>a quarter to a half

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Yes, and we also professionally record all of our funerals with multiple professional camera setups including dolly use. Also all of our church chapels are in unearthly dark voids.
Why, don't you?

user, re-read what I said and actually fucking think. That 200,000 number is assuming that America takes the proper precautions to stop the virus, which it is not.

>there are still "its just a flu" people

well im impressed

This is definitely a Yas Forums nigger looking for (You)'s

not like you're gonna buy the caskets

If it's not a lot then volunteer yourself as one of the 200,000

20,000 in a year, with like 30,000,000 people getting the flu in a year maybe more. Weve got 2500 dead in the US with 150k confirmed cases, lets divide that out to 30,000,000 and see what we get, oh wait thats 200x the number of cases, lets see what 2500 x 200 is, hrm oh wow its 500,000 gee wizz thats just a flu guys no big deal

>State enforced quarantines , social distancing, and mass production of PPE for use in hospitals isn't enough
Based retard

Every thread

Good thing it's not loaded with live ammo.

I've got a compromised immune system. I hope I just make it to FF7R.

Haven't left the house in almost two weeks. I guess it's good to know that I don't have it. Hopefully it stays that way. We did just have about 15 cases pop up across town though. Mildly concerning.

Gonna go pick up groceries later this week. Luckily I can just pay online and have them toss it in the trunk. Sanitize everything once I get in and we should be good. Stay safe anons

you keep saying trump when this originated on a continent outside of the americas and while almost every nation on the globe is dealing with it its apparently Trumps sole fault

Huh really makes me chink

200,000 isn't even noteworthy. more people die a year in car crashes
Also we're in quarantine lockdown right now. the whole country

If we use what the American Hospital Association initially estimates with 96 million cases over the next 18 months a lot more than that would die. Epidemiologists have estimates ranging from a 40% - 60% of the world getting this virus at some point desu.

Which is pretty cool I guess

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China was able to slow (but not stop the virus from spreading) by doing the following:
>welding people inside their homes
>having people roaming the streets with guns ready to shoot anyone who's breaking quarintine
>throwing anyone with even an elevated temperature into incinerators
>completely blocking off severl major cities
>sending out fleets of people and even industrial trucks to spray down literally EVERYTHING
>user: lmao just wear a mask and wash your hands
Based retard.