hey Yas Forums what video game are you playing during this global pandemic?
Hey Yas Forums what video game are you playing during this global pandemic?
Does the person who made this know that animal crossing is insanely popular with women and normalfags
I'm not saying neckbeards dont play but a little research doesn't hurt
It's insanely popular with trannies too
I am playing Animal Crossing
>people seething THIS hard over not being able to go outside
Music to my ears
Just like this place and every other not manly man thing you like.
dont steal ronnie's joke
AUGHH slightly more people died than normal it's the end of the world! #StopTheSpread #StayThaFuckHome #LGBTPQCOVID #AllInThisTogether
I honestly don't get why that comic is trying to get at
like you'd think from the third panel it's just about "haha shut in loser plays escapism games" but then the fourth panel clearly shows that the guy doesn't have the choice to go outside in the first place, yet doesn't use this to recontexualize anything and still gives the vibe it wants to mock the idea of using games as escapism as a concept or something. escapism in small doses is actually good for you, at the very least in times like this when your only other option is 24/7 doom and gloom.
>normies bitch and cry when people play online games
>normies bitch and cry when people singleplayer games
Whats their fucking problem? Just watch your Netflix and shut the fuck up
he should be panicking instead
Replaying Human Revolution and finish up RDR2. After that might replay INSOMNIA: The Ark depending on how long the fucktard devs will take on releasing the new patch.
holy big chungus, morty! what if, just WHAT IF, like, just take a moment to CONCEPTUALISE, that, get this, since the new ANIMAL CROSSING and the new DOOM game come out on the same day that, get this guys, you wont believe this, WHAT IF,
the game of not playing videogames because they are a pozzed consoomer product designed to keep men weak
MBAT (Most Based of All Time)
I replayed the origina l Dark Souls and found it doesn't really hold up well at all, it's unbearably slow-paced and the environments and exploration all seem really unfocused and unpolished compared to later installments in the series.
Now I'm replaying Bloodborne, just got past Byrgenwerth and I'm about to tackle Rom. Using Ludwig's Greatsword for this playthrough because I usually only go for the fast slashy weapons so I wanted to do something different.
uhm based police, I'd like to report this post
>Yas Forums - Video Gaem
I think the point is that because of the current global situation and Animal Crossing's massive widespread popularity among nearly all demographics, everyone is the neckbeard. No exceptions.
based user letting them freaks live rent free
>Video Gaem
>®eddit speak
r*ddit stole it from here
Does Ronnie know about this?
If this guy is filing taxes in any way related to this webcomic Ronnie just made payday.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Why yes, I try to do everything in my power to reduce data consumption under these troublesome times as to not clog up the mobile network for others in need, how could you tell?
>calling a man a slut
>one panel too many
I got SC6 for PS4 so I'm playing that but I don't have ps+ so it's only bots for me. Was also gonna get RE3 but now that the reviews are out I'm not so sure.
death stranding
ebgames finally had it on sale, luckily 2 days before they shut down completely
im lucky since theres no games this year worth buying so i can work on my backlog
doom,AC and ff7 are all ruined franchises now and im glad i wasnt gonna buy them
I feel bad for you and your clearly impaired brain if you choose the gameplay of death standing over doom.
1 is the bottomless depths of KOJIMA wank in a walking sim
The other is probably the best handling shooter since titanfall 2 with a bunch of lore autism and memes on top.
Learning first tekken in two decades with my Space Robot Ninja boi.
doom was only good back in the day
doom 2016 and this new one arent doom at all
if you played the originals at all growing up you would know this but i know you werent even alive during those times
Not him but I still play classic Doom and am still discovering new WADs, but I enjoyed 2016 and Eternal as well. It's "not Doom" but it's still worth playing.
Nah. I played plenty of doom, doom II, and quake. But those games still exist and people still make WADs for them if you want more of the same.
The new games evoke similar feelings to the old and carry them forward with new mechanics. They aren't perfect but they are a hell of a lot better than most shit these days.
But trying to be a smug faggot is obviously a bigger priority on Yas Forums than enjoying good vidya.
i did want to give doom 2016 a try but cant find it and they didnt release the GH version in Canada for some fucked up reason they havent even said
it's prolly an ok shooter but it aint my DOOM
shut up retard you’re actually slow
correction: trannies are insanely popular with shitposting
You just dublicate and spam this pic like the autistic underaged faggot you are
that's meta narrative at work right there
Well, I'm playing bannerlord right now, I'm going to be playing valorant in a few hours as the final round of the closed beta shuts down in prep for the "closed" beta in a week. I'll probably play that loads once there are more people. If only because most people don't know the maps and callouts and shit, it'll be like playing cs:go at launch again, what a blast of a time that was.
Maybe I'll make some friends too. Probably not though. Been looking for a game to play where I can meet other people, but it's pretty tough. Find an occasional group of nice dudes in warzone, but they never want to keep playing, find people I mesh with in league, turns out they were just waiting for their 5th to get on, just... Impossible. There's nowhere to fit in anymore.
all the salty nudoomers
Enjoy your kojimbo delivery man autism sim
most of the assholes playing this game are 40 percenters dickless fucks using the customization to insert sodomy and groom kids.
i think "it was a fat loser playing the video game haha" tops "mario eat mushroom he trippy balls haha" for most unoriginal and uninspired vidya punchline possible
i will thank you
its as comfy as animal crossing
Alyx and Doom are oddly comfy during this time because at least the happening we're experiencing isn't a fraction as bad as the ones portrayed in those games
Good choice.
>source: my ass
I've been currently playing Nioh while slowly doing a Nightmare run on D44M. Feels good to slowly go through the game, instead of rushing it like my first playthrough.
nu-doom was trying to recreate the feeling of frenetic action you needed to take in the old dooms. They succeeded if a few other things fell off at least gameplay wise they did right, you never stop moving, you're never safe until all the demons are dead and you shoot at demons. Anyone who doesn't like it is just a shitter.
>you never stop moving, you're never safe until all the enemys are dead and you shoot at enemys
wow so they did the most basic thing that's the core of all shooters
>wow so they did the most basic thing that's the core of all shooters
Were talking about the feeling of it, in too many shooters you walk slow enough that you can't really avoid shit, the point is that the player should never feel safe enough to sit still, which is what the shitters complain about because they're used to being able to line up shots against opponents who might miss. nu-doom says fuck that and just lets the monsters shit all over you if you play slowly and suck at aiming.
Too poor to afford a switch so I've been playing a lot of slime rancher
It's just as comfy to be honest
I just bought romancing saga 3 and I have no idea what I’m in for.
remove aim assist from nudoom on console and see if they continue to defend it
This was pretty good but I'm sure you can fit even more buzzwords in a single post, try again.
bannerlord for the foreseeable future probably until FF7R and then back to bannerlord
not nearly as much anal probing as rosa2, but still a good amount. Don't spoil it for yourself, play who you want to play, and enjoy it, try figuring things out on your own before you go balls deep in a walkthrough, because you'll probably reach that point eventually anyway.
slay the spire is a classic
dude just go on twitter