Besides the complex motives of Zero Time Dilemma, I still love it
Besides the complex motives of Zero Time Dilemma, I still love it
Carlos just massively elevates the whole thing
Life is simply unfair.
You heard me, shoot me!
Don't worry, I won't die!
If you like Zero Escape, allow me to recommend some batshit time travel Krautkino
what am I looking at?
There are moments when a single bat can make the world go extinct
what a horrible name for a show.
Is it more like the saw-parts for zero escape where people die in terrible ways or the people discussing philosophical questions while in a terrible situation?
Dude alien fax machine lmao
I still love ZE.
ZTD I am indifferent to.
I don't get it, why did she take Phi and Sigma to the surface knowing full well they were infected with radical6? What a shit attempt to link back to vlr
ZTD was OK. Delta was a literal casual filter because fans are too smooth brained to realize there was foreshadowing without hammering it into your brain.
>character uses cell shading
>gun doesn't
The contrast is irking me.
The latter
Plus lots of time loops & bootstrap paradoxes
what a bold question considering current events has thousands of people act like her
woah... ZTD predicted covid?!?
cool, will give it a shot
>Dude you can see the shadow of his wheelchair in one shot
Sigma and Delta had ZERO interaction for the entire game what the fuck, I would beat my son's ass right there and then
Zero never calls it a nonary game, if you pay attention you can spot that the number of the game is 10 and Sean is never called Q
so who is best girl?
Phi did nothing wrong
Luna is objectively best girl
I love Zero Escape but the end of ZTD was such a let down. Oh, we're just going to work hard to make the future worthwhile? Good job Sigma and Akane didn't bother to put the effort in for the LAST 60 YEARS or anything.
>the number of the game is ten
then Phi
Deci = 10
Sucks to be in one of those doomed timelines really.
Not exactly a happy ending. Earth was double murdered, like, ten times. Just because we at the end see one timeline where things *might* be okay doesn't mean shit.
>If you rearrange Zero Time Dilemma you get Me? Im Zero Im Delta
Akane. She was an unlikeable old cunt in the VLR timeline but they redeemed her in ZTD by getting her machiavellian side and her cute side to mesh well together. Knowing she cares enough to instantly go chainsaw crazy after Junpei is killed really wins her major points in my book.
If you played 999 everything revolves about the number 9.
In ZTD it subtly revolves about the number 10
I actually laughed, user u cheeky cunt
Who is worst girl, Lotus or Alice?
Alice without a doubt
Alice, no contest.
You could've said "Alice or Mira" and there might've been some contention, but even then, Alice is irredeemable shite.
would still smash
I mean Mira is bad but she isnt so annoying or a spiteful cunt like Lotus and Alice
Is eric considered a simp?
Idubbbz pls
exactly. Mira's just a murder-autist there for the sake of danger.
Alice was a bitch who didn't do anything a computer couldn't have.
Why do ZE big tiddie women have to be worst personality. Truly the japs are on to something
Clover, fuck that thot
I think in Alice's case they forgot to actually write her as not an asshole and by the time they realized they had to, 90% of her interactions were her being a jackass, which in turn makes her otherwise legit fear after she's cured fall right on its face
had she been written to be a bit more sympathetic to others, her saying she'd understand if Sigma murdered her then and there would've had a greater impact
I think most people were wondering why he didn't take her up on it lmao
honestly seems like she was written by someone else entirely - even her 'special skill' is half-assed
Reminder that Uchikoshi is a fucking hack and predicted the future, fuck Kojima
>Build up the All Ice mystery all through 999
>End the game with a shot of Alice in the desert
>VLR sinks all that buildup with a throwaway line of, yeah lmao people say I look like an Egyptian princess
>Never mentioned again even by Junpei or Clover
What the fuck
>he hasn't played the Infinity series
Imagine missing out on Kino11, one of the best VNs Uchikoshi was ever involved with.
Carlos is great, but I was dissapointed that he was exactly what you initially think he is. In a series where most characters have layers to them that aren't immediately apparent, Carlos was just "brave fire fighter who wants to save his sister" from start to finish, he just gained superpowers along the way.
Also I liked ZTD too, but I still find it bizarre that VLR was about Sigma learning to SHIFT, yet he only does it once the entire game.
Fuck you, I noticed basically all the blatant foreshadowing to him, and I passed it off as it being something else. It was shit writing, simple as that. The only good foreshadowing is his status being alive during the ending where Sigma and Diana fuck.
I prefered Ever17 plot but Remember11 has better characters. How do Never7 and 12Riven stand up to them?
Also, Root Double is great too.
>my SHIFT connection's been cut...
i'm still mad
To be fair, 999 was originally just a stand alone game. the Alice stuff was just meant to be a mysterious stinger, not some major plot point
The graphics were shitty enough that the occasional shadow could easily be dismissed as a lighting bug. ZTD would've been much better and also cheaper if it was a 2D game with high quality 3D models like VLR. They could've communicated the same things by having a few still renders of rooms like they did for VLR
eh, if he didnt try then Somnium files would have looked like trash too
Honestly, Alice showing up at the end of the first game was fucking kino. Even before starting VLR I knew it would amount to nothing, but it was just such a great way to end the game.
so do we know what uchikoshi is working on next? haven't been keeping up
Never7 adds some interesting lore to the series in the final route, however it isn't as interesting as the other games and is mostly a dating sim with sci-fi elements that isn't as plot focused. 12Riven is technically part of the Integral series rather than Infinity, but it's still in the same universe and was written by Uchikoshi. No translation sadly, it was cancelled because the fan translators went official.
>Also, Root Double is great too
I liked Root A as well as Root B's ending, the rest was shit sadly. The true route is supposed to be the most exciting part, not a horrible, uninteresting, poorly paced slog.
He's in a company with Kodaka (creator of Danganronpa) their newest project is March Death Club which is a death game with children, and they're also working on another death game which I think is live action?
I loved it too
I didn't go into it like others did I guess, expecting some gigantic huge brain epic thing. I played it and loved it, only thing I didnt like was the choices could've been a lot more impactful.
I also didn't pay a penny on it and pirated the 3ds version when it leaked early so