Shoot a red barrel

>shoot a red barrel
>it explodes

Attached: megu7.png (640x361, 167.35K)

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I agree it's always satisfying

>explode a shoot red
>It barrels

>accidentally hits a gas can with a knife
>it doesn't explode
>it explodes

Attached: 170px-Stalker_Fest_2009_(3977738233).jpg (170x215, 13.13K)

>Be colourblind.
>Suddenly explode and die randomly.
>Turns out the barrel I was standing next to was one of the 'red' ones, not one of the 'other red' ones.
Fuck this trope.

>shoot a red barrel
>it bleeds

Attached: 1555675429693.png (1060x717, 755.99K)

>add a red barrel
>Cave Johnson is pleased

Attached: 1584254220433.jpg (1280x720, 61.15K)

>white barrel

Attached: 1561518915225.png (729x767, 643.61K)

I have a friend that has the same problem as you, he sees green and red as the same colour
>Be user's friend
>Playing WoT circa 2015
>Suddenly tank comes out of nowhere
>Check icon
>It's 'green' lol
>Guess it's an enemy since it's aiming at me
>'You have been banned for repeated instances of friendly fire'

>shoot a blue barrel
>it implodes

Attached: 1561230129810.jpg (720x775, 48.26K)

>shoot a barrel of water or some fluid
>it streams out for a while
>shoot the lowest part of the barrel
>it continues streaming the rest out

>shoot a barrel
>bullet ricochets and hits another guy
Real life is a meme

>Far away birds circling in the background
>shoot one
>explodes into a puff of feathers

Attached: 1579871347870.jpg (250x250, 7.64K)

Red is fire barrel
Yellow is explosive barrel

>strap explosives to arrows
>fire them off with wild abandon
>free explosions

Attached: EXPLOSION.png (505x663, 685.94K)

>Shoot a red barrel
>(You) explode

Attached: EQ7CHDnU4AA1H6v.png (122x132, 6.31K)

>shoot a regular barrel
>it explodes

Attached: fuck.jpg (300x300, 64.2K)

>carry enough blast arrows to become extremely overweight
>fill all party members with blast arrow
>use tenfold skill

Not even death can escape my onslaught of explosions and stunlocks.

>shoot a barrel
>its full of fish

>Playtest game
>See red barrel
>Shoot it
>Doesn't explode
>Write it down in my notes and impressions
>Two weeks later red marks explode
>Spectacular effects, visual and sound
>About the best explosion I've ever seen in vidya
>Soon after dev apologizes to be
>Says he doesn't have the time to implement it as a mechanic
>Removes explosion
>Recolors barrels grey
Kinda disappointed, but at least there's a cool thunderstorm.

Attached: antisatifying.gif (320x177, 2.64M)

>shoot megumi
>she explodes

Attached: 1581602504044.gif (540x676, 1.4M)

i wish you would explode weeb

what game has implosions?

Attached: 1585159311546.gif (300x169, 1.2M)

>shoot computer, chair, storage crate
>they explode

Attached: james bond.jpg (1600x1066, 136.02K)

GOD megumin is so fucking cute i just want to mating press her

>shoot yellow barrel
>it moans

Attached: 7b59faf3150dd89ca496de6984381963.jpg (474x632, 42.26K)

it was the best


>shoot blue barrel
>it starts leaking water

Attached: image_proxy.jpg (474x711, 38.58K)

It's shit. Better lately since more games have started putting in at least UI options.

>Friends convince me to play LoL with them because they have shit taste.
>Complain and rage endlessly about Lux's ultimate being an instant-kill laser that goes off instantly with no warning and how unbalanced it is.
>Teammates and enemy team rightly call me a scrub which only pisses me off more.
>They add a map other than the one plagiarized from DOTA.
>Oh, look, turns out it actually gives you enough warning time that even the roundest amerifat could roll out of the way on their mobility scooter, it was just invisible to me against the green background.

>Avoid the red searchlight/targeting laser!
>Literally just pass the controller to GF to clear that section for me the instant I see anything of the sort and green/brown are the dominant environment colours.

>GTAV online.
>Moment I start winning a deathmatch this shitty green filter covers the screen.
>Makes my visibility drop to almost zero because all I can see is green cum oozing down the camera.
>Almost impossible to win any FFA deathmatch because the instant I start winning I'm blinded.

>Any modern shooter.
>Get shot.
>Red jam covers the screen.
>Games predominantly take place with people wearing green/brown uniforms in green/brown environmnts.
>Getting shot makes everyone invisible!

>Borderlands 2
>'Uncommon' and 'Mega ultra special snowflake rarity' are the same colour.
>Drops are shared between all players in the game.
>Kill invincibles for a week online without ever getting a single legendary rarity item because everyone else loot ninjas them instantly while I have to go from 'green' item to 'green' item checking their flavor text individually and hope I manage to spot one before the other three players snatch them all up.

you didnt make anythig in that image, just a vessel of borrowed creativity. you are nothing but a hollow vector with no soul

my wife Lalatina is so cute

>Enemy shoots red barrel near you

Attached: 450645DC-27DF-4F10-B2BF-A285280A1D89.jpg (963x569, 53.85K)

>shoot blue barrel
>it screeches

Attached: kazumaaaaa.png (1280x720, 980.53K)

>shoot a green barrel
>it explodes

Attached: doomsquint.png (277x264, 21.33K)

>shoot a black barrel
>it corrodes

Attached: bruce.png (133x167, 60.14K)

there's a colorblind toggle in LoL, did it help you?

i too watch retroahoy

There is? Mayne I shouldn't have had a melt down and just checked first

No. That changes the UI colours, but it doesn't actually change the colour of any models/textures/effects.
I think they actually did change Lux's ult's effect after I raged on the forums, but I'd wised up and moved on to better games by that point.

>shoot barrel
>it doesn'e explode
>strap c4 onto it
>throw barrel into enemies and use the detonator
>now it explodes!

Attached: 1546403746652.jpg (388x254, 31K)

try to contain your faggotry, yeah?

>shoot green barrel
>it dies

>barrels can be used to fly across the world

Attached: file.png (273x332, 165.85K)

That was a good movie
I want to suck on Sylvia's tits.

>shoot barrel
>it's a completely static prop and doesn't even move

Remember to play Kazuma's game.

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>Game lets you use nuclear weapons
Mushroom clouds are beautiful

Attached: pobrane.jpg (183x275, 6.49K)

>press e on misaligned wall
>you found a secret

Attached: 1583099417580.jpg (370x398, 9.73K)

>press on a wall for 12 hours
>you become qpu aligned

Attached: 2582D642-13E1-4FB1-BD46-D6CBA0F4F51E.jpg (480x360, 18.65K)

>pierce brosnan burger your sister
>she explodes

Attached: Happening.jpg (360x270, 22.85K)

>bondburger your sister
>she explodes

Attached: misaligned.jpg (800x2334, 328.12K)

I want to suck on sylvia's something else

>shoot blue barrel
>does nothing

Good, colorblind faggots should be reminded of their handicap all the time until they accept that life was a bitch to them and try consuming media they actually can consume.