What went wrong? And why did it get so much hype?
What went wrong? And why did it get so much hype?
Sounded good on paper until people realised that the optimal way to play is to hide like a bitch until they reached stage 3
Walking simulator piece of shit
The reason for the hype was mainly due to the devs of L4D being behind the game's creation and the idea of being this big scary monster hunting down people was pretty neato.
This was a time before games like Dead by Daylight came around to so it was a relatively new thing. But then the marketing for some reason try to push it as a new wave of e-sports which was fucking retarded. The fact the game came out as full price with very little content and micro-transactions just being skins for your guns/monsters didn't help.
It's a fucking shame, because I joined in when they made the game f2p but it didn't save it. I liked the character interactions and the monsters, particularly the Gorgon I fucking love her RIP. Now Dead by Daylight holds the asymmetrical crown and nobody has been able to contest it for years despite the game's various shortcomings.
>Monster is weak until finally evolving to the point to bring the pain to the hunters
That's literally the fucking point. The entire flow of the game was supposed to be the Hunters trying to kill the monster before it manages to fully evolve, because that's when it could conceivably smash them.
In practice though, Hunters were extremely OP, and it was basically impossible for a monster to beat an organized premade hunter team; but even a half decent monster could EASILY pubstomp random hunters.
Especially with Goliath. God I loved Goliath.
Did they ever make a monster v monster mode?
Ignoring the DLC fiasco, it's extremely difficult to balance asymmetrical games when both sides have the goal of killing each other. Successful asymmetrical games like Dead by Daylight have both sides having different objectives to make balance easier
>What went wrong?
They turned a fun side min game mode into a full fleshed game.
>And why did it get so much hype?
Same devs as the ones from Left 4 Dead 1/2 while that franchise's success was still fresh in people's minds.
completely imbalanced
I would intentionally get caught just to murder them with that fucking meteor smash. It did so much damage
Wasn't the launch of this game a complete shitshow? I remember most content being sold as DLC on top of the initial $60 purchase.
Publishers and developers got greedy and stupid. Base game was too expensive and with too little content. Expensive day 1 DLC that should have been part of the base game. Bad progress and unlock system. Bad monster balance.
Yeah? The monster is meant to avoid the hunters so that they can reach stage 2 and 3 and become stronger.
it was a fun game ruined by one bad decision after another.
It was fun with friends in the beta. Shame they dumbed it down with the F2P release and its subsequent death.
Wasn't it full cost for a shitty "game" that had no content? and when it went F2P it was P2W as fuck
Nice try. You get a winstreak even if you play against bots. It's impossible to win 500 times in a row against actual players.
Yes, the base game plus all the DLC on launch cost 136 dollars.
first week F2P Wraith was the most broken monster to ever exist. I saw several players with 50-200 win streaks because you could just stand underneath the dropship and kill all the hunters as they spawned
Stop posting about this, please. It was and probably still is my favorite game of all time and I'll never be able to play it again.
Awful, awful marketing and monetizing scheme that caused the first big backlash on such things.
Gameplay that's inherently appealing to a much, much more niche subset of players than a AAA title could support. The combat balance was VERY delicate and the asymmetric sneaking downtime required way too much presence of thought (and cooperation) for the average player not to drop it quickly. The learning curve probably discovered many, like fighting game if one of the team is even somewhat more comfortable with the game they're overwhelmingly likely to win hard, and if ONE hunter fucked up it could cost them the game.
>be an insider back then
>work closely with 2ks marketing team
>the guy lets me in on the scoop
>the project was actually bought by 2k for $50 mil
>that wasnt even marketing expenses
it was a bigger flop than people know about.
This. The devs themselves made comment on how they missed this problem while playtesting.
In internal playtests, the devs optimized for "having fun," which meant they would roleplay as the hunters and monsters and only play in a certain way that was fun. However, in actual play, most players optimize for "winning," which means they would play the game in a way completely different from what devs expected, and end up not having fun.
50 mil for that shit?
At launch it was another game where you had to use coms and friends to win against the monster. You were easily doomed to lose if 1 of your random team members didn't do their job.
Damage dealer does low damage and doesn't use their tools (such as mines and grenades) correctly? Monster wins
Trapper doesn't track and trap the monster? Monster wins.
Medic doesn't heal? Monster wins
Support doesn't use their support tools? Monster wins.
seems like the new predator hunt game had a better approach since the fire team has to focus on doing various side-missions and then try to get out while the predator has to try to stop them. the result is that there's less time spent running around chasing some hiding pussy monsters and more time actively getting shit done and trying to survive. shame they supposedly messed up the execution, haven't played it though
I couldnt believe it either. we were in a meeting with 6 other people in the room, me being the only person that gave a shit about video games, I was flabbergasted. he also told me GTA V was coming to pc, this was around release time.
Is Turtle Rock indie now?
Pretty much this. It felt like the game was 100% built around Goliath, which led to great matches, but the others were fucking stupid. Kraken could fly around and keep everybody at bay permanently, and Wraith could instagib everybody with her FPS-dropping slash flurry.
They left it imbalanced for.. three months? and by that time the community was pretty much dead. And then they released a preorder exclusive monster that was basically invincible, so that was nice.
Turtle Rock was always Indie. L4D was supposed to be an Indie budget shooter, than Valve got excited about it and bought them out to acquire the IP and gut them of their best devs. The devs that weren't happy about the situation worked out a deal with Valve where Valve got to keep L4D and in exchange the devs that wanted to leave could break off and reform Turtle Rock.
Gotcha whats up with that other game they have been working on? Seems to be on the Dead Island 2 development hell boat
And now they are working on a new L4D game, right? Something called Back 4 Blood. Not much is known about it yet.
balance was complete shit
a good hunter team kills an equally good monster in 99/100 times
and if you buff the monster it wrecks noob teams 99/100 times
its just fucking retarded
Why the fuck do people keep asking for this, it would be trash and completely opposite of the lore.
>opposite of the lore.
And? Nobody gives 2 shits about the lore of evolve.
Why do people keep making these threads as if they don't know what happened?
Asymmetrical games a nightmare to balance, and I doubt it could be perfectly balanced. And these clowns wanted to be the next "hardcore esport" with it.
Interesting. Which of those devs left? Do you remember some sources on that, or dates/events/names?
Pic was the real problem. All the problems could have been fixed in a few months at MOST if the publishers didn't have them pump the game with retarded amounts of microtransactions. Good luck getting people to trust you after that. On that note, Back for Blood better be good.
Their mistake was trying to balance it for an esport instead of balancing it for regular players.
EA do it all the time and they still sell millions of games every year.
Because the DLC fiasco but also:
>The Wraith being a complete and utter bullshit monster. Literally impossible to lose with due to the fact that her decoy and invisibility were so powerful.Took forever to officially nerf
>the Kraken, after it was finally buffed, had a glitch where it could fly constantly or something. It could do a move where it surrounds itself with electricity and since it could fly forever it could spam this move with little to no consequences. If things got rough they could fly faster than the hunters could run.
>behemouth was weak due to a hitbox glitch maling him recieve more damage iirc.
Honestly, the character chemistry blew most games out of the water even with what little dialogue there was.
>What went wrong?
Unbalanced fighting game tier whore bullshit.
>It's just that easy.
>In practice though, Hunters were extremely OP, and it was basically impossible for a monster to beat an organized premade hunter team; but even a half decent monster could EASILY pubstomp random hunters.
This is partially what killed it for me. A coordinated team of hunters were impossible to deal with
>Constantly on your ass and chipping your health down, very difficult to eat enough to evolve to stage 3
>No chance of catching any of them alone, they always stick together
>Once the actual fight starts they stay spread out just enough so you can't hit multiple people at once
>If you attack the healer, the shielder shields them and assault+trapper attack you
>If you attack the shielder, the healer heals them, and assault+trapper attack you
>If you attack the trapper or assault they're shielded and healed
Basically a good team could ensure you can't deal any significant damage, and while you're trying to down one of them they're chipping away at your health the whole time.
For me personally? I had to snort that fun cocaine as playing the trapper if I wasn't playing monster queue. A shame that nobody can keep the fuck up with the monster but me, and a one on one with that is a no go. Players were just bad mostly, but when you got the squad it was legit. For one week I had 3 buds to hunt monsters with and it was incredible. Then it died
I'm just waiting to see if their new game is going to be any good. It's called Back For Blood, and it's supposedly a spiritual successor to left 4 dead
Yeah, that was part of my point. You can have a fun asymmetrical game, maybe almost balance it, but trying to make it the next esport is plainly retarded. Specially without a established playerbase. Again, greedy publishers and devs never learn.
Imagine buying this game to play as the people. Should've just made a monster eat your way up the foodchain simulator Kraken Chad's get the fuck in here
Back for Blood is either dead or stuck in development hell. No news since forever.
>they always stick together
This makes it easy to juke them, though.
its not l4d, its under another name and publisher.
I thought all the cheaters used a name spoof thing while they were cheating because almost every single cheater had just square boxes as player name
but then I found out the game didnt support russian letters
They made hunters too strong and had to make the monsters strong from the start while removing everything interesting from the map to compensate. Of course none of this fixed the eternal problem of asymmetrical games: if you balance around voice communication then pubs have almost no chance to win against the lone guy if he's good, if you balance around pubs then the lone guy gets absolutely decimated by voice users every single time.
>I thought they were cheaters but then I found out they were cheaters
I kinda wish that Hunters also had power scale, not with upgrades like the monster, but with setting traps and defending the generator. Instead they can just pepper the monster constantly. Dome was overpowered as fuck and needed a longer cooldown.
Too much skill disparity between the players
At low level monster stomp everything
At high level hunters cant lose
But a coordinated group easily shits on a stage 3 monster.
Most of that DLC was pallet swaps however
based and redpilled. 2k was the cancer that doomed evolve.
I figured. Hopefully we hear something before 2021
This, I dunno why people are meming about lvl3 monsters being unkillable. Even at level 3, a hunter squad is still nigh invulnerable with shield memes. Like maybe if you didn't take a single hit the entire time its doable. I don't like how Trackers have a instant ping of your location from the start of the map. Trying to make confusing tracks or using water does literally nothing.
This was so sad.
Can we get an F?
not even me. It is also entirely possible to go on a 500 game winstreak. The balance was that bad.
Did anyone else forget how fucking awful they were with patching the game? It took them two months to release the first balance patch on PC. Apparently they had an exclusivity deal with consoles where they weren't allowed to patch the game on other platforms before they patched it on one of their console versions, I'm not sure for which one. A lot of the major balance issues on release remained unaddressed for quite a while. That behavior was already archaic in 2015, it was pretty much expected of competitive multiplayer games to patch important issues within a week or two.
It was actually hilarious how much you could just cheese pub hunts as the Monster. As Kraken you could just max out your mines with the skillpoints you got at stage 1, stay at spawn and drop them where the Hunters would land, then ambush them when they reached the ground by also bombarding them with regular attacks. It would sometimes wipe an entire squad almost immediately. Even if you only managed to down one or two of them, the remaining players would usually have to scatter because it was easy for you to prevent them from picking up their teammate. The downed players would eventually have to wait for the respawn timer on the ship which allowed you to do whatever you wanted on the map. 2-3 players running after you is usually not a threat if you can just drop mines everywhere. If you managed to get the trapper they can't force you to fight. If you got the medic then they don't want to trap you because you can easily wipe them. If you get the assault they can still annoy you but probably not deal any significant damage. If you get the support they can't stop you from just focusing down the trapper or medic. It was basically a cheese which, in case of not achieving a full party wipe, allowed you to transition into a regular game with the upside of crippling the hunters from the start. And that's just what the game ended up being. You pick a cheese strategy and win every single game as monster.
I played after f2p. The dominant strat was to evolve once before ship landed, then sit under the dropzone and smach the fuck out of hunters the instant they touched down. You could do this with any monster but Goliath was the best since he has the best base stats. Your best bet was to fight the hunters before you're whittled down that's why this worked. You could even do this with the titty monster if you maxed clone. Absolute joke.
The game was never meant for competitive anything. It worked best when both teams weren't trying to game the shit out of the mechanics and instead were just playing to dunk the shit out of the other. And when it worked, it was great, tight games were amazing, but they were a minute fraction of the rest, and there was many more losses that just petered out for one team or the other due to things like one hunter misjudging their jetpacks boosts once and getting slammed for it or a lucky dome in the right place.
Even DBD is still too restrained in similarity by the limitation of matches.
>Tfw there will never be a gamemode in dbd where the killer remains in a persistent trial where survivors filter in and out over time
The monster only gets like 20 seconds head start. Not enough time to evolve to stage 2 and then get to the drop zone.
>The game was never meant for competitive anything
There isn't a single game that became an e-sport intentionally. Stop chasing this wild goose.
I was never more bored playing a game.