>80 GB of outdoor world
>99% of time spent queue'ing for instances in the capital city

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Raiders ruined MMOs

Queues ruined MMOs.


Being a raiderfag should not come in detriment of being able to enjoy the world. Fuck min maxing and tunnelvision, exploring is better than whacking a pinata every week.

Dailies ruined MMOs

>Experience a zone once
>Almost never have a reason to revisit it
simple problem that ruins every mmo

MMO progression should be more about player skill and forgo leveling. New equipment and abilities are side grades that give gameplay options and customization to let players design their character exactly how they want, not outright upgrades. This would inherently make all content in the game last forever, no zones or enemies would become redundant.

Blame Blizzard and the normalfag drones they brought to genre.

RO literally solved that 19 years ago.

>most casual genre know to man
>should be more about player skill

>only do dailies and weeklies
>why am i only doing dailies and weeklies i have nothing to do!

yeah, casuals ruin everything, whats your point?

ToS has reasons to visit areas and play outside the dailies which is nice, I like it.

MMOs were ruined to begin with

>casuals ruin everything
Normalfags ruined the genre. MMOs were made and played by casuals since the start.

Normalfags are the reason everyone remembers old MMOs so fondly, like it or not you need normalfags so that your community doesn't turn into entirely autists.

>normalfags played UO and RO

Name an mmo where exploring is actually rewarding

Entirely autists are the best communities to have. I will take the tf2 community any day over the normalfags playing league of legends

07/OSRS is the best MMO and basically no other MMO can compete.


there isn't one in the sense that people usually complain about it, which is "hidden stuff to find like it's a singleplayer game"

There's no reason why you can't have both vertical and horizontal progression added to an MMO's endgame over time.

You need a static endgame to get horizontal progression that's worth a goddamn.

they didn't care about mmos until vanilla wow. everquest came close but the average person still didn't have the patience for it

Yeah and then you're playing a MMO with 16 classes and nobody will let you play with them because you're not one of the top 3 dps and the battle will take 3 seconds longer.

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies

Chances you don't fully understand the words, "vertical", "horizontal" and "progression".

>grinman does 0.08% more damage than cockmongler (in the simulations)
>cockmongler is ignored by everybody and deemed as useless
Every time. Guess is time to cry for Cockmongler buffs on the furum or, even better, Reddit.

tf2 is casual fun times and league is angry scapegoat time like every moba, the community will always mirror the game/genre

the biggest sweatlords I've ever seen were in tf2 back in 2011-2013

There are many things that killed the genre, but instance queues are the absolute biggest thing by a massive margin

It literally is

I pity you for not finding a good server of bros on a casual 24/7 2fort server

The genre was already dead when they decided to start to instance things during late EQ.

Gear based power progression is a system that should stay only in "looter" games.

oh yeah, hitting up a teamspeak server with the boys was comfy times, but playing solo pubs back then for me was a headache. Nothing but whiny assholes

>some sperg bitches about "too many snipers"
>immediately switch to sniper
That's the best part of playing pubs.

My favorite part is killing friendly heavies

>open world game
>has fast travel
>or even worse, teleportation
Cancer in MMORPGs, and in singleplayer games.

Attached: americop.jpg (1024x654, 111.45K)

>guy playing as a female character assumes I'm a girl for playing aa female character

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WoW has not been an MMO for a long time. Ever since MoP or so, I would classify WoW as a 3rd person shooter with light RPG elements.

>"hidden stuff to find like it's a singleplayer game"
Retail WoW actually does have that though. There's lots of hidden secrets out in the world, though they're mostly just toys/vanity items/achievements that have no impact on gameplay so there's not much reason to go and find them unless you're specifically trying to get all of them or something.

>grinman does 0.08% more damage than cockmongler (in the simulations)
>cockmongler is ignored by everybody and deemed as useless

Literally the cancer that kills mmo.

>if i don't do 95% of the game i have nothing to do!
Play other games, Christ.
Playing Spy when there's a friendly heavy on one team or the other is an absolute blast, you can get both teams to distrust the heavy if you disguise as him and then sneak in some free kills.

Specially when retards keep playing the "OP" classes and still manage to underperform. Fucking MMO players m8

>modern MMO
>95% of the game is overworld

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Do something that isn't queuing for raids and dungeons, and don't dodge the point.
>but what is there to do!
Clearly if this is what you think after removing queues/raids from the equation you aren't actually looking for anything to do in the game

I see you've never actually played a modern "mmo" like FFXIV

Are you stupid? There's plenty to do, I was thinking primarily of FFXIV even.
>Crafting, gathering, crafting requires materials gained from gathering which forces you out into the overworld. Avoiding the gathering component of it by buying mats from other players costs a large amount of gil over time
>Treasure maps with other players force you out into the overworld and often encourage you to traverse the entire zone for aether currents to be able to fly there
>Fishing has its own "raids" now
>Upgrading artifact weapons forces you into the overworld in between dungeons and some unique trials
>Diadem was recently retooled into a gatherer-oriented area
>Eureka is a massive explorable area that has punishments for dying
>Game has a heavy social element through housing and roleplay scenes, to the contrary of Yas Forums mumbling through random-queue dungeons and complaining nobody talks
You are deliberately avoiding things to do

Tibia and lots of other old mmorpgs

sorry officer

>Treasure maps with other players force you out into the overworld and often encourage you to traverse the entire zone for aether currents to be able to fly there
Pointless except for cosmetics and gil which is also pointless except for cosmetics
>Upgrading artifact weapons forces you into the overworld in between dungeons and some unique trials
Outdated content, pointless except for cosmetics
>Eureka is a massive explorable area that has punishments for dying
Outdated content, pointless except for cosmetics
>Game has a heavy social element through housing and roleplay scenes
That alone isn't gameplay, the social aspect is a lot more interesting when the world has an actual sense of purpose and scale and location

Crafting/gathering is literally the only other thing to do and I already maxed everything, and even that feels pretty dull and non-MMO since you just fast travel everywhere

XIV's core gameplay is standing in cities and waiting in queues and you're delusional or baiting if you think otherwise

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>that doesn't count!
>that doesn't count!
>that doesn't count!
>that doesn't count!
Holy fucking shit, user.

>that doesn't count for [legitimate reasons I'm ignoring lalallaa I can't hear you lalalalala]
Concession accepted!

>legitimate reasons
They aren't user and you know it, Eureka isn't outdated until Bozja Citadel releases (who the hell did Eureka for relics?) and "pointless except for cosmetics" outs you as an ADD raid-whore who can't stand any kind of carrot on a stick that doesn't have stats he can take into Savage. Mind you Savage is itself optional content.

Yes they fucking are. I'm not playing second life, I'm playing an MMO. Cosmetic trash isn't content.

>anyone who wants actual RPG gameplay in their online RPG instead of barbie dollhouse dressup tranny shit is a "raid tranny"
Nice projecting and strawmanning
I don't even want more raids, I just want more gear and combat-oriented endgame content that matters.

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>playing an MMO
>cosmetic trash isn't content
Where have you been the last twenty years?
>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
Fuck's sake get out of my XIV threads and stay out.

Just peeking into the reply chain and I gotta say that you're retarded.

>more gear and combat-oriented endgame content that matters
clearly you don't since you shat on eureka

>farming hats isn't MMORPG content
Are you for real?

Wow you sure showed me

What part of "outdated content" do you not understand? If they add a ShB equivalent it'll be a step in the right direction, but it won't fix the underlying problems.

>Get a chance to play BfA
>Zones are interesting enough, let's see the quests
>Hm okay, basically the same collect 10 bear asses thing but alright now how do I get flying?
>Oh I have to grind rep? Well how hard could that be? You're saying I have to do mindless Tortollan minigames for a week, and there's a daily cap? Well okay I guess
>oh, now I have to do mindless Ankoan quests with an even worse daily cap that solely exists to make people buy more game time? Well fuck alright but this better be worth it
>Ok I'm in Mechagon, this is the final stretch, what do I do here?
>More dailies
>More rep grind
>And this time it's random


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this definitely burnt me the fuck out
I hated this shit. And the fact that you couldn't combine progress from two different chars was just them making the gate that much harder to breach.

This idiot nigga doesn't remember the infinite Krayt Dragon raids.