Describe the previous poster's personality based on his/her favourite games

Journey, P.T., The Witness, Zelda BotW.
Come on, describe me.

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Pretentious twat who tries really hard to get recognition, but deep down is just a pathetic and lonely person who wants friends.

My favorites: Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden 2, Super Mario Galaxy


Dark Souls 3

Surprisingly accurate. Moron.

Which NG2? Makes a difference.
Otherwise, based off the other two, heavily into freedom of exploration and an unabashed lorefag.

360 NG2

faggot OP with bad taste
good dude
good dude with bad taste in Souls games

God Hand
Super Mario Bros 3
Metal Gear (PSX)
Final Fantasy VI
Fallout New Vegas

Based motherfucker that beats the shit out women and loves John Wayne.

Dead Rising, Def Jam FFNY, RE4, and RDR

jaded boomer who spends his time shitting on zoomers on Yas Forums but is slowly realizing that he has become outnumbered

>new vegas
He’s a zoomer

Afro-American, smokes weed.

A facetious but loyal and truth-seeking lover.

My top 4:
Starcraft Brood War
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Halo 2

soi cuck

has already done it so I won't. Here's my list:
Condemned:Criminal Origins.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

New Vegas, Arkham Origins, Ratchet and Clank 1, OG Battlefront II.

Prev poster is a masochist.

>Plays heist game where a vital tool is broken every 5 seconds

>Probably plays nu-DOOM on Ultra Nightmare.

No pain, no gain, user.
ps. Nice taste my guy, R&C1 is kino

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Bible Black
Diablo 2

Cool dude.

Metal Gear Solid 3
Super Mario 64
Deus Ex

A well meaning shut in who spends more time on Yas Forums than he'd like to.

Serious Sam TFE
Doom (original)
Super Metroid
Castlevania SotN

Nostalgia glasses off, I'd probably put Arkham City or even Knight over Origins, but I have fond memories, since it was my first PC title I played on my POS build when I was 13, comprised of scraps from my dad and his friends's older ones.

Yeah I see what you mean. I could've also changed Payday 2 for things like Darkest Dungeon or Pokemon White, but It has a really special place, so I couldn't just ignore it. In spite of its flaws, It's still a very important game to me.

drone with no actual taste
you are one of those guys who fall for the "ebin hard game" meme, even though both Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden aren't really that hard, you just have to figure out the game, after that it is just a walk in the park
a decent fellow
you get a pass from me due to MGS1
>Def Jam FFNY, RE4, and RDR
based nigga
based nigga
a humble fellow who loves Diablo games
based nigga
my faves:
Silent Hill 2
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time
God of War III

Final Fantasy IV
Dark Souls II
C&C Red Alert 1

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He only likes sequels

Self centered retard who can't read

Hitman Blood Money
San Andreas
Talos Principle

MGS 3 and 5
Banjo kazooie
Doom 2016 (probably eternal when I get to it)
Pokemon b2w2

Deus Ex
Ace Combat 5
Shin Megami Tensei

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Who says I have to rate in the same post as my games, negro? Also which Prey? This is important.

Seems cool. Doomer taste. Knows that Ace Combat 5 is better than Zero.

Resident Evil 4, Timesplitters 2, God Hand, Final Fantasy XII, Ratchet and Clank 1.

Dead space 1
LISA (lol)
Silent hill 2-3
Ss13 before all the furfags

The superior one, obviously. nuPrey.

>every "favorite games ever" thread
>Resident Evil 4 is always mentioned several times

Man, I honestly wish I understood the massive appeal. Not even memeing, I sincerely wish I enjoyed it as much as so many of you guys.

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Broody likes to sit in the dark. Can do so for hours without sunlight. None the less still not fat.
World at War
Smash Melee
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 7

ok boomer

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It's nice to see a fellow of culture in the shithole that is Yas Forums.

>hurrr he no like same game as me, he stoopid!

The irony of you posting that image while literally unable to comprehend that others have opinions that differ from yours is truly beautiful.

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Vampire the masquerade bloodlines, crusader kings, mount and blade, total war games.

TF2, FEAR, New Vegas, Super Mario Galaxy, Dusk.

You guys have to answer for the previous person as well dont be selfish


>Likes shooters that have unique atmosphere.
>Also likes games with unique color palettes

Age of Empires

Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
God Hand
almost normalfag, too old to be browsing Yas Forums

>describe other user's personality
>post my favorite games
>nobody tries to describe my personality

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Underage trying hard to fit in, like those "le wrong generation kids"

Final fantasy IX

Good taste in campy horror games and loves RPGs despite struggling to finish the longer ones

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pretty normal, doesn't talk to his coworkers about videogames too often, has a battlestation/game room that he's proud of

>Timesplitters 2
>Hollow Knight

My bad.
Late 90's-Early 2000's boomer with a preference of dark but not super edgy aesthetic.
You really like swords.

my negros

Its ok buddy! and you got me just right I love dark games but i also love bright colors as well. Melee on a big Trinitron through a haze of weed smoke is probably one of my better gaming experiences

respectful boomer who hates modern Steam

SMW2: Yoshi’s Island
also Doom

Great taste in games and loves fun games over anything else. Variety is the spice of life!

Laid-back dude that likes nerd shit, but isn't defined by said nerd shit.

>Anno 1404
>SimCity 4
>Etrian Odyssey 3

Its ok we are gonna make it user ill do yours which post was it?

for some reason i get the impression your body is filled with tattoos

>kotor 2
>no more heroes

Autistic guy who's very socially awkward but not so bad once you get to know him, possible pedophile

Here's my 3x3

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