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literally who

Tetra is a girl tho

Tetra from Legend of Zelda Wind Waker



you never played windwaker?

No, that's Tetra, who is a girl.

won what

Tetra is a man. He transitions into Zelda through magic.

They both lost, just took one longer than the other

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>Tetra now means some dead e-celeb to zooms
Zoom zoom zoomies!

This to be quite frank with you, family. The only thing to take away from all this is that every Eceleb is either a faggot, a cuck, or a pedophile


>patiently waits for idubbbz to ruin his reputation

Absolutely chad

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Theyre both obnoxious faggots. I’ve always disliked idubzz, but honestly couldn’t give less of a shit about this whole controversy. Idubzz has always just been a clout chaser

no I don’t play bad games


Attaboy, Link.

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based beyond all belief

Lord of the Internets: Return of the King

>The only thing to take away from all this is that every Eceleb is either a faggot, a cuck, or a pedophile

i have on the record knowing that a lot of them have eaten their own feces.

him and all the people defending him is fucking amazing and another victim to die a hero or exist long enough to see yourself become a cuck


My nigga

>my gfs pussy is nothing special bro, I value it as much as a truckstop whore pussy
>do you think that being involved with porn in your past will reduce the amount of people who is willing to hire you? you are boomer.
fuckin lmaod at this guy

for like three years everybody knew he was with this camgirl, and only now is it relevant because calling him a cuck is a meme now

People were shitting on his gf since the beginning, just not to this extent

I have no Idea what you fags are talking about, I just see a pic of tetra

how do you know its bad if you never played it? retard

YouTuber shit

Reddit and Youtube cancer attention whoring and cult-like behavior being forcibly injected into this site. That's about it.

Art > E-Celeb shit

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Youtube man is dating some internet whore
Some people are apparently upset so now everyone is trying to be hot shit by calling youtube man "based" and by telling people how they should feel
As if anyone gives a single fuck about youtube man


nothings more fucking annoying than everyone on the internet jumping onto the same joke because they believe they're enforcing some sort of karma or justice about some shit, who gives a fuck what this guy or his girlfriend do

It's easy to meme on and get them sweet internet points on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc. Or appear in a Bowblax video or any other Twitter buzzard's video

>make fun of the emo kid for looking like a Dr. Seuss caricature
>you end up as a pussy who kisses his whore's ass
Who got it worse, lads?

imagine being in a relationship where your gf sells her nude images and being confused as to why your being ripped on

nigga all he wants is some easy gash, im sure he couldnt care less about her as a person


so no new content cop?

i just watched the video and it doesn't seem like he's confused about it, just guess he felt the need to try and control the damage. he seems like the sort of person who can take criticism and jokes it's just people will endlessly repeat it until the end of time because they can "get one up" on the internet funnyman- but no ones being witty or clever by copy pasting the same joke told a million times is my problem, everyone on the internet thinks they're a fucking genius whenever some e-celeb drama like this comes around and it's annoying as shit

More like content cuck

He did a shit job controlling it to be fair, he looked visibly flustered during that video

this was on his video before the comments started getting mass deleted

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I don't see why the internet is giving him a hard time.
He's the one fucking her, the internet is the one jerking off to her. The ones jacking off to her pics are the cucks/simps.
Just sounds like the internet is bored again and looking for a target to gang up on and cancel/throw under the bus.

>justified holocaust



hes emotionally invested in a dime a dozen whore and doesnt want to admit it

yeah i still dont ca-
>justified the holocaust

>your girlfriend sends me nudes for my sexual gratification
>anyone but you is the cuck

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How did she justified the holocaust?

Because he is a public figure and his girlfriend's tits (which he bought) are all over the net for everyone to see. There's also the whole thing about her being a kinda obnoxious

Yeah you're not fucking her, he is. If anything you're the cuck here.

I'm so fucking tired of it. I'm so fucking tired of everything I see being people with a few thousand followers having some ice cold "hot" take on some shit. Yeah journos suck. Yes, MHA fans sometimes say stupid shit. Okay, a man can be in a relationship with a camwhore if he wants. I don't fucking care. Shut the fuck up. Stop making me see you talking about them over and over and over again, or the dicksucking followers you have. Shut the absolute fuck up.

>just mute it lol
I have and then I still see this retarded shit mentioned every single fucking day.

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so youre the one who likes to eat sloppy seconds, i see user

She's not my girlfriend, I get to see her tits for free. You have to pay for and emotionally manage her. Your kids will have their friends shove her pics in their face.

She said many great medical discoveries were made possible by it

why are you even on twitter then?

I remember watching, a year or so ago, a video made by some guy about the rise and fall of Leafy. It was a name I'd seen float around like Markiplier or iDubz but it wasn't one I gave enough of a shit about to actually look up.
Watching videos about him now, it seems like this guy was basically the top dog of Youtube for quite a large period of time.
So how the fuck did I totally miss him? I've been using Youtube as my sole source of video entertainment for over a decade and somehow I totally missed this guy.
Not that I care much. He seems like he was a cunt with a fanbase of young idiots. The Pewdiepie of the mid-2010s, you could say.

Actually, I may have seen a video of his before, without realizing it. I vaguely remember watching a video of a guy talking about high school while he played CSGO surf maps. Was that him?

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link the the video you dumb fags

didn't leafy have some camgirl girlfriend and even had a leaked sex tape with her?

What the fuck else am I going to do with my worthless fucking life? Be here? No fucking thanks.

tfw no fat gf

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Why are you guys unironically and seriously arguing with Discord shills about a topic they are intentionally pushing? You don't actually think you're in equal ground "debating" them, right?

>omg guise i said the funni word again guise

I though the great medical discoveries were made by the japs experiments on the chinese.
Mengele stuff was mostly a child asking what if i did some shit and see what happens.

>many great medical discoveries were made possible by it
Was there though? Genuinely curious.

God Youtube celebrities are so fucking cancer. And the worst part is they have more power than some countries. Their followers will follow and do whatever they say. Its like mini cults.

He didn't return though.

Watch YouTube? Watch movies? Play games? Twitter is made fun of constantly for being filled with terrible opinions


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We had this thread yesterday.

this would be applicable if they were directed specially towards you. This is like saying a woman on a sex hotline is cheating on her husband with you because she calls you at night

>2016 eceleb drama is making a comeback

This video and controversy with his GF aren’t gonna age well.

That was him, you didn't miss shit.
He was popular during the height of the YT-drama era


Yeah that was him, Idubbbz made a content cop on him and was impossible to miss since every big ass YouTuber was talking about it and it would always appear on your feed

nah it just makes her husband a joke

>20 year old game

ok boomers

>you cuck
>no you cuck
>no you
>cuck cuck cuck
>cuck cuckoldry
>cuck cuck
This fucking website

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Really funny how SJWs are stanning him now but magically forgot when he said nigger and when he was always anti-SJW. It's all a big clown farce.

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I'm gonna need a source on this ASAP. Also have had multiple fat GF's. They're amazing

Is Gen Z really this afraid of engaging in any media before their time?

>dime a dozen whore
I dont follow his gf so I have little information on this but arent you exaggerating it a bit

I've never paid any attention to Idubz. I only knew his name, and never anything about him. I didn't even get this thread before opening it.
But what a stupid retard.
Dating a whore is worthy of mockery.

>t. 300lb earthshaker

if you werent paying for the nudes you might have a point

probably you for somehow being less successful than either of them

Do you... not know what a cuck is?

friendly reminder that leafy was the last bastion of freedom and with him died the last bit of "edgy" content, even if it was unfunny
youtube saw their chance to silence leafy after he got btfo and completely sanitized the platform
now both h3h3 and idubbbz got exposed for the faggots that they are
this is the future you chose

I honestly don't care about the drama but it's funny seeing all these kids who treated him like a god and now they feel like he betrayed them or some shit because he's doing things they don't want him to.

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idubbz videos are way edgier than leafy's though

>justified the holocaust
absolutely based

>Link and Zelda/Tetra sail around the Great Sea on adventures after the end of Wind Waker
>literally spend the vast majority of their lives carefree on a boat sailing around being heroes
>probably hit puberty at the same time
>and Tetra can switch between a brown tomboy and a porcelain princess on a whim
Wind Waker Link had the best ending out of all the Links. Ocarina Link had the worst.

hes getting pussy, of course they dont want him to do that. they wanna hate on a nigga for getting his nut, and then say some shit like "hes emotionally invested in her"

>be american
>have no problem with your partner selling her nudes online
>be surprised when most american families fall apart or are dysfunctional

No spoilers, but that's a girl, user.

h3h3 is unironically one of the biggest scumbags of the YT-celeb scene, if you're not counting the people who were exposed as pedos or shit like that.

The game.

He's a libtard so not surprising

>Got to watch eachother gradually get Yas Forums as they aged
>Ruled a new kingdom

Can any other pairing compete? Goddamn.

we still got pewds

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Idubbbz's content was a lot edgier too, also Filthy Frank was making really extreme videos in that era too, like Human Cake

reminder that h3 dropped several million subs in a few months time and regained it back only because he realized he wasn't funny anymore

no-one talks about that

Yeah, it was the future I chose. Leafy is a cunt so now I'm just waiting for keemstar to go then we're good.
They're a bunch of red bar radio ripoffs anyways one being a literal child.

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>Being fine that legions of dudes are jacking off to your gf who sells them her nudes online
I can't think of a bigger red flag for being cheated on. Fucks sake user. Unless he just wants to admit he's a swinger or actual cuckhold he's just going to have deal with being made fun of for having such a weird relationship. Do they even claim to be committed or they doing that gay "friends with benefits" thing that retards like to do?