Are you going to buy my remaster user?

Are you going to buy my remaster user?

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I can’t play as Rosetta because my girlfriend hates her and she’s my favourite character in Mario Kart 8 it’s hard

I’m ready to remasturbate to her l o l

Not unless he's in it.

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Only if there's something actually new about it

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If this ends up being true, I wonder how they would adapt the Space Junk, Sling Pod, and Bubble Breeze Galaxies. Those levels needed the Wiimote pointer, and the Switch doesn't have an equivalent functionality.

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Westerners ruin everything

you know I will dear

wait, remaster of what?

Would you like to go swimming with roselina?

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The joycons probably have more accurate motion controls than the wiimotes

For a shut in space neet, s sure has has nice legs

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i can't swim

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Probably not, I didn't jump at NSMBUDX either. I'd rather not send the message that slightly-improved releases are a suitable replacement for new games.
Also, don't RP, it's super faggy

Rumors are going around that all the 3D Mario games are getting remasters on the Switch.

For gyroscope accuracy, yeah, the JoyCons are probably more accurate. However, the JoyCons don't have the front-facing IR sensor that the Wii used for pointer functionality. Those levels that I mentioned all use the pointer to move Mario around.


adding a bunch of extra playable characters would actually a neat addition, i don't know if i'd really want to play through the same game with prettier graphics but if i could run through it as wario or waluigi i'd be down for it

a...ALL of them? god i hope that's true

how pathetic are we talkin' here?
can you not even swim or doggy-paddle in a public pool?

that seems way too fucking grandiose to be true as much as i want it to be

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Remaster of mario 64, sunshine, galaxy and a port of 3d world is what‘s being said

never played galaxy (sadly), but that doesn't sound like it would be to fun to control. would it be that bad to re-work them so they're controllable?

Will they add jiggle physics?

I'm not saying that it's a bad idea to rework those levels, I'm just saying that a 1-to-1 remake of those levels would be tricky due to the Switch hardware.

That's some looong toes.

I just beat Galaxy 1 on dolphin 100%.
You map the IR on the second analog.
The rolling and surfing minigames can easily be mapped to analog too.

You will only get Toadette in 3D World and you will like it.

It's not HER game, it's Marios game!
Unless she is playable, it is NOT her game.

>Has an entire story section dedicated to her
>one of the few nu era mario characters to be integrated into the main cast
>reps the Galaxy games in smash
Yeah am thinking it's her game

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Only playable characters matter.


>*gulps* u-uh yeah sure *unzips*

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Rosalina has been a playable character since 3D World.

Yes I am. I'm buying 3D world too.

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Why would I buy the worst 3D Mario again?

From what I heard, 3D Land isn't getting a remaster, though.

ask me how I know you're black

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Rosabros rejoice.

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One of the big questions I have is if the games will be bundled together, or if Nintendo will split them up for $60 each.

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im white bro, i just don't like swimming

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Are you going to buy my remaster user?

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Why not give it another try?

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Are you going to buy my remaster user?

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No sunshine sucks

because its cold and i see no purpose in swimming

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fuck you


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only if they fix the 7 stars bullshit and make it like 64


Sunshine is probably the most decisive game Nintendo has ever made, people absolutely love it or despite it.

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>i see no purpose in swimming
It's a useful skill to have. You have a way out in the event of an accident. Plus, beaches are fun, as are pool parties.

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No, I've been playing an already perfect version of your game for over 15 years.

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You know what i despise? The fucker that thought the water spray bullshit was a good idea

Yes, for full price if I must.

The Switch version of Mario 64 would be perfect if it was just the DS version in HD with analog controls.

Whatever happened to that one guy who bought a bunch of Rosalina amiibo because he hated her and wanted no one to have one?

Absolutely for Rosalina.

He claimed to be one of the Chad Ganondorf leakers during the Smash Ultimate hype train. He also streams on Twitch from time to time, but he's mostly faded into obscurity now.

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i don't like the sand and i don't like sun

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Sand isn't such a big deal if you wear flip flops. You don't have a pool or clean river to go to?

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