Did you stop working on your game, Yas Forums?

Did you stop working on your game, Yas Forums?

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Yes. I did.

Attached: 1574552898849.jpg (1172x659, 56.48K)


The one i post here yes, but its just a hiatus until i finish the one i don't

Sure, user, just a hiatus.

You can choose two skills only for gamedev, what do you pick?
For me, 3D modelling and coding.

Nope. I fixed some logic in space-train following, added big religious archways and pillars to Ballden regions, giant ice crystals to the temperature-fluctuation system, and added a planet that's stuck in a time-loop.

Attached: UnderspaceStuffwork.jpg (1616x3636, 2.53M)

gamedev was a huge letdown for me, i'm not sure why i was expecting it to be different but being a indie developer pretty much requires you to use shit unity, _maker etc. where it's mostly feels like just moving lego bricks around to make everything work "okayish", which i really hate, i love coding but there's not that much of it
meanwhile working for AAA companies is almost nothing but a one big crunch time, where you're but a cog in the machine
i guess maybe small/medium companies might be the sweetspot but i'm not sure if i want to delve into it once again, scrapping other opportunities on the side

Coding and having sex with game journalists for cheap marketing.

>where it's mostly feels like just moving lego bricks around to make everything work "okayish"
Just make your own engine then smartass!

Unfortunately, no.

Attached: vampire.webm (640x360, 2.8M)


It's a fun as heck project to do because it's raw Z80 assembler.
It's almost a pain to not work on it.

Attached: Upen.webm (320x240, 1.91M)

Nope I'm still learning sdl but I'm making progress

I'm implementing socket.io for multiplayer

That's actually really cool, dude. Love the sliding. What's it called?

that's the problem, i'd much rather write a game from 0 than use unity, that's what i really enjoyed doing at my uni but you can't do that if you're a lone developer
i mean, you sure could, but let's not kid ourselved - that won't work

I got a new wagie job so I'm taking a break from programming because I'm tired.

if you want to work on an engine shoot me an email.
[email protected]

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I actually made an playable demo and all:

It's an MSX2/2+ game so need an emulator or that webmsx site.

Are there even games made in Godot?

I'm working on my UI, since I've neglected it for months and I don't feel like doing anything too intense.

Attached: inventory.png (800x480, 15K)

Any artfriend want to make a game?
I can be your programming bf(bf)

I'm learning how to 3d model from scratch and Jesus is it a nightmare

will you suck the pepe user

gonna sleep soon, will write tommorow probs. but i'm not really that experienced if that post made it sound like it

Just suck it up and be an enginedev instead of gamedev.
>that won't work
Make a small engine that only does one thing (but does that one thing really well). Literally the same advice given to one man army game devs, except applied to engine dev.

that sounds good.

Reminder to shoot yourself if you need an engine for a 2D game

*makes the same game in a tenth the time*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid.

>Did you stop working on your game, Yas Forums?
yes, because Im finally over with it (still had to make a small change because goddammit, its hard to see someone play it on youtube and ignore the most basic feature in the game and so I had to rework the first level a bit more, never expected someone to be that dense)

Attached: AllDayDying2020.webm (620x350, 2.29M)

*runs like shit*

I loaded it on webmsx, how do I play it?

*runs the same but takes more hard drive space*

A shoot, S jump, S+Down = slide

>never expected someone to be that dense
Golden Rule of gamedev: there is ALWAYS someone more retarded than you're expecting. Whether you intend on retard-proofing the game for them or not is a different choice, but you must always bear in mind that base level of retardation you're working against.

>haha keyboard go brrrr

Also if you don't actually have the game loaded, just reset the MSX on the power button thing.

Thanks, but I was talking about running the image, I'm kinda shit at these things.

No. Learning the math I need to make what I need work, so I'll be going back to coding soon. In the mean time I'm assembling my basic enemy puppet in dragonbones so I can rig it hopefully tomorrow

Sorry for the inconvenience, I figured it out. Turns out you have to reset it.

if I want to make a shitty little Gameboy game I presume Godot is fine?

so what's your excuse nodev

If I want to be like yandere dev and make a game completely to Yas Forums specifications, what do I make?

why do retards spout 'nodev' at anyone that mildly offends them? No sweetie, making a pixelshit platformer does not make you a 'dev'


How far can a game go with retro-visual gimmick shit before its unplayable to you?

Attached: wip.webm (640x360, 868.17K)

game hard user

Only thing stopping me is coding. I've been trying to learn it for years and I always give up cause it gets difficult or I get overwhelmed.

I'm re-learning again right now and hoping for the best.

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that does seem quite unplayable, make it a bit brighter

>it's an /agdg/ thread

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let the crabs motivate you

boom planet

Attached: UnderspaceTheClockstarNA.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

Nice AlphaMan clone, faggot!

Game Maker Studio 1.4 is no longer available, does it affect the game if you use a pirated version of the software?

I did pulled back the difficulty, like the pig wheels were immune.

Put your game on sale i want to play it

Programming is a lot of fun but I do agree that a lot of the cool stuff ends up being very unaccessible because making mental maps of it can be difficult.

it is

Attached: redux20.webm (710x400, 2.86M)

No, I'm stress testing the rig for my protagonist. Rigging is, without a doubt, the worst part of game development.

Attached: 1.png (1203x540, 83.11K)

seems mostly fine, but just too dark

Attached: PlayerCamera.jpg (960x540, 18.85K)

No, doing what I can while hating myself for not being able to work full time on it.

Got 6 wind and 6 water monsters designed so far Now just really pondering the selection of the next earth, lightning, ice, fire monster designs
Though I've been making progress in other aspects of the game instead of this part I'm stuck in.

Compare it to Delver. I am okay with chunky pixelated stuff, just keep it consistent. On your webm some of the pixels on the sword are bigger than the others, at that bugs me.

No, but switching to 2 would be a wise decision regardless. I even did it mid development and everything went smooth. So happy

>he didn't get it when it was free before being removed from steam

and the loop begins again

Attached: UnderspaceTheClockstarComesBackNA.webm (1600x900, 1.12M)

No, we're working on the v1.0.1 patch to fix a couple of issues. The only thing holding it back is the Japanese translator being really goddamn slow.

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nice Lucen clone

Just googled what that is. Nah, I just didn't get around to texturing my guy yet. Also, he'll have eyes.
Oh and I can animate a better run than that guy.

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