Demake fanboys on massive cope levels that aren't even possible


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looks like someone in accounts payable at capcom is getting fired

Fucking shills at reddit, twitter and Youtube drooling over a pile of turd while playing dumb about the glaring flaws. These people are the ones destroying gaming by letting companies make subpar games. These zoomers haven't learned their lesson from Diablo 3 and Warcraft Reforged.

I told you guys.
I told you all from the very beginning.
You wouldn't listen.... but you will all listen now that it's far too late.

I won.

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Yas Forums is partially responsible for hyping up the garbage of Demake 2 and 3

No. That award goes to reddit and the shill RE channels on Youtube.


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>its real

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remake 2 is amazing

haha everything you love turns to trash xD

Are you kidding? Yas Forums was shill central for Demake 2 and when 3 was upcoming.

A/B scenarios suck? NOPE CAN'T BE CRITICAL. Removal of enemies? NOPE CAN'T BE CRITICAL.

the demo was bad. they struck gold with REmake 2, how did they fuck this up?

Obviously rushed development to cash in on current RE hype.

By numale standards?

I guess they should just stick with making RE games inhouse and not outsourcing them.

Greed, they outsource a lot of stuff.

Shut your ass up, you self fellating tranny. Everyone knew the game was gimped from the demo that was released.

>there is text in a box on an image saying it's all one hue so i guess it's fact

but of COURSE it's PCgamer throwing out a score like that, imagine my shock.

t. subhuman monkey

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>Everyone knew the game was gimped from the demo that was released.

Yas Forums was still endlessly shilling demake 2 and 3.

Nah I was just fucking around to see if you have any opinion about the shill RE channels.

Michael won.

Oh wow even more definitive proof! You couldn't have made a thread with that kind of image proudly proclaiming to be a BR at all! You sure convinced me of the conspiracy user.

They seemed to somehow degrade Remake 2. They 'reworked' animations, models, ballistic systems, UI stuff, etc. FOR NO FUCKING REASON.

kek re2make is the best RE game of all time

So Michael was right all along?
Damn I feel like such a fool to doubt that crazy bastard and have hope.
Guess Capcom is back to dogshit mode. See you in a year user when they go back to good for a few months.

Tank control CHADS win again, bay-bee!

Yas Forums really loves to rage and hate about every game that exists.

>direction started taking place post resident evil 4
RE4 literally didn't had a single puzzle and was linear as fuck

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they attack you.
Then you win.

I knew it was going to fail when I saw the face of LA GOBLINA JILL. Games that focus on being woke are always done by incompetent people.

Isn't it obvious when they released SFV that old Capcom is dead and the remaining talented people are working on Monster Hunter?

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>you can literally never be in the wrong because it's just hate and more hate confirms i was more correct

>RE shill channels

Well I obviously hate them, but any game with any fanbase gets those.

Yas Forums is worse for me personally because I use this board and the relentless shilling by Yas Forums for these shitty remakes was the absolute worst

stop trying to push this meme, you monkey soup eating brownzilian

>big tits bouncing up and down Jill

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>>you can literally never be in the wrong

Michael is only "in the wrong" from the viewpoint of Demake 2 and 3 ass lickers.

nah the talented people are around still, its just now that capcom sees a modicum of success again they start churning out titles with very little dev time

>No cleavage
>Those are considered "big tits" to Demake fanboys

Goddamn you guys are reaching. Reminds me of the NuLara fanboys that pretended that goblina was attractive.

When did Yas Forums start worshiping ecelebs?

The opinion of a pc faggot is worth less than nothing.

he get's called out in the overwhelming majority of cases on everything though.

You’re a virgin who’s never seen naked tits in real life.

I knew it was strange when it kept getting ignored Playstation weekly updates. Even though it's just a week or so before FF7, and yet there is very little buzz for it.

I think they knew; the game is bad.

Yas Forums used Michael to deflect criticism of Demake 2 and 3

I'm not sure what he said, but if his general opinion is that Demake 2 sucks, then I agree with him.

>hurr not REAL big
no doubt you have one of those folders full of absurd body horror opai anime tits that is unironically just dimorphism. Post some good vidya tits if you are so great.

Is that girls' tower body attached to her torso canonically?

>Yas Forums used Michael to deflect criticism of Demake 2 and 3
>my favorite eceleb was so picked on, now we'll laugh together, I hope senpai notices me!

FF7R is going to score higher than this despite being markedly worse.

>well if he is a contrarian, then count me as one too. Heh.
ok so?

we knew since an user leaked shit last December and when the webm of the shotgun were posted

I bet they're the same shills who pretend Nu-Tifa's boobs are big too.

Rushed as hell, looks like less than a year of dev time. This is shit is nowhere near ready for release. They couldn't even get the multiplayer beta to work this past weekend and they expect people to buy it in a few days with the expectation it will be fine? Insanity.

>Num num, tasty crapcum semen. Sell me more SFV characters!

>we trust reviewers now
I liked it better when we doomposted over the French leaks

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>you don't worship this eceleb and his opinions, you are my enemy!
Think for yourself once in a while.

To me it feels like nobody on the project was passionate about the original in anyway.

There's a distinct lack of respect for the source material.

Also whoever is responsible for this game hates Jill so much they rape her on screen.

>>we trust reviewers now

Yas Forums does when it's for games they like like Half Life Alyx

It was outsourced to 4 different studios, what did people expect?

Why does everyone hate RE3 when it was the best of the original trilogy

I'm a big fan of RE2 and the remake cut so much or ruined so much. The lack of improvement on A/B scenarios (and downright downgrade) is what hurt Demake 2 for me the most

Numales don't care about A/B scenarios because they either don't know what it does or why it was important in RE2 and how it made it so replayable

>Person warn others game is gonna suck from the leaks
>People laugh at him calling him a liar
>It releases
>They always come back to the leaker apologizing
Every. Fucking. Time. Now that REmake 3 was pure garbage, FF7R is next.

Capcomfags are absolutely fuming right now lmao

We now live in a world where Umbrella Chronicle's version of RE3 isn't the least faithful

>Person warn others game is gonna suck from the leaks
>People laugh at him calling him a liar
That happens with every game, though. We're just supposed to trust random leakers all the time?

Actually, we all lost

It's not and never was. It was basically no different then RE6, a short and linear shooter.

I don't trust anyone that sucks RE7's dick.

It's less linear than RE2

And there's where any care about your opinions evaporates.

>Actually, we all lost

RE3 still exists. Only Demake cucks lose because they'll pretend two supbar action games come even close to touching survival horror classics.

When they say everything is dogshit poopfarts, yes we must believe them, because it is our board culture to want games to fail so we can laugh and mock.

What the fuck are you on about schizo? We all saw how bad it is with the dogshit demo. The moment I saw it had no gore, dismemberment, or physics and saw how janky and broken Nemesis was, I knew it was a trainwreck. It even has worse graphics and performance on PC than 2 did somehow.

>Can't even address the A/B scenario argument

Why not bring up Michael again, Crapcum copeboy?

Not really, a mediocre Capcom game is like a 9/10 game from most other devs. REmake 3 is being called out against REmake 2, a literal GOTY and the highest rated RE game since RE4.

They're now resorting to

>B-b-but RE2 remake is still gud!!!1

>What the fuck are you on about schizo? We all saw how bad it is with the dogshit demo.

Yas Forums was still relentlessly defending it and calling you Michael if you criticized how it looked

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't matter that there's less customisation options than in the e3 demo
>it doesn't matter that you can't see your character in cutscenes
>it doesn't matter that customisation is useless
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't matter that it has tacked on multiplayer
>it doesn't matter that npc's don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't matter that it's smaller than Witcher 3
>it doesn't matter that it's shorter than Witcher 3


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>preorded because I loved REmake2 so much.
How could they fuck it all up so fast?

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meanwhile detractors are using one 8/10 RE game to claim that REmake 2 was shit all along, you cannot have it both ways.

>it doesn't matter that it has microtransactions despite being a $60 game
>it doesn't matter that the protagonist is always a smug Josh Whedon quipfag
>it doesn't matter that the map is tiny
>it doesn't matter that you can travel across the map in 3 and a half minutes
>It doesn't need to have good music
>it doesn't matter that all the artists on the soundtrack Zoomercore garbage
>it doesn't need to not have degenerate anti-white american zoomer pandering artists
>it doesnt matter that the music has shitty mumble rap in it
>it doesn't matter that it gets delayed again after being in development for 7 years
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't matter that the devs aren't even at their offices anymore to work on the fucking game
>It doesn't matter that FemV is even uglier now
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have substance


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>most reviews are middling and most reviewers liked 2Make more
What went wrong?

Demake 3 is critics actual opinion of Demake 2 and the fact that some considered it GOTY worthy is pretty funny now

RE3 is a worse game and CV is the real RE3.

She has a point.

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>no physics
What are you on about, retard?

based, but how does this relate to the current thread

Seethe more cybertranny

When you're this based, you don't have to post in the right thread

wtf I hate Doom now

Bodies do not have ragdoll physics. It's Dark Souls 2 all over again.

arbitrary mob mentality.


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>Dark Souls 2 doesn't have body physics

I'm starting the Dark Souls games for the first time, and please tell me you're lying.

You keep bringing him up enough for five people. And try more meaningless buzzwords, they might make you seem smart.

I knew it was going to be shit after seeing that horrible Hunter Gamma design.

im everyone in this image

Both the remakes are overated desu, I liked RE2 but there's nothing really GOTY material about it.