Comfy bannerlord thread

Sticky is full of shit.
Get in here and discuss Bannerlord

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They had 8 years, how could they screw up so badly? Did the team change or something?

I dont need to pirate it to know its half baked at best.
Feel that buyer's remorse burn yet?

Can you give some examples of what's wrong?

>not diverse enough
>only two genders

bad performance
barely any new features
just not worth it atm

i love old games like this

What features would you like to see?


>being gay
Typical naysayer

>mfw getting rich of selling oil and jewellry
the last time i had so much fun trading was smuggling alien artifacts in Freelancer

The bad:
I don't like having every product in the same trade screen. I feel like the trading menus are quite confusing
Recruitment is also quite strange at the moment. I think there are gang leaders in every city but I can't interact with them.
The general map also bothers me. It's huge, with is not necessarily a good thing, and I feel like the river generation is completely retarded.
I feel like the game moves much slower than Warband (and I'm not talking about the super long loading times)

The good:
Looks great. Overall it's a great upgrade. Cool menus, great character customization, great factions and world building. The generated maps have been a great surprise for me. I also love the weapon crafting options. Combat seems more interesting although not very different. Riding feels much better.

Winning in pic related is retarded, the easiest way of winning money by far.

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Where can I find some bandits to fight besides the usual 8 or so looters?

>50 gigs
what fucking for?
Is this used as an anti piracy method? cause im not even gonna bother pirating it now.

Its 30 GB user

Away from home right now so I can't play
How will it perform on 3600x/2700S?

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I bought the game earlier today but I won't play it until I get home from work. So far, is it better than Warband at least? That's all I care about. I know it will be buggy and unoptimized but I have a GTX 1070 and a Ryzen 3700X so I should be okay performance wise.

Can I get someone who has been playing to talk a bit about how much of the kingdom management stuff is present currently? None of the devlogs or EA announcements seem to have specifics. Are there even kingdom management parts included yet?

>years and years of news and info of it being literally warband but improved
I know you guys are baiting but im still retarded enough to get mad and reply to you fucks.

I can't even start the damn game.

It's a fucking early access game. Why the fuck are you buying it?

At least he eventually walks away and doesn't let you completely cheese.

>tfw got temp laid off for the next 12 weeks but getting paid 80% of my wage
just in time bros

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Im installing right now, what am I in for

Some good fun and a bit of jank.

Its everything I ever dreamed

Игpa тaкaя ceбe, мaлo paзнooбpaзия, пepcoнaжи мeдлeнныe, в гopoдe мнoгo бaнд, нo взaимoдeйcтвoвaть c ними нeльзя, хoть этo и cтapaя игpa, мнe oнa зaшлa нa 4/10

>literally hundreds of game release on a yearly basis
>for some fucking reason MOUNT AND BLADE II gets a sticky while literally no other game does

I don't get it.

newfags be gone

Shitstain I've been around posting on Yas Forums since Warband was the new hotness.

fuck off to your nintendo threads

>I've been around posting on Yas Forums since Warband was the new hotness.
so a newfag

>get a group of 25 people + 2 companions
>decent gear because of all the tournaments
>10k in the bank
So, what the fuck do I do now? Grind for renown? I'm lost.

So I joined the Sturgia Kingdom but every town I go to for quests, the people say our faction is at war. Is there inter-clan conflicts I can find somewhere?

I just want to build some funds through some quests but everyone in the kingdom hates me even though I'm a part of the kingdom...

explain bad performance. I have a cheap PC and it runs great.

worth the $40 or should i wait?

>25 people

>AMD brings back the black screen crash driver glitches just for this game

I can't get more. I'd have an army already if I could.

>barely any new features
it has the best new feature ever user

I thought I was the only one. My pc is 6 years old though

Desperately googling what to upgrade now

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I dunno user, maybe join up with a faction and help a lord in his war efforts. He might reward you with a village or two.

It's quite literally warband with a slight visual upgrade.
There are mods for the first game that make more improvements than this.

What the fuck have they spent the better part of a decade doing?
It's the exact same game with the exact same jank.

Can I just play the single player casually? I just want something fun to mess around in, dress up as a knight and kill stuff. Not very interested in getting autistic with a combat system.


What's a quick way to get a lot of renown? I need like a hundred more before they allow me to become a vassal.

>It's the exact same game with the exact same jank.

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you need to be 18 or older to post on Yas Forums.

thank u

Wow, and I thought I was the most backward here cpu-wise.

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Basically everything desu. CPU the most though, especially for this game.

Try to use a computer you didn’t find in a dumpster. 16gb ram Chad here

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your pc was outdated 6 years ago bro

This game fucking stinks

>16gb ram

>quickest way

I have a first generation i5-2400. Not even K.

>16gb ram
maybe you could call yourself that 4-6 years ago but it's 2020 now, 16gb is the standard with 32gb being the chad amount.

>Is this used as an anti piracy method?

>wait 8 years for this
>It's a disappointment
Well time to kill myself

That's bullshit, nobody needs 32gb. 16 is still Chad.

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