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>this is the game pc-cucks were so excited about

Imagine being a poorfag.

oh no no no no no

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Oh no no no no not a woman hahahahahahah

R*pe mod when?

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Isn't she one of the main reasons the empire fell apart?
>Senate originally voted in emperor
>Emperor dies
>Senate wants to vote in new emperor
>Stsrt fighting one another
>same time some Chad general decides he's going to take over

She actually rapes peasant boys

One of the claimants in Warband was a woman.

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can you play as one of these peasant boys?

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literally seething

>This fucking shit
>Every god damn day

Reminder that playing as a woman in Mount & Blade is hard mode

Soon brothers.

Those generals sure don't look too thrilled about it.

Yep, it's pretty good.

holy quads

How's the optimization?

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more like hard mode activator if you understand the allusion to my duck that I am making

Not gonna buy a new pc just to play one game

yass slay

>women having big boobs and hourglass body is unrealistic
>women as soldiers is

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i'm not going to buy it becasue Yas Forums says it's good.

there are female cops and female MMA fighters. i don't think a female soldier is too far off from that.

Lots of stuttering and crashes and I have a gtx 1080 and i7-4790k

never ever

Oh wow, Bannerlord has guns and female MMA fighters? Awesome.



works fine on a r9 290 and i5 4690k with 16 gb ram

Female cops don't arrest men without male backup. Female MMA is female Vs female.
Soldiers are men, who are better at everything related to violence.

>"master race" have been hyping this for years

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2 of them were, Isolla fir swadia and Arwa for the Sarranids. Yas Forums just doesn't actually play vidya outside of Nintendo exclusives.

you're talking about current day vs the medieval age where women weren't even allowed to vote


>one of the faction leaders is a woman
>this is a bad thing when you can wreck her empire

is anyone able to do a sea rider raid? every time i try to start it the game freeze and i have to close it

Apparently I should consider a new cpu

it looks like shit

you can even eventually have a mod to take them as sex slaves

Neither were the men, to be fair.

>seething snoy

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Don't you take pleasure they'll be filtered out via war?

As someone who's never played M&B, what's the flow of the game exactly? You create your character and then what? How much control do you have over how strategic you want to be (for example, can you play through the game just as a rank and file soldier while the AI makes all the warfare decisions versus being a ruler and having fine control over all the trade/strategy/political options, etc.)

This game took a decade to make?

Nostalgia fags are the worst holy shit you can't defend paying full price for this trash.

god this game looks awful... those textures, clipping, lighting... eww


Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates. It's useful that you happened by.

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>Female MMA is female Vs female (male)

>cant marry the empress
shit game

Bros, the combat is trash, it feels like shit compared to Warband.

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mods will fix it

You can marry her daughter so why would you want the emperors sloppy seconds as is.

Why would you not be the ultimate chad and cuck the emperor?

>not wanting tight prime empress pucci

>i5 4690k with 16 gb ram
this is what i'm still running, I hope you're not lying or else I'll hunt you down and hurt you

Holy fuck why does every screen take 10 minutes to load?

she has a son?

are you using an ssd?

OK, someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I just got done playing 7 hours of this game. I haven't even hit renown level 2 yet, I am like 60% of the way there. I have a full party, I have 4/4 companions, and about 8k saved up. I just keep running from location to location picking up quests to do. I already feel like I'm not achieving anything. Is the game just really slow moving and grindy, or am I missing some obvious shit I should be doing? How should I be making money? How do I grow my army faster? How do I level faster? I feel like I could be more efficient but I don't know what to do.

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Not right now, I might move it over to one, if it will help

>needing a super charger to play an early access game

wow you already reached the end game

SSD's has been standard for well over a decade. Get with the times grandpa.

i haven't played a game released in the last 2 or 3 years that had tolerable load times on an hdd, early access or not

Roach here. Grew up with Warband. Bannerlord and Eternal Doom are the GOTY of this year.

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How the fuck do I recruit knights and shit? I cant find them in villlages and normal recruits dont become knights

that's because pc(f)ats hardly play games

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I can't even get into the game because there's a seemingly infinite loading screen at the start, anyone else get this?

good job outing yourself as a console peasant, i can go back to ignoring you now


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