Why are console paypigs like this?

Why are console paypigs like this?

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Exclusives are the last thing consoletards have left, so they base everything around them.

This. If it weren't for exclusives, there would be no objective reason to own a penis4 pro when the xbonex is superior in every way.

ironically the switch will be the only console worth getting because Nintendo doesn't port anything ever

either baiting, or not up to speed.
Apparently EVERY 3D Mario game is getting ported this year

They port shit all the time but they just claim they're sequels and Nintenbros buy it hand over fist. Look at Splatoon "2" or Smash "Ultimate"

>Believing the 45th gaming rumor of the day
Yeah and GTA 6 is getting announced in 2 days as well you gullible fuck.

This year marks Mario's 35th year anniversary. Safe to assume they have something big planned.

>35th anniversary
Wow it's a multiple of 5! Stop the fucking presses!! This arbitrary number means something BIG IS IN THE WORKS GUYSS!!!

I've never understood this. Why does it bother people that people can play their game on other platforms?

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Animalistic territorial behavior is more apparent in very unintelligent people, so obviously it would manifest more in consolefags.

Coping mechanism for not being part of the PC©Master Race™

Mario Maker came out in the 30th anniversary, Nintendo re-released Super Mario All-star for their 25th anniversary, and Nintendo released an album for the 20th Anniversary. They have done something every 5 years for at least the last 15 years, so why are you autisticly screeching that Nintendo would never do ports? They already remaster almost every 3D Zelda game.

It will get emulated though

>Proceeds to buy multipel GPUs per generation to catch up with consoles
Found the retard.

> catching up with consoles

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But neither of those things are true.
The PS4 was weaker than shitty budget PCs of its time and the PS5 looks like a joke as well.

>Bro, 580ti will destroy next consoles
>580ti? I meant 760
>760? I meant 780
>780? I meant 960
>960? I meant 970

And the first titan somewhere in the middle.

What the FUCK is this? OC without any wojaks? Uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, reported.

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The base PS4 barely kept up with the 750ti you brainless faggot.

who are you trying too fool here lmao

if it weren't for consoles all you pc handmedown cucks would have to play is CSGO and indie hipster trash. Get a fucking clue. Even failing consoles like X1 have twice the playerbases for some of your hallmark pc franchises like BF

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Lmfao i remember being 15 and having a ps3 and begging rockstar on the newswire to make san andreas playable on ps3. Then i got a laptop and just played it on there.

If it weren't for consoles, developers wouldn't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator and we would probably have better games today.

>Look up Yas Forums
>There is one
>ONE single thread about a Pc exclusive
>Alpha stage game
>Literally postponed since 2014
>7 years waiting for a game

The next big things is going to be another port Fatsos aka Pc only players get. Probably some game everybody played years ago on their PS4/XBone and now after 5+ years Pc players are going to have their way with it.
Lol forgot it has Denuvo lmao

>because Nintendo doesn't port anything ever
Too bad for them, you can emulate their shit on basically everything so it doesn't matter

PC doesn't get game blue though.

I never understood the console wars shit. I also don't understand why Sony/Nintendo doesn't release their games on all platforms+PC. They would sell more copies and make more money. It is common knowledge that consoles are a loss and they make money in the game department...why not just go to making just games?

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right, and totally forgo 90%, of an already small, pc user base. Holy shit. You pc fags are actually fucking deluded. Games don't get made without consoles backing them. All you would have is unity trash, but hey good for you that you can run it at 200+fps.

>If it weren't for consoles, developers wouldn't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator
this has nothing to do with consoles and everything to do with multiplat game development as the norm. and the people who begged the hardest for today's multiplat-centered approach to the industry were pc mustards who had no games of their own.

I like my Switch and all but I really hope they make BoTW2 60fps playable fast.
I just won't stand playing a game like that at 20fps like the previous one on original hardware

Why do consoletards act like PC doesn't get literally everything console does and more? And we get to play shooters with M+KB

I don't understand why retarded consoloids keep making arguments like this.
It's a GOOD thing when there's less exclusives, it's only the stupidest consoleniggers who tie their ego to how many exclusives their toy has and have meltdowns once other people get to play those titles.

Anyway, kill yourself subhuman tripmonkey.

Because they think they’re superior in one way or another, when ultimately all games are created on PCs with the only exception being Dreams

I can make up numbers too!

>Without consoles backing them
Wtf does this even mean?



Because console manufacturers also make money from third party sales, every company that wants to sell a game on consoles needs to pay about a third of their sales income to Sony and Nintendo.

The Star Game is clearly an Israeli product, so I wouldn't purchase it on either a PC or a console. Take your Jew game and fuck off.

One of you say that PC is too small to support. The other says that without PC arguing for multiplats, we wouldn't have this problem.
But if PC is too small to support, why would developers try to appeal to PC gamers. You guys are just spewing shit that doesn't make sense. Try to think critically and stop being a fan boy. If you open your eyes to multiple perspectives, your life will gain more meaning.

If the new consoles for some reason decided to have Steam support, would they still count as consoles or PCs?

Lies, there's at least the 2D Fallout thread

If they don't run on Windows/Linux/OSX, they're still consoles

So then you'd also say that the Steambox was a console and not a PC?

Not a valid argument sadly. EA/Blizzard/etc already solved this issue by making their own store/launcher. Got another reason besides idiocy?

>Wtf does this even mean?

"Without the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 releases, he continued, The Witcher 3 as it is wouldn't exist on any platform, because the studio simply couldn't afford to make a game of this scale exclusive to the PC."

you think it's a coincidence we haven't had a game like crysis in over a decade?

If it was walled off a bit more and only allowed certain peripherals then yes. Consoles are just DRM ridden PCs.

When Octopath Traveler came to PC Nintendo fags didn't throw a hissy fit. When Horizon Zero Dawn was announced for PC Basedkneegroes sperged out all over twitter. Just sayin'.

>But if PC is too small to support, why would developers try to appeal to PC gamers.
developers aren't trying to appeal to pc gamers, they're trying to appeal to everyone regardless of platform. and when you're making your games for everyone, you have to try to please everyone, which means your games can't be too unique, too hard, etc. for normalfags to get into. just look at all the moderately successful franchises that died as soon as multiplats became the norm.
pc mustards just happened to be the ones who normalized port-begging with their change.org petitions. they're also the biggest offenders when it comes to graphicsfagging - a lot of mustards seem to care more about benchmarks and settings than the actual gameplay. this mentality killed a lot of smaller studios/franchises that didn't have the resources to keep up with the graphics obsession.

Idk SteamOS *is* a Linux distribution but it's a really weird one, maybe it's something inbetween?

All I am hearing is developers complaining that they can't drive sales. How do other developers only make PC games but still survive ie Alyx?

>But if PC is too small to support, why would developers try to appeal to PC gamers.
i never said it was too small to support. Supporting something is nothing compared to exclusively building your AAA budgeted games for pc.

That's a pretty narrow view of reality though, obviously without consoles as they currently exist, the PC market would be larger, like it is in some countries.
Not to mention that simplified PCs like the Steambox would become more of a thing as well, making bigger PC releases more viable.

Based, all the Pcfags have is steam

>How do other developers only make PC games but still survive ie Alyx?
you must have missed how valve stopped making games for the better part of a decade because they realized they could just sit back and collect their steam money.

>How do other developers only make PC games but still survive ie Alyx?
who are these other developers? And Alyx will be on ps5.

>he says this while being unable to play Half Life Alyx.

That's why indie games are more popular on PC right? Not because people want games that are actually fresh and challenging but because pc gamers only care about graphics? Your arguments make no sense. What do you gain from continuing this console war?

And torrents
And emulators
And console games when they inevitably get ported
And every game that isn't on console

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>Buy Snoystation5
>finally SSD, 10 years behind PC
>pre-order that one exclusive because waiting for reviews is for faggots
>game has more common with a movie than a video game
>give it a 10/10 because you waited a fucking year for something exclusive to play on your console
>you see someone give that game a 7
>what a poorfag reviewbomber
>Wait 1 year for another exclusive moreofthesame4 and cry 3 years later as it leaves you for PC.
>Get Left behind in power department once new gen GPUs hit the market
>cope when games start to lock you at 30fps
>it's more cinematic that way
>graphics on PC are not that much better, I don't see a difference
>you start going for trophies because you realized there is nothing else to do
>you are so starved for new content that you rebuy games such as persona 5 despite 100%ing same fucking game back in PS3 days
>involve yourself in console wars because you have to cope somehow
>snoystation6 is rumored
>it's more powerful than previous gen WOW
>WOW PCvirgins are seething - is what you like to tell yourself
>buy snoystation6

Same story every fucking generation

>And torrents and emulators
Be careful they're fag, you wouldn't wanna break yer 40 gorillion jenga-station with some russia virus now would ya?
>And every port
Pfft, nintendo doesn't port to you beggars
>And every other game that isn't in console.
Guess what fag, I can get em too in my cheap ass laptop

>Why are console paypigs like this?
>remastered started with gen 6
Yeah OP is retarded. That shit started with arcades. Normalized to the point it's started being introduced gen 4 then every sick fuck exposed wanted to accelerated this process and normalized by gen 6.
OP is one to talk cause every OS iteration has "solitare" version+
Don't see your bitch asses denouncing solitare, chess, minesweeper etc

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Every MMO ever made. Blizzard. Every RTS ever made. Driving Sims. A bunch of indie developers. Developers devoted to bringing back old games. The rare gems like Kerbal. You make sweeping generalizations like "PC developers cannot survive without consoles" which makes zero factual sense. Just because cdprojectred wants more $ and cant figure out how to survive on PC doesn't mean others can't.

>obviously without consoles as they currently exist, the PC market would be larger,
no, the video game industry would just be smaller.

I think it's pretty clear that the point isn't anything specific to those gens, it's just supposed to imply time progressing.

Laptops=PCs (as opposed to consoles), dummy

Highly unlikely, especially with how simple it is to get into PC gaming now.
Any retard can get a decent prebuilt and again, pseudo-consoles with Steam support are already a thing and would be much bigger in the hypothetical scenario we imagine.

holy mother of cope

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Oh so now we're on the same team? Nah fuck off windmachine fag

>eugheheh too bad I’m gonna emulate it!
Too bad you’re a thieving nigger.

T. No arguemints

A combination of two things
>Consoles will inevitably fail with a lack of exclusives
>Console wars fags are unhealthily attached to their chosen console and thus anything that would damage the console damages them emotionally

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>it's just supposed to imply time progressing.
I mean if they choose individuals that only play 1 game and rarely move away from that 1 game then yes.
Not everyone behaves like that.

Spotted the reddit thread