If WALMART and Target are allowed to stay open, than why can't Gamestop stay open and make money?

If WALMART and Target are allowed to stay open, than why can't Gamestop stay open and make money?

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because they don't sell groceries, are you retarded or pretending?

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us Gamers have become too powerful and now the government is conspiring to wipe us all out, open your eyes people this entire thing was planned from the very start

But people need games to pass out the quarantine.

I don't see the problem here, video games are just as important as food and water and the ability to wipe your ass

this, gamers are 10 luck and 10 int. were too powerful


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I think it's poetic justice that Wal Mart and Target are still open and selling video games, while GameStop has to close because no one wants their video games.

You can buy vidya without leaving your home

But I can't download a funko pop purchase or a plushie creeper along with my game purchase if I go digital

They should force walmart and stores like it to only allow people in the food and essential supplies sections of the store. The reeeing would be so loud you would hear it across the entire country.
They sell candy and drank. That's food.

What kind of insecure faggot takes pictures of people like that.
How fucking good does he think his shit smells man. What a fucking narcissistic faggot.

so buy digital?

pretty sure you can still order shit and get it shipped to your place

Shittiest thread right now, jeez. Terrible bait.

this cant be real. i mean digital is a thing now..

amazon are considered essential (since they deliver food)
so just order your creeper plush and physical game from amazon

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Don't go through amazon, they slowed down on shipping anything that isn't beneficial. You'll be lucky to even get the shit within 2 weeks even with next day shipping.




As much as the health risks suck, they probably don't mind the job security.


Hes pretending this board is fucking shit I hope the whites leave soon

Why doesn't GameStop sell gamer fuel and doritos so they can stay open? Walmart is SELLING VIDEO GAMES RIGHT NOW while GameStop stays closed.

Global pandemic is going on but retards need their physical games. Just wait 1 fucking month or buy digital or use fucking Amazon.

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Walmart and Amazon keep selling physical games. Let GameStop do the same.

>Quarantine slowly revealing the people who can't cope with not being consumer whores

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Im more upset that Barnes and nobles is closed...

Gamestop doesn’t sell groceries, toilet paper, and medicine you fucking idiot.

would you his mom

Target and Walmart also sell videogames

>essential retail
funko pops are essential?

So if Gamestop started buying food and medicine and selling it could they stay open?

Its a glorified flu

no you dont understand according to /cvg/ it will constantly reinfect you until you die and 50 million will be dead by the end of April, the virus is literally the most potent on earth and everybody will die, this is a mass extinction event

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I heard it mutates into cancer too

nothing should close
this quarantine wont do jack shit other then "maybe" slow the spread and effectively ruin the economy

the length of time it takes for someone to show symptoms is already to late to be tested and there are no treatments anyways so they will either survive or they wont

also the fact the symptoms are the same as a basic cold/flu is crazy since lots of people get these at this time of year when the season changes

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Gamestop should start selling soap, sanitizer, and toilet paper.

That way they can claim that they are essential and must remain open. And because gamers would never use any of those products it will never sell out and cause the stores to be closed again.

The flu doesn't have this kind of infection rate

Wew his mom is fucking hot

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you’re the reason this is going to last longer than it has to

how so?
im a literal hermit
all i need to do is go for grocerys

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>this quarantine wont do jack shit other then "maybe" slow the spread
No that's a definetly will slow the spread, not sure where you got "maybe". Are you an expert on virology? If not then "yourself" is not a valid answer.

>the length of time it takes for someone to show symptoms is already to late to be tested
Correct which is why we are trying to quarantine the entire population you dense fuck. We can't catch it early enough so we are as a society trying to stop the spread as much as possible regardless.
>so they will either survive or they wont
Whether or not someone gets on an assisted breathing machine can change whether they live or die. This is plainly and obviously false. You have no clue what you are talking about.

your line of thinking that people unironically share will make it last way too long. i get Yas Forums is all about shit posting but if you actually believe what you wrote in what i originally replied to i worry how much longer you’ll survive with the five functioning brain cells you have

i like the bideo gane B^)

This pandemic is going to be the nail in their coffin, isn't it?

Everyone is out anyway, Lowes was packed today. so was the market etc...

Capitalism will turn it out around

>fedora lord banging hot milfs
of course Yas Forums is jealous

They are not essential.

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As fucking sad and disturbing as this is, at least the stores management there is trying to do something to make their lives a bit less miserable.

Also why would you select new years eve and not new years day?

2 week quarantine wont do shit
it can take up to 2 weeks(in rare cases its been 4 weeks) to show symptoms or you may be asymptomatic(which you wont show symptoms)

you would have to quarantine for 5 weeks minimum and that means no one would beable to leave thier homes
the virus can last up to a week on surfaces and guess what people still use cash so it spreads from that alone

it shows how shitty governments truly are where they haven't anything in place for a scenario like this

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Good god america truly is a hellish country.

>saved a picture that would be funny if it wasn’t in potato quality
Such is life of someone with a straight talk Walmart phone

>Just wait 1 fucking month
try 6 months at this rate.

Imagine destroying your economy so a few boomers don't get the flu.

Sounds like it struck a nerve. Mad that people snicker at you when you go out shopping with mommy?

>it shows how shitty governments truly are where they haven't anything in place for a scenario like this

user, how are you going stop millions of people from leaving their homes? Do you just set a due date for everyone to get what they want, crowding stores in chaos, then have the military wander every town to enforce people staying home?

So he won a single day off?


>it shows how shitty governments truly are where they haven't anything in place for a scenario like this
Well the US did but Trump disbanded it about 2 years ago and is now trying to pretend he didn't even though there is a video of him championing the decision. He was also briefed 2 months ago and instead of doing something decided to call it a hoax, something you will still see retards on here believing because their orange god can't be wrong.

So are Walmart and Target only selling groceries right now?

>be student and worked jobs while going to school
>did taxes this year and last
>fuck yeah 1200 dollars
>read the bill again
>people claimed as dependents don't get anything at all
>parents claimed me
I'm legitimately butthurt.

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should have shut down all borders and land/air traffic into your country/province/state as soon as they heard of the virus spreading in china

but obv they cant do that because they have outsourced all the stuff a place needs to survive to china and europe!

the world did this to itself but china is still to blame for letting the virus get out in the first place.

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>10:43 am Sunday, order is put through
>card was pinged about 20 minutes later
>was labeled for shipment when I checked around 5PM
>was officially classed as shipped at 7:02pm
>was at sorting at 7:26pm

I mean, even I was surprised because the last one I ordered took 3 days after release to be sent despite having max shipping but this one I left as free shipping and I've never seen them do a damn thing on the weekend before so I have to say I doubt this.

Especially considering I rather doubt someone decided the copy of Stella Glow I finally decided to order after playing the demo when it released is beneficial.

I mean, I guess maybe that guy who regularly posts Hilda here actually works for Amazon in BC and was the one who happened to get my order so he made it priority, but it seems rather unlikely.

>rotisserie chicken
Hearty lol

>shitty console games
>leddit tier xD so random gamer merchandise
>shit people actually need
gee i wonder why OP.

Its truly an honor for any american

>being claimed by your parents
>anywhere above the age of 18
ur a fucking baby, come back when you have some hair on ur nuts

lol op actually wants to go to gamestop. land whale detected.

Anyone else using doordash every night?

Man I just can't stop laughing, this is so degrading.

>giving your hard earned money/neetbux to Gamestop

If your parents help pay for college they can claim you retard, thats how it works.

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Because I cam get 30 bucks for that piece of shit doom eternal instead of it sitting on my hd and me getting nothing for it

grow some hair smoothboy

>be 33
>live at home
>dont get claimed
>work part time>got 1100 from my tax return
>getting my 1200 TrumpBuxs

mad? I would be happy if my mom were that hot and motherly

that's just low tier wagie life in general

>I’m not sick
>nobody in my town is sick
>nobody in the nearest town is sick
>everything is business as usual
You fags get so wrapped up by dem lies. Get back to work before it starts affecting my neetbux.

I shave so your mom can suck my dick better without getting pubes in her teeth

>not having 50k in outstanding overtime sitting in your account
Are you even trying man

>just a *coof* flu bro

>I’m not sick
>my neetbux
Oh you may not have corona but you are absolutely mentally sick in multiple ways. Better hope mommy doesn't die or you are on the streets


I could just fucking go buy a rotisserie chicken or a box of cupcakes. That's not a prize.

Man that's just very considerate of you. And they say the kids don't respect their betters these days.

you shave so you can transmit crabs to your trans bf

i just want lockdown to hit so i can be comfy again

holy shit PLEASE give me lockdown i want more time with hobbies PLEASE

Imagine living in a country where a day off is a reward rather than a right

user, keep in mind that in some towns there is literally JUST a Walmart and nothing else for food. Like it or not, they are essential. Gamestop sells games that can easily be ordered online or through digital.