How much will 5G improve using phone internet for gaming? Will it finally be viable?
How much will 5G improve using phone internet for gaming? Will it finally be viable?
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I feel like the ship has already sailed for the surveillance state regardless of 5g
dunno i've been using 4g on pc for the past 5+ years and online works fine
anyone else make up fake 5G stories and see if people agree with your experience?
hey 5G can you make me a sandwich?
Very little difference. Bandwidth is already more than enough for gaming. 5G mostly offers improvements in bandwidth, with some small improvements in latency. If you don't think phone internet is currently viable for gaming, the small improvements in latency from 5G are likely not going to make a difference to you.
i can't wait for Ben to backpeddle on 5G when Trump says something positive about it and enacts some policies that have 5G in mind
I love the meme that 5G is going to fry kid's brains
What are they doing?
I am sickened by his anti-semitism.
ironically enough the boomer parents who are against 5G are the same people who gift their children iPads and give them endless access to social media (which makes children depressed and frys their brain for real)
How are you planning on gaming when your eyes will be covered with the skin that melts off of your face?
>these nutburgers are why my internet is shit
This. He's unironically for universal basic income now. If Trump came out tomorrow and said everyone needs to have microchips implanted into them Garrison would immediately have a comic telling libertarians how great that is.
>muh deep state
>using phone internet for anything
I'll wait for 8g
yeah, but for streaming games you need much faster net
This is why I can't stand talking abut politics now. Everyone is too invested in whether or not they are pro or anti Trump and will either bash or defend everything he does with no consistency in their views.
God I love schizo boomer rants.
I'm using 4g internet right now. paying out the ass for it... but its worth it since I'm in a rural area. only slightly more expensive than satellite internet and no data caps.
really weird since my ATT plan is 4g but I get 0 service where I'm living, have to use wifi calling through the 4g router I have to actually get use out of my phone.
where did this whole 5G is dangerous to kids idea even come from. Did this exist for 4G too?
The fact of the matter is, any company--big or small, is going to be collecting data on you--that's how marketing works. A to truly preserve your privacy is to truly isolate yourself and live like a hermit, which otherwise paints an even larger target on you.
Why worry over something that you already gave up years ago? It's not that I support such practices, but that's simply the world we live in nowadays. No one is stopping you from throwing away your luxuries and living like a mountain man.
Ironically, your phone's data is actually more secure than using any public hotspot is. You can either be one fish in a sea of millions, or you can be one in a small pond.
>No one is stopping you from throwing away your luxuries and living like a mountain man.
Maybe you should look into accounts of people that actually tried to do that and how accommodating the government was about it.
There is no proof they even exist. Just more retarded far right wing conspiracy theories.
Anybody will collect data on you otherwise they wont function. If you don't want your data harvested kill yourself because everytime you breathe your existence has the unfortunate possibility of being sensory processed by another human being.
Reading comprehension
>o truly preserve your privacy is to truly isolate yourself and live like a hermit, which otherwise paints an even larger target on you.
>There is no proof they even exist
what... the deep state? its literally just a term for the unelected people in positions of power that push stuff that is in their interest.
>its literally just a term for the unelected people in positions of power that push stuff that is in their interest.
You mean the large corporations that you mutually rely on each other on a day to day basis?
I find it hilarious that Trump is probably blissfully unaware that he IS the deep state when he made it a part of his campaign slogan.
he is right tho
wtf is that video
"the deep state" is more than just corporations mingling with each other behind closed curtians and influencing politics through lobbyism. When we have leaks of John Podesta, writing which people who work for the FBI, CIA and stuff about what they can do to influence the election so it benefits Hilldog, it raises some eyebrows
I was more talking about people in intelligence agencies and other appointments that grant them a huge amount of power over policy. Yeah, the super rich and powerful lobbyists would be a part of it too but I don't think Trump was ever one of them
I mean, that's what it is--a conspiracy over the unknown, since we know that Trump has already done numerous things behind closed doors and has undermined Democracy.
If we don't kick him out of office, the US is pretty much an Oligarchy.
one has to admit, Ben's undying loyalty to Trump would make even the Chinese Ministry of Propaganda look like Snowden in comparison
most (if not all) of the "AIDS" deaths in Africa are from his vaccines kek
>5G towers are banned in Israel
that's weird
I get it, people on twitter obsess over Trump and hate him for irrational reasons, but what is this if not the polar opposite?
probably interferes with their Palestinian tracking and missile navigation
5g is barely usable if you don't have direct line of sight and 5ge is lte++, no major improvement and not actually 5g
5g is useful mainly for busy streets and stadiums and has no realistic applications in gaming
You have to go back to r/eddit
It is, those faggots are just as bad
Your mom is going to die in her sleep from bill gates retard, unless you reply to my post then she lives
R/eddit is too Trump friendly now.
If trump is president, wouldn't he be the one declaring martial law?
*blocks your signal*
Oh yeah?
Well this says otherwise
Replace "deep state" by "literal technological empires" and you get the correct thing.
Google will buy the deep state someday, and will do it for cheap.
>Blames Deep State as if The Mega-Corps aren't worse
Why can't we just let them build their 5G towers here?
Wrong retard, return from whence you came
It indeed does.
You can choose not to buy cola faggot, you cant choose CIA guy from being in a position of power
For the same reason why you don't let china build their nuclear bases in US soil.
Return to r/.thedonald
why phones need so much bandwidth
We have one more chance with Xiaomi.
No dude, everything good the government does is Trump, everything bad is muh deep state.
>If it doesn't align with my own political stance, then it must be the enemy!
the problem with phones isn't the latency, it is the lack of proper controls, especially since phones manufacturers refuse to put on physical keyboards anymore.