Hey beautiful people, how about an AC thread? Share dodos, designs and all the like

Hey beautiful people, how about an AC thread? Share dodos, designs and all the like.

I have Flick in my town so if you have ranchos or whatever other bugs to sell he buys them at 1.5x the price (so Im told). Feel free to stop buy, sell some bugs, take some cherries and whatever you like (though please dont take any flowers). I have Able Sisters unlocked also so feel free to use that and buy anything in shop. Help yourself to cherries if you need em!


Ill likely open again tn as tarantulas come out later mostly. And I believe Flick is open till 5am tomorrow.

No charge, but If you feel like tipping by way of donation to my current stairs thatd be cool. But dont feel obligated. Im also looking for any lifting equipment for my home gym.

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Are you incapable of typing out "Animal Crossing" so the thread can be found faster, or linking it in the previous thread? You are one step forward, two steps back kinds of helpful.

Ill keep that in mind for next time, I couldnt find the previous thread though. Cheers!

That's because the OP of the previous thread pulled the same shit; the irony

Reasonable, well gates are open. Im mostly working on UI stuff with Service Canada which is taking ages, but people can come and go as they please.

Going to experiment with making a house on a hill off in the distance

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>4 fucking peppy villagers in a row
Fucking hell. And I still have no cranky or snooty villagers.


I've had these flowers in a checkerboard pattern for THREE DAYS and all I've gotten is the colors I'm starting out with.

And yes, I've seen the crossbreeding image that keeps getting posted, so I know I'm crossing the right colors. I'm trying to get blue windflowers specifically, and only blue, because I already have pink.

what exactly are you trying to achieve here because i did the same thing

>bought 550k bells worth of turnips for 106 each yesterday
>selling for 49 each today

Should I be worried?

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you didn't mention watering them, suspicions arise

How often does Sable's restock? Also, is there a catalog checklist/app that is actually worth anything yet? The only one I saw totally ignored color variations.

Do you have this chart?

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How many fences do I need to raise my rating? I don't want to go completely ham with them yet, but aside from adding more plots it's the only thing Isabelle mentions

gotta keep em watered everyday

Posted from a thread yesterday

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just be lucky lol

Can anyone let me catalogue an arcade machine? I can give a hello kitty poster or a ACNH switch in return

did you water them every day?

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How do I stop sea bass from spawning? Please respond.

>can buy a giant gundam
That's fucking cool

anyone got good turnip prices?

>Want to base Town Tune off of one of my favorite songs
>Figure out I'm practically tone deaf
It hurts

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>bought at 110
>price this morning was 115
>price this afternoon is 130


if i have Flick in my town can i open my gates so people can sell to him or does it only work for you?

>Hey user, Pashmina said you were burying bells in the ground yesterday.
>Hey user, why were you burying bells yesterday?
>Hey user, were you really burying bells all day yesterday?

Anyone know if you can move a bridge once its completed?

>some jap selling for 502 bells each accidently posted his code
>deleted and reposted the listing
>wanted a specific tips per trip
>mfw I went twice and made 4 million bells and didn't leave shit
I feel kind of bad

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Well you buy the DIY for it...

How often does Flick show up?
I didn’t realize he only does one model per visit.

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If people can buy from Daisy Mae I assume people can sell to flick.

Yes any tree works. You most likely will have trees without fruit at every day unless you literally planted all your trees on the same day and harvest them all on the same day.

Can you only make one fish collectible per week from CJ?

What kind of FREAK buries BELLS? Fucking psychopath, that human.

I did water em, but they don't make hybrid colors, they just keep making more of the same colors.

I do have this but I'm only trying to make blue windflowers, not pink, so I'm not placing them in that pattern. Also, what you posted contradicts with this because your image says you can cross orange with white to make blue, but that one says you can only cross white with white to make blue. So which is it?

>only own one hybrid flower
>it spawns seemingly endless peacock butterflies
This thing is a freaking money machine.
I've probably made more profit off this one flower's existence than anything else on my island

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Why not just keep your cedar trees and replace the others with fruit? The only thing you lose out on is cherry blossoms

Anyone have an open town with goth clothes?

>have 6 hybrid flowers
>no peacock
Apparently it has to be black or blue.

You’re guaranteed two furniture drops from shaking trees per day?

Something that looks cool as you approach

I don't get why so little people don't plant flowers. Just drop any in any order and you will spawn at the very least millions of 1k bell stinkbug, most likely a billion peacocks and also very likely emperors.

>Lobo just got settled in two days ago
>already told me he's thinking of moving
what the fuck

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Where do you find these?

Every players island drops 2 per day yeah. Then you also have one furniture drop per mystery island.
1 bottle message with DIY on your beach per day and mystery islands can drop them too.

>millions of 1k bell stinkbug
Yeah I have those and the emperor but no peacock yet.

Can someone please explain how the trends in the turnip prices work? If my price is really low right now, will it get much higher by the end of the week?

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CJ pays more for fish, right?

Purple works too I think.

Wait stinkbugs are worth 1k? Are those the green ones or orange ones?

Are you so fucking lazy you can't use Google? Look up the turnip price calculator you massive waste of space.

I'm pretty sure that image with the grid patterns has some errors

>cant find the second furniture on my island

im going fuckin crazy


>Charging players

Don't feel bad, he sounds like a faggot.

Tips are nice, but if you're demanding payment, you should fuck right off.

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Orange ones. Green is garbo

It's raining over here anyone wanna come?

Well I only have pink and orange.

i think its on one of the mystery islands

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He meant the man faced orange ones. Regular are 120.

i'll come over. havent done any online play yet anyways

Funny enough, I barely see green while oranges are on every 2nd flower.

I didn't know that even exists fag

turnip prices usually peaks around Thrusday or Friday
but as long as you sell for above what you paid
youre good

ok code is 5RTM5

Don’t worry too much about it, just get more villagers for now

>1 star rating
I have 6 villagers with 1 moving in tomorrow, a ton of different furniture all over the island, at least 80 pieces of fence (various types), over 100 flowers planted, zero weeds, a ton of fruit trees along with bamboo and cedars, and 3 bridges with one more being finished tomorrow. The ONLY problem I can think of is that I clear cut all of the regular trees around the main part of the island, so I have several acres with none, but still plenty overall.

Do the evaluations only update once a day? Does furniture need to specifically be around villagers' houses? There must be something big and obvious I'm missing, because I really don't want to overdevelop the island before I have the chance to do paths and landscaping.

which bridge design do you go with in your town, user?

Fuuuck they are worth that much? I've been ignoring them thinking they are worth just as much as the green niggers.

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