Half-Life Alyx

Gnome Edition

How far have you gotten with your gnome, Yas Forums? Do you have the achievement yet?
I'm at Jeff

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Ill start gnome run tomorrow. Any Tips?

there was a gnome?

>not using tomorrow

I'm at the area in front the Northern Star and wondering if the gnome will remain if I leave it there.

HLA shills on suicide watch.
>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?

There's a gnome on a couch on the other side of the fence in the area where Russell throws you a gun. There's an achievement to carry it to the end of the game.

>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
I probably wouldn't be able to do any Half-Life-y physics puzzles that use my body as a counterweight or anything like that without spraying vomit all over the room to be desu

calm down globehead, it's just a gnome

you forgot le epic shazam picture
now please fuck off

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source 2 sdk when?
gmod sauce 2 when?

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>Already had his post shot to pieces in past threads
>Keeps reposting it, hoping it doesn't happen this time

>no melee
Get the fuck out of here with that feminist bullshit. Alyx is not a MMA champion, she is just an ordinary female who is a bit more resilient than usual.

Helps to leave him in spots you know you'll return to but there's not much ease to do other then carrying him in your offhand.

I love Olga!

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>It's been a week since HL:A's release
>retards still rospond to this bait
As long as it keeps HL threads alive I guess

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I'm sad he dropped the name. Made it easier to filter him

Tomorrow hurts my eyes. If you use it then you probably already wear glasses.

>Thinking it's the same as slurpeeposter
Fuck you, I hate Sword and Shield and like HLA, don't lump in Slurpeeposter with HLA haters
If anything, HLA haters are more like SWSH stans
Unlike SWSH, HLA is an actually good game.

I tried, but lost him during a fight

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Interesting that they did a whole new model for him just for that cover. Maybe they plan to re-release the original HL2 on source 2?

>Garry showing interest in making GMod 2 on Twitter

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I haven't trusted him as far as I could throw him after he shoved Awesomium into Gmod and wouldn't budge on its inclusion or explain why it was necessary, fucking resource-hog because he didn't want to make his own menu for Gmod.

>whole new model
I doubt that's the case. they probably just shooped his old one a bit.

I'll fucking murder that cunt if he now releases that UE piece of shit he was working on as "gmod 2"

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they probably had that model from whenever they were considering having him in the game

Maybe we'll see grub Breen at some point in the next game

Gnome achievement wasn't very hard, actually. You can speedrun the game in under two hours and the gnome is easy to carry with you. If you lose him just reload an earlier autosave. Remember that you drop carried items if you get hit/shot.

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It'd be cool and at least they'd have an excuse to replace his voice entirely instead of trying to find an impersonator because Culp was GOAT and nobody would do him justice.
It's so fucking sad that we'll never hear more of his speeches. Propaganda has never sounded so comfy.

I keep forgetting that the VA for Breen passed away, god damn it

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I miss the HLA Slayer. His autism was next level

Same for the VAs who did Eli and Father Grigori (Bill from L4D)

It's a fucking shame.

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nghowdy there olg chum

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did the ending make you guys fake cry so that you could please your twitch audience?

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No and thank god. I love HL but that shit's embarrassing .

What an obnoxious, autistic, attention whoring cunt. Look at that shirt, for fuck-sake.

No wonder Valve ignores him, and views him as a joke.

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Nah but I did get chills and sat down on my floor while the credits rolled
and then I heard the HEV suit noise and nearly had a stroke from the kicker at the end

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There is no way he was fake crying, the guy is the numero uno valve sperg fanboy plus hes an insufferable faggot

Just got there yesterday.

>alyx is a good game
kek get a load of this faggot

based Kojima

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>Playing Half Life series for the first time in preparation to play Alyx
>Currently on 2
>”Hah, it’s trying to be spooky but all they have are these lame slow headcrab guys that just walk into these tra-“
>Spot some things out of the corner of my eye galloping at fucking light speed on a rooftop while shrieking.
>Now absolutely terrified that I’ll run into whatever the fuck those guys are.

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They're just as awful upclose.

Just passed Jeff.

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>overwatch soldier's uniform tears as you shoot at it

We get it, you're a underage consolefag that only plays console games, has a 8+ year old computer and your parents won't buy you a new a one PC and a VR headset because you are a shitty little brat. Get a live.

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I'm on my third playthrough and love it :^)

>this shotgun should help right

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You need to brush up on your VNN lore.

I didn't know Boneworks has a soundtrack this good.

I must admit when I heard the HEV suit I would've peed myself if I had been holding it.

I just killed my first one. You’re absolutely right. I missed him with a sawblade, he leapt like an NBA Superstar, and then I panic sprayed him with SMG ammo until he stopped moving with about an inch of distance between us.

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Why do people do this in front of millions?

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Wrong tomorrow is based

Having an audience primes your brain to work a certain way.

*hides ur post*
heh too easy

>not using photon

I missed Crustacean Frustration. Guess I gotta do Jeff again.

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Sorry I haven't opened my third eye yet.

Isn't he jewish?
His brain seems to be a bit different from others given his autistic fixation on a game company that barely makes games.

half life is cringe.

Fucking Combine baiting you they won't shoot.

He's made a product of himself. He knows how to sell a persona and it pays off greatly.
Cash money aside, that he makes more than enough from patreon piggies, stream donations and shilling on his videos, the fact that you can't have A SINGLE FUCKING ONE half life or anything valve related thread without some ABSOLUTE COCKSUCKING FAGGOT namedropping him is a testament to how good his PR skills are and it's even worse outside of Yas Forums.
Half the threads on plebbit on Alyx's announcement were about him for crying out loud.
Imagine having that impact. He's fucking immortalized. 50 years from now faggots will search the archives to learn about Alyx's reception to the public and he'll be coming up time and time again.
I wish he fucking died.

if not now, then when?

>Using WMR
>Have to keep my hands on screen at all times or the tracking completely breaks
f-fuck you index chads

We all hate you Jeff, you're a cocksucker.

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I'm using a Rift S : )