Capcom working on another large Remake project
yeah we know the code veronica stuff
Nobody liked that shit game. This is a Dino Crisis remake.
Just gives us another power stone capcom
>Nobody liked that shit game.
Which is why it's a great candidate for a remake you stupid fucking nigger.
In my dreams its Outbreak File 1 and 2 in the new engine. In reality its Code Veronica which is fine but fuck. Sometimes CV is retarded.
You stupid fucking bitch. Nobody consumes remakes of bad things.
its a dmc remake
I hope that's the case. I'd love to play DMC1, but good.
Please be Mega Man 11
Excited for it. REmake 3 was fun and the story was pure classic RE, and since this is likely CV, it will deal with the stuff Nicholai was talking about.
>Nobody liked that shit game.
That's an unpopular opinion held by faggots like you.
A game that nobody liked doesn't get an updated rerelease the next year (especially one with no number in the title), as well as an HD Remaster that got more effort put into it than the RE4 remaster, since it had to be ported over to MT Framework.
Capcom's """""redemption arc"""""
it's ace attorney in a more cinematic style
>more fucking remakes
Are they even capable of creating anything besides sequels and remakes?
Dinobros, it's our time.
God I hope you're right.
CV was shit.
DD but fineshed.
Mega Man Battle Network remake
Why stop doing it if it works?
I kind of wish they would cool it with the remakes and just make something new, be it a sequel to something or something entirely new.
Outbreak would be cool now that online actually works
Why do you think they're outsourcing the remake?
That would be interesting, if nothing else.
Why do we want another remake from the people who bungled R3make? They didn't even make Nemesis a persistent unscripted threat, a feature even a retard would know to put in
dino crisis isn't a guaranteed blockbuster for normalfags, so nu-capcom won't go anywhere near it. it will be another resident evil rehash.
>Dusk Golem
You mean the fucking retard who constantly posts inane shit and is always wrong?
I'm not even going to get my hopes up for Dino Crisis.
That studio are the same faggots that Capcom outsourced RE3 to and the fucked it up.
They delivered a fucking turd but somehow Capcom are that stupid to give them more projects.
>Capcom outsources a lot of their projects even for their major franchises during the end of the PS3/360 generation.
>Those projects are trash.
>Their brand and their series' brand are becoming more and more irrelevant.
>They are in trouble.
>They start developing their own games again in-house (RE7/RE2/DMC5/MHW) and even close that garbage studio in Vancouver they had that ruined the Dead Rising series.
>They do well again and their games sell well and review well.
>"We are doing so well. What should we do next?"
>"Oh, I know! Let's outsource our games again so we can release annual RE low quality games. What could go wrong?"
Fucking Capcom.
lmao I love DMC but it sells like half of mainstream shit like RE. Capcom will never waste money on remaking a title that wont sell that well.
I'll just be happy if we get a proper new DMC game once every generation
Retard M-2 is made of ex-capcom ex-platinum employees.
They stopped outsourcing to WESTERN STUDIOS. because those were garbage.
He also gamedev. Which is hilarious.
>remake after remake after remake
This. As much as I liked DC, people don't take dinos as horror enemies nowadays
Resident Evil 4 is gonna be a kino remake where they add a ton of shit, Dr. Salvador will be made to behave like Mr. X.
Capcom are falling back into their old habits. Pumping out shit at regular intervals and the quality is dropping yet again. Can they just not slow the fuck down and take their time? Fucking hell.
>Not Verdugo
Verdugo will pull a Berkin and get rid of Dr. Salvador once you enter the castle live.
M-2 are the faggots that just released a trash RE3 game.
Imagine how trash this next project will be.
>dude remake everything lmao
It's going to be Xenosaga
>all these fucking remakes across almost the entire industry, instead of actually new games
They are doing both, its obvious
But also agree with
Dinocrisis remake will be a total rethink of the saga, also less ambitious that the RE ones (with the 3 RE remakes, they will have a ton of assets to reuse and make the Dino Remake cheaper)
It's either Re 1 Remake REmake or that Dino Crisis remake that I actually REALLY fucking want since there is so little actual good dino games for some reason.
>it's been more than a decade and a half
>Capcom won't ever acknowledge Viewtiful Joe ever again
>the success of the Resident Evil remakes, Monster Hunter World, and DMCV all but guarantees they're moving from cartoony stuff to realism angles
I want to know about that Black V-Watch already.
Shut the fuck up faggot, you don't buy new IPs
If trips it's a megaman legends remake
Are capcom going to make any new games any time soon?
not when they can keep making money off old ones
And iron maiden for island
>kill all parasites
>he stil keeps regenerating himself
It's most likely Code Veronica
which will be whatever
Mega Man 11?
Just avoid Capcom, Square and Sony and you'll avoid the major remake/port/remaster flooders
But I do.
What I don't buy are shitty remakes of games I already own.
Have you played RE3, buttbrain?
Add a ton of shit? The 2 and 3 remakes have been cutting shit left, right and centre? Why do you think RE4 would be anything but gutted of it's content?
Who cares, after DEmake 3, I have no faith in Crapcom, again.
Was a flop with the best selling version being on the fucking switch of all things.
why bother when redditards will claim they're in a "redemption arc" just for shitting out a few remakes/rehashes?
nu-capcom is nu-nintendo for adults.