ITS HAPPENING! How pumped are you, Yas Forums? Who even remembers the game?

ITS HAPPENING! How pumped are you, Yas Forums? Who even remembers the game?

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Has netflix EVER produced a good show or movie? Ever? Like, ever ever?

>netflix content
>shitaku link
yea this is the worst thread on Yas Forums

>live action

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Name what you think is a good show, i you're so great

the dark crystal age of resistance was pretty good. can't really think of anything else

Call me when the flintstones, fat albert, underdog, ect. have a cult following. Fucking dipshit companies think they can make live action reboots out of old animations time and time again.

first 3 seaons of Narcos and first 2 seasons of better call Saul (that was in the time where Netflix had to bring out good shit because it didn't have Soros tier investors who simply want propaganda)

really fucking creatively bankrupt

amerimutts literally only recycle ancient popular stuff

>Netflix is butchering yet another one of your childhood classics
Feels like it's a more accurate title

>Not giving Don Bluth a job to animate a feature length movie
It's not even filming and I can tell it's going to be shit already.

It could be a literal Don Bluth cartoon, as it is a fucking Don Bluth cartoon.

Netflix needs to die. They are nothing but uncreative cocksuckers

redpill: all shows are bad.

>live action

And into the trash it goes.

Didnt he fundraise an animated movie of Dragon's lair? Or did that not come into fruition?

let me guess the lead will be a nigger.

the sopranos


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>lets take this game known for being an animated cartoon
>and lets make it live action
I'm absolutely jaded by the entertainment industry

>using kotaku
>getting you news from kotaku
>directly linking to kotaku
This is the problem with newfags.

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I guess it's official. Ryan Reynolds is the new Nicholas Cage.

It says there that it will be Ryan Reynolds.

Santa Clarita Diet
I Think You Should Leave Now
F is for Family is decent
I'm halfway through Sex Education right now and its okay enough to watch
A Very Secret Service is great, but I think netflix just distributed it outside France
First seasons of Stranger Things and American Vandal, but that really just demonstrates how anything they make inevitably falls apart

>live action
yeah just get rid of the best part, fuck movie makers

Can't wait for the black wife's son, the tranny dragon and the ass fucked ryan reynolds

Say goodbye to your cocktease princess, now she'll be a BLAK QWEEN DAS RITE

>netshit original
no thanks

Great, now Daphne is black and doest need Dirk

BoJack Horseman is pretty good too

I'm in Chicago, I can't save you.


>I Think You Should Leave Now
Yeah Well Fuck You Too heart

Love death and robots was cool, a few of the story's had a bit of a Liberal bent but it was never overbearing, the ending of good hunting was maybe a little on the nose.

I wonder how many negros, female knights and gay buttsex this'll have.

Better call saul, Dark crystal, Dark (German show), Messiah


>that hitler one
maybe the left CAN meme...

>Better call saul
Originally AMC.

Toys that Made Us

>Live action
What the fuck is the point? Are they fucking retarded?

Yes. Hope you want to hear about woman empowerment and transgender rights in your reboot.

The platform is kino.
just wish we could see what happened to the girl or any answer why seh was there, or how she survived at the bottom

that one was the worst though.
>Hitler gets hit by a sausage car
>Society evolves around sausages lel so randum XD

Its a new trend and its making money like crazy.

Season 4 and 5 of Arrested Development were pretty good.

The only time Netflix was ever good was when you could set up a party on xbox and watch Feed with everyone at the same time.

the dragon is a white male with a cross on his chest, the princess in a gay prince and a fat shaniqua will save him for her brother which is disabled. cue some quirky drumpf and some other politics in it and released it.
24 hrs later all the reviewers will praise it and call out whoever did not watch it ist or phobe.
it will tank, loose money but no one gives a shit because its about the message - here we go, we destroyed another thing you liked and there's nothing you can do to stop
mark my words faggots, this is how it will go down

not really

So who's gay and who's black?

The MC is gay, the princess is black. Alternatively some irrelevant side character is both black and gay

Not videogames, fuck off.

Nobody ever talks about this but there was a 13 episode Dragon's Lair animated series on ABC in the 80s.

It was produced by Ruby-Spears, not Don Bluth.

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>a bit of a Liberal bent but it was never overbearing
That's how they brainwash people.

the kickstarter was for a pitch for hollywood, not a movie.

The knight will be black and the princess white, as the laws of progressivism dictate.

>Love death and robots
It was great. That zuma blue was pretty great.
The one with Hitler was literally the only really bad episode (the yogurt was also bad but not as bad) was literally just random leddit humor and childish jokes. Zero depth. Zero sophistication. And wasnt even funny. Even animation wasn't that good.

Also the princess saves the prince. And the dragon is actually a kind hearted Muslim.


>Don Bluth makes a crowdfunding campaign for Dragon's Lair movie pitch
>First attempt on kickstarter fails so he has to resort to asking Doug Walker to shill for the 2nd try on indiegogo (this time successful)
>ends up finally getting picked up by Netflix
>but then they throw out the entire idea of the pitch and just make it live action

>live action
Every fucking time.
Animated properties should NEVER go live action, whether it's vidya or cartoons or anime or whatever else. It's always fucking horrible and I genuinely don't understand how it keeps happening.

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Don't ever do that again.

And Love, Death and Robots was ridiculous. First of all, nearly all of it was CG. That was a major disappointment. Second, it's probably the most blatant soapbox I've ever seen since my sister got me to watch an episode of Dr. Who. That one, you know which, I've seen screencaps of it here. It just had to be that one.
First, and this is not political, but it opens with the most egregious reddit pandering I've ever seen. The "humor" probably advanced my balding by half a decade as I tore it out by the fistful. The only reason it's not mentioned in the Geneva convention is that it hasn't been updated yet.
It's fucking torture. I'm serious. It makes the "When the yoghurt took over" episode look entertaining. That's the title, and accurate synopsis, to an actual story. This one's worse. So much worse.

That's their audience throughout the batch. It's all filled with the same humorless quips, Marvel style, just to show they're too cool for school. The lot of it. That's the extent of their characterization, in 15 or so different shorts. Shit is going down, and I'm too cool to care either for it or for myself, because we have no positive way to interface with anything anymore and can only posture as being oh so above it all. It makes me want to fucking vomit, it's so boring and overdone. It's like a milquetoast version of the 90's comic edginess.


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It's going to get blackwashed and going to promote BMWF won't it?

There is an audience of retards who eat it up. That's why they keep doing it. Expect more Shitflix nonsense in the future because they keep making money off these dumb people.

That Green Eggs & Ham adaptation is surprisingly kino.


buttfucking lmao

With the exception of Zima Blue they were all pretty trash outside of some interesting art

>There is an audience of retards who eat it up
Fucking where? Every time this happens it gets middling critical reception and ends up forgotten in a month or less. These always seem like total flops outside of the rare exceptions like Detective Pikachu and the Sonic movie but they just keep fucking happening.

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It's going to be bad. Or rather, just plain average. Calling it now, they're going to do something narratively to justify having him die in a bunch of weird ways. It's the only memorable thing about the game outside of the animation, which obviously won't be present.

They cancelled the Don Bluth 2D animated version for this instead

It wasn't "cancelled for this". The animated movie was canceled, and then they found a different avenue


Yes it is. It's a shame Bluth hasn't put out any animated work. This is a perfect period for the nostalgia of the darker stuff from the 80s (see: Dark Crystal, which is amazing btw)

>ryan renolds as the main character and a nigger as the dragon

That aside, it's all political. If it's not some artsy fartsy nothing like The Witness(I recommend it, very nice to look at), it's at best mildly political with some cliche shit peeking in from the side like in Sucker of Souls(one of the 2 2D things that aren't fuckugly, has some very nice cuts during the chase), or it goes as far and as hamfisted as Good Hunting(the other one that doesn't look appalling, worth watching just for its comedic value), where you've colonialism portrayed with roaming gangs of top hat wearing, monocle clad, moustached Brits strolling around in full suits, cane in hand, prowling the streets looking for young girls to drag into a dark alley. There's not a word of dramaticism or exaggeration added in there. I don't know how I would.

It's the most limp-dicked, cowardly revenge story I've ever seen. We're watching the strong independent - you know the shtick. The targets of her revenge, are as described before. It does not end there. But, of course, they are irredeemable. They must be. Everything is black and white. There is no room for ambiguity, killing people openly in the streets is not a bad thing. It's not nuanced. They're bad people. It's colonialism, you know. But we can't show the nuance of it, the voluntary nature(remember this for later), and the intangible culpability of decent people acting as indecent groups. And so we get and the roaming gangs of business moguls to whom which "middle aged" could only be a compliment, and the dark alleys, in all their bizarre glory.

So, what more is there? Well, there's this guy. He's a bad guy, if you couldn't tell. The bad guy, in fact. A literal moustache-twirling villain. Yeah. Who drugs a prostitute into doing something she isn't comfortable with. He slips a fucking hooker a roofie. Because we can't have our hero do something bad, unsavory, or have any part in her own problems, oh, no(because that's victim blaming :^) ). He's date-raping A FUCKING WHORE!

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