Fire Emblem 7. The last good Fire Emblem game

Fire Emblem 7. The last good Fire Emblem game.

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literally babies first FE

>Fire Emblem game
Imagine praising a game you haven't even played just for false oldfag cred, lmao

>worse than 6 and 8
That's our Mark haha

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All GBA Fire Emblems are good though



He meant 8 guys, please forgive him :)

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Three houses is pretty fun. but the class customization they're doing with the last few games makes your team irrelevant. I miss having to protect a weak as shit thief because there were a ton of chests and doors to unlock. Now I can just class a fast character to become a one-shotting thief.

Considering it was the first FE that was advertised on one of the most popular consoles of all time, yeah.
