Why is playing meatgrinder shooters considered normal for everyone...

Why is playing meatgrinder shooters considered normal for everyone, but playing games that require you to actually learn something makes you an "autist"?

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Because like most words on this board "autist" also lost any and all meaning, it's just people parroting words because they have no original thought in their head so when they see something they don't understand they'll just call you an autist

that furry during the gamergate days had it right. "Autistic is the new nigger."

>but playing games that require you to actually learn something makes you an "autist"
Because you atusits like to show off for validation. Since you can't just play your sim, you need to tell everyone around you that you play high skill deep game, like brain/lit/s. You invade other no sim thread just to shit on it with your autism.

Oh almost forgot, why do you think /simg/ died in /vg/? Because of terminal autism.

Cuz its unnecessary difficulty that only autistic people will find enjoying while games are made for fun.

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>civil flightsims
literally for autistic boomers
>dcs or il-2
real shit

>combat flight sins
zoom zoom, me need shooty bang bang!

Are you saying you're jealous?

And this too. You need to be in special mindset to play civil flightsims.

Because games are for fun and learning are for things that will actual make you woth in real life.

why not just get a pilot license?

Impressive reading comprehension skills, autist.

It's the reason I'm not a huge fan of RTS or strategy games. To study and learn new mechanics from the ground up for a new game sounds pretty boring to me.

simulators just attract autists

FPS players are normalfag milquetoast "nerds", simulator people are "creeps".

Can't fly a 737 unless you have a Bachelors degree so you can become an airline pilot.

>dcs or il-2
>real shit
try falcon 4.0 bms

DCS actually has an accurately modeled F-16, the BMS F-16 is frankensteined from a bunch of different planes.

Real question why sims are so expensive now?
Il2 is around $500 with all planes
DCS is around 2k probably
I understand simulation is more detailed right now but everyone in the world play their games. Why so expensive? Old Il2 sims were cheap

Isn't one of main developers who is dead now was even sued for illegal documentation for F-16?

At least with civil sims, price scales with aircraft functionality. The Qualitywings 757 is like $20 and doesn't have much to it systems wise, whereas the PMDG 737 NGXu is $100 and is considered the most accurate 737 model you can get,

sorry i only fly slav planes

Because learning things is what autists do, my friend.

Completely untrue

Because it's highly unlikely what you spend time learning in more involved games will benefit you anywhere in real life.
In other words, normalfags.

>Spend hours reading manuals to fly a virtual plane
Yeah, totally normal and not autistic.

>Degree Level Degree not required by FAA; Bachelor's degree recommended and required by some airlines

While technically not required, you most likely would need one.

Because it's the ultimate cope of spending your free time pretending to do something you'll never do. It's not an unwinding de-stressing session it's literally sitting there larping was whatever the sim is about. Fair enough if it's a flight sim and you're training to be a pilot. However, there is nothing wrong with being an autist I'd say.

>Because of terminal autism.
*because /vg/ is too fast and chinese cartoon games generals overtook it

Aren't most airline pilots former military pilots?

It was shitposting central for a long time.

>Because it's the ultimate cope of spending your free time pretending to do something you'll never do.
Couldn't you say the same about video games? Is everyone who plays games an autist?

>It can't actually be that bad
>Go and take a look
Oh, it's really gone downhill.

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Because flight sims don't teach you any "skills", you're flying an approximation of a flight model in a vaccum and barely reach even a fraction of the actual experience of flight.

>t. Actual pilot

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>he hasn't yet accepted that autist on here is an affectionate term calling you a non-retard

yes, and you need a degree to become an officer

No, you couldn't. If you can't see the difference between a video game that you can just pick up and play for quick entertainment and autistic sims that you need to actually spend time learning before you even "play" it then I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry they haven't found a cure for you yet.

I'm sure it has something to do with how small and devoted the TA is. Suppose you're making a game, and you have 100 people as your potential customers. If you make it 10 bucks, all 100 will buy it, and if you make 50 bucks only 30 people will, but you will get 1500 total as opposed to 1000. Because the TA is already down to hardcore autists that don't mind dishing out the crazy dosh, the drop-off rate as you increase the price is not that huge. Contrast this with a more casual TA for which, to use the same example, a price of 50 bucks would mean that only 10 out of the 100 would buy it. Then there's also the fact that your customer base is small in absolute terms.

Needless to say, like pretty much everything in real world capitalism, this has little to do with the actual cost of making the product (a shining example of this would be Paradox's Stellaris, on which famously only ten people work at any given time, while they still keep dishing out useless DLCs for like 20 bucks each).

Not really, for reasons the other poster said and what I wrote in my post. There is nothing wrong with being an autist though.

>barely a fraction
so a smaller fraction

>autists blame anime in death of their shit general
>when /gw2g/ is alive
Yep, autists

>you need a degree to become an officer
Really? Loling @americans.

No he isn't dead and he wasn't sued, he was buying flight manuals online and fell into the most obvious FBI Honeypot of all time trying to buy a fucking F-22 Manual and spending in a Georgia prison and he was rehired by ED

>letting any pleb become an officer

Begone enlisted peasant

Yeah, bro, fuck having standards and shit. "lol" all you want, your shitty and irrelevant country probably relies on us far more than we rely on you for anything.

No one buys all the planes. You buy the planes you're interested in.

There exist video games that take the same amount of time or even longer to learn as flying a virtual airplane, I mean it takes like what, 10-20 hours to learn how to play a virtual plane? There are games where even the tutorial is longer than that so I'm still not sold on this autist thing

You need special degree to become an officer in Russia too. Where are you from?

I don't give a shit about countries. All that is irrelevant to your life and opportunities.
You still need to be clever and have higher than secondary school qualifications (A-levels). Officer selection board is enough after that for them to know who's good enough to be an officer.

At this point, is star citizen an autist game as well? Not really a sim as such but have you seen the prices for ships?

Every guy I've met who had a pilot's license has been at least somewhat autistic. They were still nice guys.
Oddly enough, every guy I've met who has a boating license has been a chad.

>why is learning to do something extremely technical and extremely boring and extremely time intensive considered autistic?

>At this point, is star citizen an autist game as well
It's worse. Much worse

and tranny is the new faggot

Shame. I was quite excited for it in the early days. Should have knows it was pretty much impossible to pull off.

See Sims are not fun. It's work condensed in to software.

Yes. Trannies are faggots.

its a consoomer game
you win by buying all the ships

because autism is based

No VR.

>accurately modeled
LMAO, the module is like 20% complete. Every other "totally sooper dooper finished, it's totally accurate guys" module are also full of bugs. Fuck ED. DCS is just getting shittier and shittier.

It was kinda redflag since beginning desu. You can't have "realistic graphics" and "freedom". You need to sacrifice something. They didn't. They just add more shit and more whale p2w garbage. The game will never be released because of p2w. Like imagine buying game where p2w whales own everything since beginning. And you can't just take p2w from them because they bought it with real $$$. It's mess