Will there ever be another fps with an aesthetic as soulful as this?
Will there ever be another fps with an aesthetic as soulful as this?
Dusk happened. I'm going to assume you don't actually play games, though.
Quake has more SOUL
doom clones
Dusk looks like shit aesthetically.
Wolfenstein 3D
Nah they're both soul.
Lying on the internet isn't cool, fella.
True but Wolfenstein came out before Doom. Everything that's come out in the fps genre since Doom 2 has looked like boring soulless shit.
Maybe from an indie developer, but it's more likely that people that want that will just create doom wads
I'd argue that Ion Fury has better aesthetics, but Dusk was pretty great.
Why haven't there been an indie games that try to go for the same style as Doom? All I see is low poly garbage, but nobody tries to do 2.5D.
But the left has way more soul than the other.
>daily buzzword spam
I might as well post it because someone else will anyway.
aesthetics isn't a buzzword you fag
oh I'm sorry we'll just say art style or art direction or just art.
Dusk looks and plays like shit.
not him. either way its pretty much entirely subjective so as pointless as any other buzzword
Dusk is the undertale of fps games.
Dusk was an amazing game, absolutely incredible from start to finish... with shit assets.
It uses lighting well, but the models are outright fucking raw. And stops giving a shit entirely at points. Flaming horses for bosses? Why not.
Ion Fury's asset quality is amazing, but suffers from being too monotone thematically. The mansion they showed off in the demo ended up being the stand-out mission since it was a departure from grey-blue grunge.
quake is not a 'doom clone', quake is the first actual first person shooter.
You won't hit the broad side of a barn with that "realistic" example.
the mediafire link is fokin dead btw, someone should probably update that
>no Ghouls vs Humans
Yes because nobody uses sights in real life
always found dusk's artstyle to be unnerving, something about the weird models and the spooky lighting just freaks me out
Doom is the correct way to hold a gun.
Shadow warrior redux
the best doom engine game to this day
by what measure? Nobody making Quake had a fucking clue what they were making
Half of levels in Doom and Doom 2 are shit. It is not that great. I think Quake engine has move soul.
okay so we shouldn't refer to the art style as the art style. because buzzword. your'e retarded.
That is Build engine.
Trying to go for realism in 2.5D engines is never good. What makes Doom so soulful is the abstract level design juxtaposed with cartoony enemy animation.
Half the levels in Quake also suck.
id just sucks at level design. Great mechanics and tech, habit of giving like one guy half the maps to make in 3 months.
>the best doom engine game
That's not in Doom engine you spastic fuck.
Amid Evil
Disgusting vomit-inducing zoomer shit
no you're the zoomer
Doomguy doesn't use two hands though.
yes, Blood is the definition of soul
That's because John Romero was the only good level designer at id.
quake sucks dick
Looks worse than Heretic did to be honest.
The lighting is fucking spastic. And uses default Unreal shaders so it isn't impressive.
Purple is a color for fags and women. Back in my day we bullied kids who liked purple shit.
Sounds like you're in the closet
Half Life 2
System Shock
Is it worth playing Doom if you're in your late 20s and missed the hype?
Not a fps
Realism is not soulful. It can't even be called aesthetic, because there's barely any art direction involved in realistic design. It's just trying to recreate an identical copy of something that already exists.
I just played through Doom 1+2 for the first time this year, and I'm 32.
Yeah it's still alright. Some poor signposting means you might get lost a couple of times on your first playthrough. Nice pacing, fun progression.
Wolfenstein 3d, now that's the one you can safely skip. Even then, Rise of the Triad and Blake Stone are still alright.
id's entire early history is building pretty okay games for other companies to improve on, it seems.
>is played in first person
>you shoot things
Sure. I played them a few years ago when I was still in my late 20s.
what is more realistic in HL as opposed to Doom?
Absolutely, especially in VR. To be entirely honest though, you're probably better off using gzdoom over one of the more accurate sourceports. Disable auto-aim, turn on mouse look at all times so you can aim like in any normal FPS, play it at high frame rate and at high resolution, but DO NOT use texture filtering, because it turns everything into a blurry, smudged mess. That should make it perfectly palatable for anyone, even if you never played it back in the day.
The zero-grav mutant always cracks me up.
Just a fucking ball. 10/10 effort.
Also the model/sprite rips are extremely high-res compared to their ingame renders, worth looking up. System Shock had some really nice models that didn't make it into the game unscathed.
There's more art direction in HL2 than in Doom.
>Disable auto-aim, turn on mouse look at all times so you can aim like in any normal FPS
fucking why
everything gets distorted to hell because it's sprites
>turn on mouse look at all times so you can aim like in any normal FPS
You get used to no-vert-aim pretty fast. 2.5D does not hold up with full vert, I'd say, you feel like you're playing a jank FPS instead of something whose speed you can adjust to.
Then explain why Quake 3 has the best levels id ever released
Because it's much more pleasant to play and control with a mouse, plus auto-aim in general sucks ass. You don't need the game to aim for you when you have a mouse. Doom back in the day required it due to technological limitations and because it was supposed to be playable with a keyboard alone, but that certainly isn't the best way to play a shooter in 2020, especially not for somebody who is getting into Doom for the first time and isn't a nostalgiafag. The sprites really aren't an issue unless you're trying to cheese the game by shooting straight up or down, they look perfectly fine the vast majority of time. You know you see sprites above and below you even without mouse look while playing Doom, right?
Amid Evil is at a higher level when compared to things like Dusk, which was obviously made by a guy with no sense of aesthetics. Still, I don't think it can be compared to more professional things.
I think 3D Realms is a notch higher than that. That game they are making with Quake's engine is, in my opinion, a lot prettier than AE. But apparently the game sucks.
>>Realism is not soulful. It can't even be called aesthetic, because there's barely any art direction involved in realistic design.
This is insane. According to you there were no various artstyles and art movements in buildings, furniture, machinery, consumer objects, etc... over time, place an individual artists and artisans, because they were all limited by realism.
>which was obviously made by a guy with no sense of aesthetics.
The sense of aesthetics is there, just zero modelling skill.