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I don't get the length criticism that a lot of reviews are sharing. RE2 remake was short too

great game

RE2 had two campaigns though

Not really because I played the game and beat it. on both characters and the extra missions. What am I gonna do? Play it again? Knowing all the puzzles and all that shit? Be a speedrunner? Fist my asshole? I got other games to play kiddo.

And they were 80% the same

You mean the game i can play at any time and do so about once every 3 weeks?

>replaying it before REmake 3
>get to the sewers
>immediately lose the will to keep going

Sewers are fun and short, though, even if G2 is absolute AIDS.

>Not loving the Kino section that is Ada Section
I lost my shit when I saw Mr.X while playing as her, so fucking good

god RE2R is one of those games I wish my memory was wiped clean to enjoy again, instead I have to wait like 3 years to forget everything.

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Hands down the best Resident Evil game. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

The Sherry and Ada sections are some of the worst shoehorned-in 'modern' sections of the game, though. Just one of the many aspects of wasted potential RE2 remake brought to the table

That’s not RE7

Because pushing boxes was so much better.

i finished it 4 times now. it's a flawed gem despite its flaws and not living up to the original.

They didn't even do Nemesis justice. Nemesis was RE3.

It wasn't any better, which is exactly the point. They had the chance to build on top of what were already dull, forgettable gameplay chunks as other characters and did absolutely nothing with them/made them just as boring.

The Sherry section is cancer I agree, but Ada section bad? the fuck? the pacing is perfect, is not too long or too short, retains the atmosphere of the sewers while making you wonder who the fuck is Ada actually if you don't know who she is already(So extra points for first-timers into the series), the *trapped* on the incinerator part could have been done better through.

I am guessing you only dislike it because of the hacking, but honestly, it kinda explains how she stays alive for so long, because just like Leon, she has not receive any training to become a Super Agent yet, something I love about the game, my biggest fear before release was that Capcom could have made Leon/Ada/Clair super Humans like in RE4 and forward, but they feel as Human as they can be.

Nemesis seems cool from what I've seen

He doesn't stalk you like he did in the original. He only has scripted set-pieces. He's inferior to Mr. X from RE2Remake.

Not really. Fun game but not as solid as OG RE2, doubt I'll replay the remake again.

Really? Wasn't the whole point to make him stalk you even harder, building on what was achieved by Mr X?

Apparently the devs didn't get that memo.

It was faster and less scripted at least. Plus they had the balls to actually put Sherry in a dangerous situation which could kill her.

>He only has scripted set-pieces
What the fuck? So Yas Forums wasn't lying when they said the demo was the only part of the game that was like that?

Not really.

They weren't lying. Multiple reviews confirm that Nemesis is purely scripted, doesn't really hunt you outside of the opening part of the demo, and they've confirmed that the places you saw in the demo is pretty much all you get out of Raccoon City itself, and that areas like Clock Tower are indeed cut.

It would have been a perfect 10 if they made an actual B campaign.

I'm still playing you though. I like both.

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I actually never finished it. Maybe I'll take a break from Doom Eternal and do that tonight.

The Sherry sections were kino

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Because RE7 is trash.

Still playing re3 tho

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Remake 2 was just long enough and just varied enough to get multiple runs out of and have a good time pissing around.
Remake 3 seems to be even thinner than original RE3 while taking out the replay value.

I hated the Sherry and Plug puzzles. Both were trash, especially since Chief Irons runs at an exceptionally high speed and his flashlight beam is very stupid and you can never tell if he saw you or not until he does.

Still mad, why must Capcom corporate continue to be so fucking stupid and insist on cost cutting when it keeps biting them in the ass? Just let your devs finish their fucking games, Jesus Christ.

That has to be hyperbole, how short is the game if all you get of the city is two streets?
And going by the demo you could tell Nemesis was heavily scripted, he has clear set spawn points if he's not currently chasing you and ambush spots if he is.

RE2 isn't and wasn't worth $60, even though it was a great game. The value just wasn't there for $60. I remember when people were literally making anti-shill threads for RE2make for WEEKS before release about the lighting, Mr. X AI, zombies taking too many bullets to kill, etc. and saying the game was a shittily-made cash grab that wasn't worth anyone's money. Now it's bonafide Yas Forums core.

>It would have been a perfect 10
Not even close. It would've approached a solid 8 or 9 if they didn't remove the marshaling yard/tram section, didn't replace the Umbrella lab with something that looked like it was ripped straight out of one of the shitty RE movies along with replacing the ivies with shitty one-hit kill humanoid plants. That's not even mentioning the Sherry/Ada sections, lack of zapping system, the plot inconsistencies at the very end or the fact that Leon and Claire have next to no interaction with eachother over the course of the game

You degenerates are going to hell.

What didn't you like about the plug puzzles?

The $20 they put it up for on sale is about right. A really strong $20 game. If they actually finished it I'd shell out $60.

>Now it's bonafide Yas Forums core.
People still have arguments about Remake 2.

I dunno, it just felt different from the usual backtracking for me and then playing around with it was kinda boring too.

Yes. Re2R has its problems but is far better than this new title.

Neck yourself

Crapcom are a bunch of lazy bums. Alien Isolation provided a template for stalker enemy but they failed to take some ideas from it. Crapcom can't even fix the plot hole in RE2make. This company is pure shite!!!

>Capcom are a bunch of lazy bums
Capcom's got some of the best devs in the JP game industry. The problem is their project pipeline is inefficient and their schedules are way too tight on their big games, leading to big content cuts. DMCV is so blatantly holding back content for a "Special Edition" in the next gen launch window, RE2make is missing a fuckload of content that feels like it was cut last minute, etc.

I think it was worth $30-40 personally because the campaign was that good, but most RE games suffer from a lack of game modes.
If they do I hardly see them. What arguments could people even have?

RE1 DC/DS has more than enough content for the price point at their release.
RE2 was similarly full of content, and RE4/5 had plenty to offer as well. Shit, 5's Mercs was so worthwhile they spruced it up and sold it as a standalone game on 3DS. It's modern RE games that are thin on content.

Nemesis only appears at certain moments too in the original, but sticks around chasing you if you dont down him.

>RE2 isn't and wasn't worth $60
Most games arent worth $60
thats why you should just wait for games to go on sale

its very very rare that I buy a game and think yeah this is worth $60

Games worth $60 come out fairly often, but they're not the big, heavily marketed games of that year.

i'm like, really fucking bummed out right now.

Re2remake was on my top 5 goty last year, replayed it several times, I loved everything about it even if it wasn't perfect. God damn, I was so fucking hyped for this, they had everything to make a real honest to god perfect remake.

But If they didn't even nailed nemyy correctly, which was THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE ORIGINAL, they I guess everything else can go fuck itself.

>the city section of the game that you see in the demo, is the only city section of the game.

That's just fucking insulting. What a fucking bummer, i hoped for Re3 to be THE game to keep me going in this quarantiine, I guess I'll have to buy something else. Trully, what a dissapointment.

yeah but in the original re2 mr x was only in certain scripted rooms and they made him stalk you

so its still a downgrade over re2remake

Capcom's gonna Capcom, they never learn.
If they gave Re2make another 6 months and then let the team make RE3 as a standalone expansion, you'd have your 10/10 games. Instead they gotta hit those numbers, crank that shit out ASAP.

I get more value out of steam games that are $20-30.
RE3 was the game to get you out of quarantine? It's a 5 hour game though, it's not gonna last more than 2-3 playthroughs if that.

I figured RE3 wouldn't be able to compete with RE2.

What’s wrong upset you didn’t get all the Sherry mods before they got wiped off the internet?

user's point was that this is even more restricted than the original, where he doesn't leave you alone if you don't down him. Now he just fucks off because they didn't bother to give him enough to work with through long periods or alternate methods of play.

>If they do I hardly see them. What arguments could people even have?
Adaptive difficulty sucks. Especially for a game with resource management elements.
Mr.X is not a threat, but a giant annoyance.
Scenario A/B is even worse than the original, plus no zapping system.
Claire and Leon don't interact apart from the very start and very end of the games.
Cut OST to sell back to you, and it doesn't match the new areas on top of that.
Ada and Sherry's sections are way more annoying a repeat playthroughs than the OG
Cut enemies from the OG

I have more personal problems with the remake, but those are some of the more common arguments.

Crapcom is focusing all their talented guys on Monster Hunter. If they can't handle their other IPs they may as well sell it to other companies.