>Not having 2 Switches

One - Lite for comfy gaming and travelling.
Other - Hacked for testing/experiments/trying out new games you not sure about/emutation

What is your excuse? I feel like i don't need anything other than 2 switches. I have everything i want in this world videogame-wise. FUN RIDE NEVER ENDS

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If the lite docked to a tv is be all over it to replace my launch switch. Soon as a updated dockable switch comes out I'm gonna get it and hack my launch unit for emulation on the go

>Lite for comfy gaming and travelling.

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good joke

>he actually bought a lite
Lmao loser

>bought a switch
>bought the ac switch and hack the first one
>laugh at fags who desperately want one now
>seethe when nsp torrents have no seeders

Nothing wrong with liking the switch, but buying two is just a waste of money.
It's already a terribly overpriced console, and cracking is only worth it right now if you only play single player games.

I do have 2 switches OP, but unlike your poképleb ass I went with patrician grey for the standard model and CHAD Turquoise for the Lite. Get on my level.
>Not being an Idort

Attached: Glorious Idort Master Race.jpg (1024x596, 117.14K)

I'm too poor to have either

running out of gems to play on the 3DS..

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can the switch lite be hacked yet?
only thing stopping me from getting one

>he only has two
>bought the cucked model at that

Attached: allswitch.jpg (4032x3024, 723.13K)

Why kind of claw handed lizard people do they have working at nintendo where they think this button/stick layout is acceptable?

why 2?
the light is just a smaller switch.
I really only bust out my switch outside if i want to play a game with a friend, so not having joycons is retarded.
why do you need 2 switches, just have a diferent memory card for legit switch usage and hacked usage. Not like I ever use official firmware anyway.

Have you played Fantasy Life? Is really cute and fun

This isn't your picture

it is. I'm the vitafag

Attached: IMG_4685.jpg (904x733, 234.22K)

Do saves transfer between systems?

Show your bussy fag

Did you get the just for the lolz or are you a collector?

I have a vision.

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Don't worry user, some day you will make enough money to support your hobbies but you gotta work hard. Most Vfags are zoomers and got shit for free from their parents or had to save up with their slavewage and PC is is 80% of their net worth

I see, whatever it is I hope you find peace user

why do you even want that much if you can only play 1 game at a time

Still have a couple more consoles to go but I'm slowing down for now.

Attached: andistillhave3more.jpg (2016x3024, 1.81M)

what's that big cross button on your switch?

you must know a thing or two about vita's.
are ppl selling them for 200 CAD minimum overpricing this junk or is that still the value even today?

>he only plays one game at a time
...you mean the dpad? You fucking zoomer
At this point you should get what you can if you're interested. You had a decade to get on the vita, it's been fully hacked since 2017

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if you play more than 1 game at a time you probably some nice AHDH and you won't enjoy any of them, but whatever

Being a wojack poster is worse.

Why the mini TV?

>What is your excuse?
I don't want 1 Switch, let alone 2.

>Buying two switches when you can just have a dual emunand/sysnand install and accomplish the exact same thing
>"Traveling" at all right now

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Why would I need two? I don't even bring my Switch outside, I don't want to play a game unless I can give it my full attention in the house. I don't want to just play for 5-10 minutes when I could be interrupted by other shit going on around me.

Whatever happened to Quentin?

should I get switch or switch lite

Why do switch players love pretending that they take their switch out "travelling"?
The only place they travel to with their switch is the bathroom.

Enjoy those anal fissures.

>paying for piracy
>paying for online

Not only that but one Switch is hacked, the other one isn't so he has to buy the non-hacked switch games.

Regular switch so you can dock it

He was gang raped by big black cocks and his anus is still recovering in the hospital

Same thing that happens to every ban evading shitposter.
Only those retards talk about them.


I already have a Switch. I wouldn't have bought the thing if it wasn't hackable. I cannot go outside with it, because spics and niggers would steal it.

Just keep the Switch in your bag

I have 2 switches, but the other one is too new so I can't hack it. When is hacking gonna get better for the Switch?

puny compact flash

Attached: 149 games 400gb.png (1288x2616, 250.29K)

That's not compact flash. It also supports high capacity SD cards so you can have 1tb with no spinning rust

His ass is being expanded by the AFRICAN WARRIORS and their huge RHINO COCKS who do nothing but play SFV and Smash all day.

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but I like my spinning rust :'(

>Other - Hacked for testing/experiments/trying out new games you not sure about/emutation
>One - Lite for comfy gaming and travelling.
I have 3DS for that. Switch is a home console.

>Being a wojack poster is worse.

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Why would you even need two? Just switch between sysnand for legit games and online and emunand for pirated games/intensive homebrew shit you sperg.

If I want to hack my switch where do I even start? I have no previous experience with modifying my consoles. Do I need some sort of modchip or
is there some other method?

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You need to check the serial number, and then tape a bit of tinfoil to it.

Then you're done.

Imagine having a basedtch at all lmao

>trying out new games you not sure about
main reason i hacked my old switch desu

Hold the power button on your Switch until it prompts you to shut down.
Do pic related to your right joycon.
While holding the +volume button, power the system on.
Plug it into a USB port on your computer.
Run github.com/suchmememanyskill/TegraExplorer/releases

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>shorting the entire controller instead of 2 pins
That's a nice way to fry your shit, idiot.

Are there any lesser known that make the switch worth buying? I've been thinking about buying one but everything besides platinum exclusives seems to be just the same generic stuff I've already played 20 years ago

That's how I've been doing it for years, faggot. Stop fearmongering.

based consoomer retard

>owning a Switch at all

I'm not retarded.