Why did they remove genders from only the English version of ACNH?

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Bcuz their on the rite cide of herstory

Gendered languages are so problematic and sexist.

It's funny because video games are just NOT the medium to explore gender dysphoria.

Because a hairstyle isn't a gender.

because they are cucks

Remember when everyone was saying they removed gender from Animal Crossing?

Remember how they were proven wrong when shown that you select between male and female?

Turns out they were right about the English version because the "style" selection changes literally nothing. Other villagers talking about you always use neutral pronouns. They actually did remove gender and the selection is entirely arbitrary.

Other countries do not give a fuck. Only english speaking areas are tainted.

because trannies are the only people that'll buy this fucking dumpster fire cellphone game shit lmao

Because they thought Americans wouldn't like associating hairstyles with gender? That's the point of localisation.

Because America is the worst country in the world
Even worse than fucking china

What is it about video games that attract this many soi consumers to work in the industry?

>English language
>American flag
So tired of this

>why did a company do a pro LGBT move in mainly pro LGBT countries whilst not doing it in anti LGBT countries
This board is fucking retarded. If anything the better question is why French and German hasn't got it removed to given how pozzed up they are.

Some NOA staff literally threatened them. According to the article going around, doxing may have been on the table for these degenerates.

Imagine being Yas Forums and STILL crying about flavor text more than a week later

It's in American English though, it says mom and ladybug instead of mum and ladybird

What are they the medium to explore?

Are you saying that this censorship shown in OP isn’t in UK English?

Sadly the UK version of the game is the same US English translation, which sucks as a lot of Nintendo games have had 2 separate English translations

>you can change gender later
yup that sounds about how it is in the real world

Isn't this just a quirk of not having grammatical genders?
Like, the european versions just have "villager" differently gendered. It doesn't say male or female.

Is still gendered, and it's what pisses off the alphabet people.
It's better than straight up not listing the gender.

Because only Americans accept this insanity.

Sounds more like Americans are retarded.

To give Yas Forums another thing to endlessly cry about.

>Other villagers talking about you always use neutral pronouns. They actually did remove gender and the selection is entirely arbitrary.
This is entirely 100% appropriate for Animal Crossing along with choosing gender at will.

Bullshit. I have multiple human villagers, and the animals definitely say "he" and "him" when talking about the other one.

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Because americunts are retarded.

there's a reason why nintendo is commonly referred to as "transgendo."

Some Snoy trannies jumped ship to work at Treehouse, who localized this shit.

You're not even human.


They stopped doing separate localizations years ago, as recently as BotW. Last major game I recall having separate translations was Tri Force Heroes.

Proof? That’s horrible if true. Why would they even jump ship if they were just going to do the same shit at the next company?

>Implying Nintendo games haven't always been loved by those types


it kinda is. It's also extremely annoying in some languages. Look at the german one. It could be just Bewohner and interpreted as gender neutral but fucking sluts want inclussion and now we got 2. All these Yas Forumstards are getting triggered by the wrong things

wow look the country of jews that exports cancer to the entire world (mostly europe) is the one that pushes for tranny acceptance

To sell more to amerimutts

>it kinda is
I was being ironic. Kill yourself if you legitimate think this.

>he plays localized kiddy games

>French is France
>Spanish is Spain
>English is American

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They'll use the appropriate pronouns for each other, but when talking about other players they'll use a singular they, like when talking about "their" title.

The noose

Do they do that in the Japanese version too? That’s the important part!

I'm uneducated on this matter
but aren't the only gendered languages in that pic french and spanish, or whatever that flag is, and others simply have guy and gal?

Ask Nintendo Treehouse.

It's funny that these leftists are anticolonialism but want to impose that gender neutral bs in gendered language

It's almost as if the UK faded from relevancy decades ago and the remaining anglosphere countries were never relevant to begin with.

Sounds legit

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Imagine how do the Portuguese feel

Japanese already has gender neutral pronouns, is the one they give to characters in anime who's gender is never stated, like pic related.

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I can't, because they lack feelings, being subhuman creatures.

So you have no proof its wrong, just doing that leftists thing were you treat the ones who oppose you as evil, thats the only argument. Like the USSR did.

Play the pseudoscience tolerance game, get pseudoscience tolerant prizes.

There is no proof that it's right dumbass, it's just a site claiming "yeah this guy totally told me this thing" with no evidence. And since it's OAG there's zero credibility.

Because Americans are mentally ill, and English as a language influences and is influenced by that.

I have no sympathy, I pointed this out months ago but you were all too busy celebrating that even having the gender select there was somehow a victory to listen.

cause i wanna be a boy and dress like a girl uwu

psychiatric ward

because the English language doesn't have gendered grammar, and that's literally the only thing the option changes anyway

They know their audience

You can still do that, even if you select a boy. It was like that in New Leaf as well.

shoot a barrel

Because the people who care about this (Californians) only speak English

English is the official tranny language

You are refering to those filthy brazilians

Slow down New Yorker lol

>Californians only speak English
a la verga