Console gamers, welcome to 2010


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Absolutely shit thread. You should feel embarrassed. This is why you don't get invited anywhere.

Who the fuck actually used an SSD in 2010 they cost a fortune for even a small one back then

The average pc player has a weaker PC than a PS4 Pro, and has to spend a lot more money than the standard price for consoles in order to get 4k infinite FPS, where did the pc mustard race meme even come from?

Absolutely kino thread. You should feel based. This is why you always get invited to my redpilled compilation.

maybe in 10 years consoles with get NVMe SSDs.

If only console kids knew how much speed they were missing out on.

Did you know you can afford all the newest tech easily when companies give it to you for free to shill?

This nigga looks like he sucks cock for meth. He's canadian tho so im not surprised. OP, go outside. Go do some pushups. Get a life

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i had a 120Gb one for the OS and a couple of more demanding games, everything else was on a cheap storage

most pc sharts are still using toasters with HDDs.

>You should feel embarrassed. This is why you don't get invited anywhere.

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no console can run 4k @ 60fps

When will PCfags realize console gamers just dont care? And most of them think your a autistic retard when you go "B-B-BUT MY PC MORE POWAHAFUL" the whole point is it's supposed to be easily accessible. All you do is make PC gaming look less desirable.

But user I spent 4000€ to have 8k 256 fps, I need to feel superior to console shitters and their 250€ consoles


Guess thats what happens you touch a nerve

poor boy console faggots

almost like there are more pcs and they stay relevant longer................

look at all these console faggots bitch ass niggers fuck you console ass bitch

Perhaps most people have PCs for reasons besides games.

When are we going to get non solid state drives anyway?

The average PC player now, yes. The average PC player 2 years from now will have a far better rig than PS5, and then the difference will only increase. Until PS5 will again be obsolete as shit for several years, before the release of the next one.

And besides, is comparing yourself to the average really any kind of victory at all? PS5 and XBox have their place. They're for easy, casual entertainment. That's a good thing for those who want it. But don't start comparing the specs, seriously. A top tier PC one year ago was already better than PS5 will be coming out, and the difference will be 10 to 2 -fold by the time PS6 is coming out. If you have the money and want the best quality, then PC is where it's at. Everyone doesn't. That's cool.

Most of my games are still on a hard drive, but desu I'm thinking of going SSD only in my build soon.

Get your space invaders money outta here. This America.

I mainly see pcniggers sperging about specs, consolefags are happy with acessibility and benchmarks

and the average console player has fifa and nothing else
since when were normalfags the accepted metric

Poorfag cope

The "average" PC player doesn't use their PC for primarily gaming. Saying that most PC specs are trash tier is counting all the people with shitty laptops who might play a game or two after work, but don't really give a shit about the hobby as a whole.

>almost 150k coronas

glad I'm not there lol

hard drive is still king of storage to cost ratio, especially when storing more than games like media, work, etc which you don't really do on a toy console.

however if you pair it with a sizable ssd you can have your primary/load sensitive games on the ssd and low prio/load insensitive games on the hdd as well, another option consoles lack.

>look at all of these console faggots
>bro what do you mean you don't own a $1500 shitbox to play CSGO, League, and old console games on all day?

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From a time when GPU prices weren't artificially inflated. Also the PC allows upgrades, offers way more utility, is backwards compatible to the very beginning, has cheaper and more games and doesn't want you to pay for online play.

Got a 3600X with a rtx 2060 and 16 gig or 3200mhz ram i built recently will the new consoles out perform it?

100% of sonygros and xskellies pay full price for downgraded games to play on their potato pc that can literally only play games and movies

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So Linus is too much of a brainlet to realize why this is a good thing for PC games as well?

yes and no, at worst you're just under par.

make sure to tighten your ram timings with dram calculator to pick up some more gaming performance.

guesss I'll cope with Bloodborne lmaoooo get fucking rekt

and yet the only PC game taking advantage of SSD speeds is a special setting in star citizen

Wait until the things come out. Remember all the hype about the PS4 and Xbone, then it turned out they were turds? High chance it's gonna happen again.

That part of the vid was the epitome of "linus dont know shit about game development"

>consolefags are happy with acessibility and benchmarks
consolefags will endlessly screech about how many consoles a single company can sell
they are literal corprate shills without realizing it

based landus technology strats

my ps4 was worth the price just for BB and early Nioh access alone

Counterpoint: PS4 has been able to use SSD's from day 1.

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>make sure to tighten your ram timings

Holy shit thanks i forgot to do that, just did drivers and stuff so far

>10 years
>Both consoles launching with NVMe drives
Way to out yourself as a retard, it's like you can't even read

Ps5 is around 2070 super and sex is 2080 equivalent, so no. Wait for 3000 series, that'll be 40% better than consoles

Couldn't saturate it though, nor are the games designed around them.

guess i'll play vr, make stuff, upgrade my rig, or pirate games then

except they arent...? dumbass. top lel mate

What kind of excuse is this? Games don't need to be "designed around them" to benefit from them.

Such as duplicating assets, bloating install sizes, regardless of the install media taking up precious SSD space in comparison to dime a dozen TBs on HDDs.

t. Cerny that one time

>but muh 1000$+ gayming pee cees
why are mustards like this?

why do you pretend that you are some united race and aren't just a bunch of "who pays more gets the better specs with more and more dimishing returns"fags?

Any MX500chads in here?

they do. If u ever wondered why your 10 times faster SSD only loads your game twice as fast as your HDD, its because the game was made for HDD first before anything.

How is it that the sexbox is so good at raytracing?

Pretty much this. The next console generations biggest advantage is forced SSDs. PCs wont see universal SSD adoption for most likely another 5-15 years because of toaster frogs.

I still use HDD. I hate how these faggy americans do their videos thinking about other americans and don't think about the thirld world.

>Be not a straw grasping autist
>Put SSD in day 1 PS4
>Even without the techno jargon, load times are still cut in half
It's really pathetic to see mustards cope because they spend four figures to rent a license for software.

both consoles will be launching with nvme drives

You don't have SSD installed in your PS3 and 4? What the fuck are you guys doing? I bet you purchase your PC's prebuilt as well.

Assuming the nand flash market doesn't shit itself again, by the time the speed gains are forced upon toaster fags prices should have come down in price.

Even the chinkest $20 120GB SSD on Amazon right now can outperform an HDD.
So what capacity will we see at $20 in a few years as low capacity chips become less financially viable to produce?

ps4 uses sata 2, its only a small improvement

thats a bit misleading. even till this day your average pc user is still using 500gb to load OS and HDD for everything else.

Seems like a very scientific sample size of 1 bros, we can conclude this to be true.

>Load times cut in half
>"Only small improvement"
I guess 30 fps is an acceptable standard, since it's only a "small downgrade" from 60.

A very small one for OS and one game. Remember, games weren't that bloated in the past, so even 120GB SSD should be enough for this purpose.

I put a SSD into my PC that I built in 2011 and the thing fucking died on me a year later. So these SSDs better not have as shitty a lifespan like they did a decade ago.

>needing SSDs to play LoL and hentai virtual novels
lol pcfaggots

Nah, I just load all my games into a ramdisk. SSDfags hate me.

>""""average pc player""""

This was always a retarded talking point. 'Average' console player in the world has Nintendo Wii or PS3

fuck you and your e-celebs
having said that, consolecucks are pathetic drones who deserve to get scammed and pay out the ass for everything

They accepted paid online so they have no limits.

Even today barely anyone uses them, maybe a short storage one for the os and that's it.
Most people still prefer to go for a high speed hdd with 4 or 5 tb which are super cheap.

you blow your neet bucks on the latest overpriced nvidia/intel parts while still only playing "games" like wow, dota and csgo that can run on a toaster.

Even back in 2010 as now, PC has no games.

the problem isnt even price. Its that majority of PCs arent used for gaming so having large HDDs in them makes sense.Unless developers with this next gen actively start making their games SSD only and start forcing toaster boys to upgrade i can't see this getting any better anytime soon

I present to you the top 10 most used mustard race cards on steam: all weaker than fucking consoles. When will poorfags ever learn, TITAN bros?

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yo, mine arrived just today

Have you ever checked the R/W and throughput on customer grade SSD's and what SATA II can do on spec level? Compare that on caching time, and R/W on any high grade HDD's. You might be surprised.

What do you mean? It just got Animal Fucking New Positions

This is 100% a cope. Who cares about the "average PC player" when PC can still VASTLY outperform consoles AND play all their games AND use all their peripherals? Not to mention it is way easier to communicate on PC with a multi-monitor setup, install mods, get fan patches, pirate games...

Why are polfag so retarded

Get back to me when I can physically own my games.

Okay, so you can read but chose not to read anything about this coming gen before you started spouting shit.

Nobody was paying $500 for a 120GB SSD in 2010 unless they were insane.

Anybody who boasts about using an SSD is lying in 2010. They weren't massively available, and they weren't cheap. Even the 120's people are saying we're "commonplace" at the time were expensive.

>The average pc player has a weaker PC than a PS4 Pro

only if you count broke niggers in india as PC users

who wouldn't be able to afford a PS4 either

only in bf1

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Just wait until the new consolefags want to expand their storage, they'll feel it in their wallet and not get much storage out of it.

And according to the PS5 spec reveal, you can't use just any M.2 NVME, it has to be up to Sony's performance specs so good luck skating by on cheap shit.

I'm a PC gamer and I still use M.2 SSDs so welcome to 2020 as well I guess.

You already can make hard copies of any game on PC and there are also services that do this for your client DRM games like Steam.

>get game
>burn to disc for some caveman reason

Nioh 2, FF7, animal crossing, Persona 5R

Meanwhile PC finally gets a new game [early access] and its a sticky

you don't have to be from Yas Forums to understand that jews are to be rightfully exterminated on sight

You don't own them now either, you have a physical license.

>Console gamers, welcome to 2010
This but with PC players celebrating getting a sloppy seconds port from that same year and treating it as a victory over the filthy console peasants, meanwhile any even half relevant PC exclusive gets ported to console in a matter of months.

>Burn game to disk
>Need to load Steam to play it
Imagine missing the point this hard.

Why is this faggot so insufferable, even his fucking squeaky voice is like nails on chalkboard.

>Nioh 2, FF7, animal crossing, Persona 5R
All made on a PC, all playable on a PC.

>master race
>all that nerd shit like flops and teras and whatever

No wonder no one takes you fags seriously.

Yeah stickies are for games that are actually significant. Not weeb garbage and childrens shit


Man I still smile when I put an SSD into my parents laptop and transfered all the files.

Just looking at their faces at how fast things booted up and launched they thought I was some sort of magician. SSDs are a game changer for anyone.

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>lol specs specs specs
Name one good PC exclusive

>implying all games on steam have steam drm
>implying some games aren't available drm free on other services like gog
>implying you can't flat out remove steam drm yourself with a quick trip to google
>implying you can't just get a crack/pirate a game
and then burn it on your stone age flat circle.

>all PC games are Steam games
>what is Steam offline mode
But yes, you are totally in the right to be playing multiplats on inferior hardware.

>The average PC player 2 years from now will have a far better rig than PS5
No they won't as the average player today has something only comparable to the PS4 or XBOX

>Unplug console from internet forever
>Nothing about the game installed onto console
>Put in disk
>Game installs from disk
>Play game

There is literally zero PC equivalent to this.

Yes, you do.

Based consolechad

Why is there less actual video game discussion in PC threads compared to console games?

Storing games the same way you would on console, the only difference is the one your schizo mind is creating.

Just sit back in your gaming chair for two years and patiently wait for the badly optamised pc ports like the good boys you are