

Attached: firefox_2020-03-30_08-48-21.png (640x536, 37.33K)

>doom sold so good it has two places on the list

>DOOM Eternal twice


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>Witcher 3 and Iceborne are still top sellers despite being old games


>Grand theft auto V

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>valve index VR at fourth
>$1200 machine with atleast $700 profit
Valve earned more than all other top 10 games combined.

sure it did oh wait index flopped too

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whats to keep them from lying about sales

>GTA V still charting
>GTA V still charting top 3

>1200 dollar hardware reaching 7% of the VR market, and growing
Thats not a flop user

Fuck "not muh doom, too much gameplay variety" boomers and oldfags. Seeing DOOM reclaim it's place at the top of the FPS world is fucking awesome

>new game sells
Wow shiver me timbers!
What even is the point of this thread?

What’s wrong with GTAV? Huge game for a cheap price. Plus all the Online DLCs are for free.

The new DOOM outselling the new Half Life on Valve's own storefront is news worthy bro.

>the collectors edition for Doom Eternal sold better than the base game for RE3 remake

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By your retarded logic then HL Alyx should be number 1 since it's the newer game out of it and DOOM

same, I thought I was the only one who finally pulled the trigger on it during the recent sale

>how could this happen Yas Forumsros...

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>Warband at 155k in a few hours without any ability to buy or preload it prior to the release.
Bye bye Campo Santo HL fanfic.

It tops charts for years now, who's even left to buy it that hasn't already?

Had HL:A released in the 2010 decade it would've topped every list imaginable. The fact it was just a year late and the hype for anything Half Life died is really depressing. I say this as someone who's only played bits and pieces of any Half-Life and has no investment in the series aside from Gmod or Sven Co-op.

standard and deluxe edition i reckon

i pirated it and couldnt finish it becaues it is boring as fuck

Or maybe i just got over GTA games i guess

most people who want to play it can't, most HMDs are out of stock and out of 7 people on my friends list who got HL:A in their library only 3 played it

cheaters & banned faggots buying new accounts while it's discounted & also it's one of those 'essential' normie games that if someone hasn't played it, they will play it eventually.

>piss sea
so like 10k units vs 5 million on console?

Attached: steam_WoWPifdIEH.png (302x109, 29.38K)


It's that good.

>7% of the 0,007% market
>its growing
cope 0,43% is stagnating

Spics, Indians, any kind of third worlder who’s been living under a rock

actually almost 20k reviews if you consider indexfags which steam considers as "other"

Wow it beat all the fifty year old games.

OP here, I was posting this to show that HLA sold exceptionally well for what it did. 2nd place in the charts is impressive for a VR game.

it's the sort of quality reporting you can expect from bloggers

It's no wonder PC is having such a shitty time, NOTHING significant has released in the last 5+ years
Yeah, you have "big" releases that sell on launch day but immeidately they drop off and only ever top charts if they have a sale for 5 bucks.

Why do devs even bother at this point. It's clearly not worth it, PC players just want the same shit everyday, nothing new.

>a 60 dollar game is outselling a 1000 dollar game
truly shocking

Wow that's insanely good, don't know how poorfags are gonna cope with this one

My guess is people buying Alyx not realizing it's VR only

this is a near perfectly structured bait, despite my comment I'm sure some people will fall for it

>PC players just want the same shit everyday, nothing new.

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>Can't even get past Football manager

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I'm being serious, PC players absolutely refuse to buy anything unless it's some cheap nostalgia cash grab remake. Look at DOOM instead of making some new title they just remake the game everyone played already.
That's different. Every game is vastly different and a solid improvement over the previous. There's not a single remake there.

>Doom didn't flop
>HL:Alyx didn't flop
>Animal Crossing didn't flop
You're 0 for 3 with your Tortanics this year, Yas Forums.

>tfw we'll never escape the tortanic mindset
>tfw ironic shitposters have absolutely completely gotten a hold of the site and especially Yas Forums
>cant go five posts without stepping in some textless wojak shitpost
End it. Delete the board. I'm done.

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How the fuck is Witcher 3 still selling?

>Plus all the Online DLCs are for free.
Time isnt cheap and GTAO is one of the grindiest games in the world
i feel sorry for any new players

I'd be willing to bet less than a quarter of low effort wojakposters weren't even here for Tortanic.

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>1000 dollar game
The game is $60, and you can buy it if you already have a VR headset, so if you don't, the minimum price would be, say, $360

You just have to understand that those kids use primarily other sites like discord and shit to actually talk and just come here because they can be a nuisance without repercussions.
As long as people keep feeding them (you)'s and attention, they'll keep spamming

Funny because that's the complete opposite, the last 2 new genres of the decade (Survival games and Battle Royale) are born on PC with Minecraft/Rust/DayZ/PUBG/

For example solo FPS was the leading genre on PC up to 2007, after that publishers took every single IPs and trashed them to extinction by making console games with them.
Outside of few japanese games the console market is literally about porting PC concepts to console.

Why? They basically stopped all of the banning of hackers, just ask for cash and someone will chuck 80m at you.
Or you know, play on a roleplay server which is 90% of the population on pc.

Not an argument.
The FPS world is nothing like the FPS world then.
It's DOOM only in name.

Sekiro, Fallen Order and RE2 from last year also, probably a lot more.

>passed it

Another week another shitty early access survival game in the top 10, will people ever learn?

>by revenue
Exactly 3 people bought into the gimmick fad. All of them post on Yas Forums as paid shills.

proof required, slavblogger.

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>by revenue
>Exactly 3 people bought into the gimmick fad
That implies less than 50 people bought Doom Eternal

>Can barely sell a bit more than a 7 year old game
VR is a meme, it should stop trying.

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>7 year old game
RE3 came out in 1999

>Lesser purchases
>lower peak
kek, delusional roach.

The game is $60, even if you don't have VR you can buy it whether you can play it or not.
You think people that spent over $1000 will put a negative review? They HAVE to justify their investment, otherwise they wouldn't be able to calmly live day by day.

Valve BTFO by nuDoom

>They HAVE to justify their investment, otherwise they wouldn't be able to calmly live day by day.
or they could refund their investment

It's only around because Millionaires got pushed out of their investment domains by billionaires. If they can't own a sports team, they try to own the next iPhone craze in the form of monitorgoggles being made by soifranciscans.

animal crossing nowhere on that list