What are the best jrpgs for beginners, Yas Forums?

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FF1 or DQ1
Never play Suckoden if you know what's good for you.

>implying 6 high schoolers have a chance against a bone dragon

What's wrong with Suikoden? I've heard II is really good, and I played a fair bit of the first one and enjoyed it.

if high schoolers can kill god then they should be able to kill a bone dragon

Paper Mario original or The Thousand Year Door
Final Fantasy 6 or 9
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest 11
Xenoblade Chronicles (Not 2)

>Kahn in high school
how do you do fellow kids?

That guy is being a retard.

I wouldn't recommend Suikoden either though unless you're a The Watermargin superfan or something. It's more or less impossible to get the full stars ending without knowing shit in advance and you'll probably get a bunch of your cool dudes killed permanently.

The Paper Marios are pretty simply and easy though.

and a bing bing wahoo to you too

Probably Pokemon but don't get too heavily invested in it

Metal Saga because dogs with guns.

Pokemon heartgold

>Xenoblade Chronicles
he asked for RPGs not action adventures

The ascended choice.

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I would say something thats on the shorter end of the jarpig spectrum like Chrono Trigger or Grandia 2

Any Dragon Quest except 2, 7, and 9
Not that they're bad, 2 just doesn't tell you jack shit on where to go sometimes and 7 is absurdly long

Chrono Trigger, DQ3-5/8/11, or FF5-7
lmao no, calling it an rpg is a stretch

FF7 remake


>Dragon Quest except 2
nothing wrong with 2

4 of those characters are middle-aged men

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was made for this express purpose.


You probably already played one of those games though, but they are brain dead easy in the PLOT, i could beat Yellow before i could even read English properly and they devs have only gotten more "Beginner Friendly" ever since.

He said jrpg dumbass

Pokemon is essentially the beginners RPG

>calling it an rpg is a stretch
are you fucking retarded

Xenoblade Chronicles
Chrono Trigger
Persona 3 FES

JRPGs . Jesus christ did no one read the fucking op?

2D: Breath of Fire
3D: Skies of Arcadia

JRPGs are the videogame equivalent of cocaine. Don't try them or you will end up with an ego-destroying addiction.

what do u mean?
t. jrpg addict

JRPGs are the videogame equivalent of baby food.

lufia 2
trails in the sky

>Beginner friendly

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DQ1 and FF1 are not easy games. Half the time you don't know what the fuck you're even doing or where to go. Heck, you buy equipment and you don't even know if it's better or worse than what you already have! These games are not just dogshit but aged very terribly too.

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tales of symphonia

name an rpg element in pokemon that isn't levelling

i played PSP FF1 version and it was very easy

DQ2 is super confusing, i needed to use a guide to play it constantly unlike DQ1 where i only needed to look up where the Mark of Erdrick was because i miss the guy that tell you where it is

tfw the original trilogy are my favorite NES RPGs and the only DQ games I actually like.

I miss the puzzle aspect of old DQ games. I'm sad that they removed that from later entries to the series. But, I'm also a masochist who only ever looked one thing up for DQ2, and that one I blame on translation error.

based. 2 haters need to stop whining about and slandering 2 just cause they got filtered by it

wasnt the mark in the damaging swamp? i dont remember

Any of them. They all have the same story that you're the chosen one fighting god with a ragtag group of friends and they have basically the same gameplay.

I don't understand why the consensus on Yas Forums is than visual novels and movie games are trash, but JRPGs are praised as the epitome of gaming. The entirety of gameplay in the entire genre is reading walls of text and watching action cutscenes during battles. The only one I could recommend is Mario RPG because timed hits allowed it to be the only JRPG I ever played that required technical skill to win.

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DQ1 isn't that hard, people usually tell you where to go and it is a pretty straight forward game so if you get lost you only need to look to where you haven't been unlike FF1 that its a fucking mess of a game

yes but it's in the overworld so you need to know in witch tile to look

I have never seen this universal consensus. You are brain deranged.

What area is confusing about 2?
I beat the entire game when I was 13
Then again, it was the only game I had so I sunk a lot of hours into it. When the prince is sick and I needed the leaf of Yggdrasil, I just sailed the world until I found it.

motherfucking stats
a party with multiple characters
motherfucking random battles
motherfucking turn based combat
elemental weaknesses
status effects
equipment (in form of held items)
buffs and debuffs

okay good point it has alot of rpg elements but I'd argue it's still less of an rpg than a monster collector due to it's ambitions, and baby tier story

>I'd argue
yes and you'd be wrong
>monster collector
not a genre

Just don't play idea factory or post 00's SE games

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>not a genre
based retard

The world just gets to big after you get the boat, moving from place to place is just a chore, at lest in the NES version, and i don't know how you are spouse to find the city that it's at the end of one of two rivers

shoo, back to the /vp/ autism shithole you crawled out of

>admit you're wrong even a little and give your honest opinion
>lol nice wrong opinion
every time

? I don't give a shit about pokemon but cope more

>Ctrl+F Golden Sun
>no results
ya'll niggas have no class
download retroarch or any other GBA emulator on your phone, google the ROM and play it fucking now

SMRPG. It doesn't get anymore basic than that. I actually hated Chrono Trigger when I first played it until I went back to it after playing SMRPG.

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Golden Sun.
It was my first JRPG. Well, after Pokémon.

>Dead simple plot
>Dead simple battle system
>Introduces you to the core job mechanics that cover 80% of the main series until they get into weird shit from 12 onwards
>Introduces you to the main tropes and teaches you things like dragoons are always cucks
>Lightweight and fast to get into

4 is by far the best choice if you're looking at FFs. FF7 has fairly unconventional storytelling, FF6 focuses on story at the cost of twisting around its gameplay system and introduces a bunch of job mechanics that are never used elsewhere. 9/10 are good but too slow for someone who just wants a quick taste of JRPGs. FF5 can only be properly appreciated by connoisseurs with refined tastes and is best saved for later. NES games are bad for introduction.

I tried Dragon Quest XI as my first JRPG. It was all gravy until I got to the Overweening Pride fight and I look for help and I just get these lengthy infodumps about what gear your should have at this point and I don't have any of them that just what a could craft with what supplies I had and bought when I rebuilt Cobblestone. Seems like it'll take ages to assemble a "proper team". I already maxed out my levels. I'm 81 hours into this shitfest and I want it to be over.

Haven't played the rest but you should try Panzer Dragoon Saga OP its got cool ass lore and environments and you only have one character (rider and dragon counts as one) and no gear autism. Wish that was recommended as my first Jarpig. I also played Super Mario RPG, which didn't do alot for me but you know it was fun can't say I had a bad time.

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but user it IS over. you're in the postgame.

i disagree, id say the FF1-3 are better start, they are actually easier than 4, tho if you beat 4, the first 3 will be a lot easier and dead simple as you say

This user is retarded, don't listen to him.

The US SNES version is easier then most other FF games.

Chrono trigger, no contest here. The mechanics are easy, nice snes graphics, great ost and story.

ah, i played the PSP one and found it harder than the 1-3

FF1 lacks story motivation. After you defeat Garland, the game pretty much just tells you "now go, do things".
FF2 lacks structure for its gameplay. You can very easily waste a lot of time building your characters in useless ways and the game gives you virtually no guidance on this.
FF3 has a counter-intuitive job system, where the time you spend in earlier jobs is basically wasted.

FF4 has the benefit of having the most streamlined if railroaded experience. It's absolutely what you want for an introduction to the main elements of the FF series (I realize the topic is about JRPGs at large, but my recommendation is for FF4 to start of FFs in particular.)