What the fuck hapenned to Bioware ?

Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 2
Neverwinter Nights
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Mass Effect

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Is Hummer her name or model

It's how she got the job.

>EA buys dev
>dev is only prominent because the original staff and talent that constitute it made it prominent and excelled as a cohesive team of individual talents
>talents that need to stick together to continue evolving and improving as now proven veterans, and continue the discerning personality and philosophy of the games they make that attracted a fanbase in the first place
>EA starts sacking the original staff that made the brand and who conceptualized the games they were making in the first place and know how they must develop the best as the creators
>EA starts replacing them with random retards, and mediocre EAdrones who have never proven themselves by creating a successful brand that EA found pertinent to buy
>EA's replacements can't replicate the style, character, personality, and philosophy of the original talent because they are not them, just like Rowling would never replicate Lord of the Rings if she wrote it instead of Tolkien
>Bioware becomes EAware, a brand in name only but worthless without the original staff who gave it its meaning and value and personality
>gamers are too stupid to recognize the difference between brand name and what makes a brand valuable, until it finally hits after the name has been milked by shitty EA replacements with the ignorance of gamers
>brand goes kaput and shut down eventually or renamed
>IP gets stuffed into a shelf to never see light again and so nobody else can bank off it in the industry anymore

Same shit EA has done to over 15 other devs.
Same shit Activision has done to Blizzard and now Blizzard is also losing its autonomy which is the only thing that kept some modicum of quality tied to it over the years.
Same shit Ubisoft does like with Massive Entertainment who used to be a top notch dev specializing in great RTT and RTS games instead being relegated to Assassins Shit as a support team thereby robbing the industry of an entire genre an making it less diverse.

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I like that hair color.

Why would you still post a fake image four years later?

Why is she dressing like a prostitute while going to work?

Imagine being so vain you are fat and conceited at the same time. That's like calling yourself smart when your in the remedial classes in high school.


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Truly this is the darkest timeline

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Mass Effect has utter fucking garbage. What the fuck is wrong with people? BW peaked at KotoR

CD Projekt is on the same way.

All devs are going down this road

The same thing currently happening to Obsidian unfortunately.

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So what percentage is ME1's entire credit list versus ME3's entire credit list?
Because it looks like even though ME3 was total garbage, several times more people worked on it.

That's because back in high school the cool boys were all over her and she's still living that life with waning looks, great difficulty to keep the weight off and men in same age group having long passed the stage of hormone-controlled freak.

How is Social Justice not classified as a mental disorder?

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They've taken root in the medical community. The mental patients are quite literally running the asylum.

Because it's taught in our educational institutions. You can literally get a degree in "Complaining about modern society"


Hippies should have died with the '60s

amount of people working on game does not equal quality

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Correct. But it usually has some correlation with budget. And it's just kind of pathetic to see it be so much worse in spite of having so much more put into it.

You mean the 70's?

Enjoy a system run by government and payed by stealing money from others.

This is fucking retarded in too many ways

did women ruin video games?

get over it or switch over to japanese stuff.

women and the men who allowed them to vote.

No. Feminism in part did. The only two movements to crawl out of the civil rights era are homofaggotry and women. For some reason this has been widely accepted in metropolitan areas and even taught in schools for real degrees.

Happens to every dev team based in California.
Anyone with an above room temperature IQ moves out of California due to the "Diversity".
The "Diversity" itself is not qualified to do jobs in the industry.
Leaving only the mentally ill behind. Even if a company wants to hire good christian men to make good games. They will not find any.

Japan is full of cuckshit

Because he's either a liar or a dupe.

I took social studies at the university a couple of years back, I wasn't really into politics at the time, but they pushed leftism so hard that I dropped out, adopted right-leaning sympathies and got a job in tech. I got off easy, I'd say

same thing that happens to every company that gets a SINGLE droplet of an SJW in their company. the host gets completely taken over by the virus. you cannot ingest a SINGLE droplet like the corona virus.

Reality has a leftist bias

then enjoy sjw garbage. if you still believe the western shit industry can recover, you are just a cluless retard. ameircan comics and cartoons are totally taken over by sjws and already almost completely fucking dead.

You mean happened. Years ago.

Send them to trade schools. They are shorter and you have a real skill when you leave. Also trade schools dont have the mental illness regular institutions seem to have infesting them yet.

Japanese shit is just as bad. Don't pretend like it isn't

This, sadly. It should have been stamped out on day one, but here we are.

Christianity is a mental disorder as well, kike puppet.

Na she still has an ugly bitch face and can't you be a feminist without those retarded glasses?
Why do Americans always have to streamline everything into a cult and run it into the ground?

>Send them to trade schools.
>when every harpy in any piece of media is screeching that there need to be more women in universities

>Not including ME2
ME1 fags have the worst taste. I'm glad your series went to shit.

no talented artists are drawing comics. carttons are full of twatter ideologues and they are lazy as shit. the industry is full of such lazy and selfish sjws and no media is going against it, they fully support every sjw trash. nobody can subvert it anymore.

keep enjoying the sjw hellscape and never do any japnaese stuff.

Females. Anything they infest turns into cancer.

Lotta potential mass shooters ITT

>Reality has a bias towards entropy

sounds about right

is this real?

Listen faggot, weebshit isn't any better and you're gay.

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It's not about appearance, it's about what you bring to the company. But let's be honest here, in some cases, appearances say a whole lot about what that is. I have one that looks similar, weight, shirts, style and attitude where I work. And because of her, nobody can speak freely about anything at all. She has an extremely emotional, predispositioned attitude about everything. And a hypocrite to the point of ridiculousness: while she has no qualms about openly disagreeing and attacking anyone whose views are different from hers, if anyone dares challenge her views she will immediately react with rage. Scream, belittle, insult, and attack other peopel's person. And yet, everyone just accepts that's the way she is and nothing is being done. I fucking love my company and my colleagues, but goddamn I don't get why she isn't kicked out.

Now I'm not saying my problem colleague and the person in OP are alike. But if I were a betting man, I know where I'd put my money. Because stereotypes generally exist for a reason. A person who's all right in the head, would not advertise their attitude like that.

>most of the countries that kicked out jews were catholic

Your falseflagging is obvious and desperate, hook-noosed faggot.

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What sounds more unstable, a nuclear family or getting fucked by dudes in a gas station bathroom and getting aids?

thinner =/= prettier, correct.
Beauty is like, 30% personality.

Yeah listening to screeching harpys is a good way for your son to turn out gay.. Also at least at the one i went through there wasnt any of that left leaning shit yet. Everyone just wanted to get done and get into a career so they were to busy for sjw nonsense. it was great.

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Is being unattractive a literal requirement for being a feminist? Goddamn.


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The only feminist I knew in school was the first girl to have tits. By the time she was 16 she hit the wall and her tits were flat as eggs so she stopped shaving, dyed her hair, and got a bunch of piercings and tattoos.

yes, same for incels

What the...
Where do they find these people?
Cant they hire someone sane for once?

>Where do they find these people?
Usually stealing wifi in a parking lot of some convenience store with a coney and a big gulp