Will Sakura Wars save the kusoge genre?

Will Sakura Wars save the kusoge genre?


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>take the most soulful game series
>make it soulless
Thanks Sega

>taking one of the best srpg gameplay and turning it into boring button mashing trash


I thought Sakura Wars was a strategy game wtf?

Even the song is soulless with auto tune

is this Bleach?

>making yakuza 7 a persona 5 clone
>making sakura taisen a mash em up
SEGA is stupid, I’m starting to remember why they don’t make consoles anymore

>>taking one of the best srpg gameplay

Sakura Wars' SRPG was serviceable at best. It made Super Robot Wars look like a classic X-Com game.
Why Yas Forums likes to give their opinion about games they never played?

Will it havve yuri? Asking for a friend.

is this a whole new game, or a remake or port of the wii/ps2 one?

Terrible artstyle

It's a soft reboot.

Sakura Wars is one of the rare Japanese franchises without a single trace of yuri because it's the quintessential harem.

Reboot of the franchise.

Of course not, it's a shitty cash grab entry with no story and terrible designs.

did you even play the original sakura wars? it had less depth than a puddle. the good thing about sakura wars was the setting, style and art, the gameplay is literally impossible to make any worse

No PC no buy

The dialogue was a significant element of the gameplay and the affection system along with the timed choices and the number of outcomes and timed progression system was groundbreaking at the time.
That said the lack of functions like skipping text, limited saves, no backlog, and how slow it is in general makes it rather hard to go back to.


What a funny joke, truly hilarious

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He's talking about the SRPG battles, not about the (indeed progressive and groundbreaking) visual novel / dating sim aspect.

He said the gameplay was bad hence me pointing out that the dating sim part is also gameplay.

Shit, is this not on PC? For some reason I just assumed sega would put it on pc.

Something feels missing without the Oji Hiroi and the original artists involvement.

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>the gameplay is literally impossible to make any worse
they succeeded by making it a musou with no lockon and moves that send you flying in all directions yet have tiny hitboxes, and flying enemies that are impossible to hit
5/10 total flop

correct, i meant the srpg part. the vn part, sure. i didn't even consider that, i just assumed that it would be the same. but i wouldn't be against it being different from the original either assuming they put in more focus in other stuff, ie srpg part

didn't the story also totally spit in the faces of older fans?

great way to reboot a franchise

kubo really shits on everything he touches.

Pretty much; it trapped the protagonists of the older games in hell not unlike Doom 64's ending.

The sad part is that other teams in the game were designed by other people and they all look way better than Kubo's characters.

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>Waifufags were responsible for the failure of Valkyria Chronicles 4, killing the franchise and the concept for good
>Shin Sakura Wars, their big title of the decade, ended being a piece of shit

Karma is a delicious thing.

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I honestly like the main cast way more and those guys look very generic. You are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

I don't think you understand what generic is. New Sakura is the peak of generic design, even moreso than the original Shinguuji Sakura.

just gotta chew to get to the good bits right


I really hated how they use several different art styles and then just jam it into one single game.

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What's the best way to start playing this series lads?

English patched Sakura Taisen on the Saturn. Then learn Japanese and play the rest

get the fuck out

Sakura Wars is braindead easy and requires no thought. The gameplay changing makes zero difference

Why are you stupid trolls coming into threads and LARPING like you were a longterm fan. What's worse is you LARPers didn't even play the original.

They were already trapped before Shin Sakura Wars even existed

wut sakura wars was a worse srpg than even fire emblem
that said, the srpg gameplay was way better than whatever the fuck they tried to do in this reboot

Can people explain what we're angry about so I can join in?

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new bad old good

wait, original Sakura looks like that ingame? Because you are completely right, feels so out of place if that's the case.

They made the best girl a n

I'm looking forward to it. The world seems neat and I'm actually glad of the genre change, since I'm not really interested in SRPGs.
I can get why the long term fans are upset, it's a shame for them, but I think I'll probably enjoy it anyway.

>We know how much you guys like Sakura Wars, so we're just going to change the character designs and gameplay completely.


Soulless, Soul, Soulless

The gameplay somehow became worse, the story ends before it begins so they can write a sequel, not even fully voiced in Japan.

Not even the best Mech SRPG series

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they spent all their money on kubo

>was way better

No, it wasn't user.

I dont know what that is but I'll assume it's Front Mission

The german robots look way better too

i'll take a bad but functioning srpg over a broken musou

Is the Saturn version different from the PSP version?

>German and British girls
>blonde and redhaired

It's just a re-release port of the original.

Nice anatomy.

>Washed up hasbeen series hires washed up hasbeen

isn't burn the witch doing well

Except for 5. You can play that without japanese.

The Saturn version is the very very first Sakura Wars game. The PSP version is a re-release with some added dialog.

So I was planning to pick it up, what's wrong with it?

Why do you say that? Looks okay to me.
If what you say is true, show me the "peak soul" sakura wars experience.

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