Be honest: It's clunky as hell and doesn't hold up

Be honest: It's clunky as hell and doesn't hold up.

Attached: Dark_Souls_Cover_Art.jpg (1076x1325, 260.69K)

The only shit part is the platforming, but fortunately there isn't too much of it.

Wrong. Picked it up for the first time last week and it feels good.

Attached: Dark Souls.jpg (1480x879, 210.13K)

just doing a 180 turn is slow and clunky

How many times are you going to post this thread?

This is one of the things 2 really improved on unironically.

Attached: Blade VS dark souls.png (2142x650, 1.66M)

yeah because it has fucking 8 way movement instead of 360

But that only counts for the second half.

This is a meme and only seems to be the case in certain versions of the PC port. You actually have greater directional control over your roll too. 2 really improved your movement and control overall without making everything about spamming dodge.

Growing up on 80s/90s games I'm rarely bothered by clunky.

Just play remastered dipshit.

So I'm in Anor Londo and I can't get the blue eye orb to work. Any suggestions?


It's not a good game, and the hype was always a fucking meme.
>games journalists complain about it being soooooo hard on twitter
>Yas Forumsirgins master the game to "prove" it's actually easy and journalists are just bad
>no one cares
>Yas Forumsirgins hype it up like it's a meaningful piece of art
>"journalists" finally take the bait and git gud
>"journalists" tweet about how it's so "rewarding" even though it's so "hard"
>it's actually nothing but generic dark fantasy crap with NES-tier mechanics

you don't know what clunky is if you think fucking das1 is clunky

Be honest OP: You like (You)s

It's ok if you don't like dark souls but you must accept that despite its flaws its central gameplay and premise was so influential that nearly an entire decade has passed and both designers and players still reference it as something to look up to


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I played it for the first time a few months ago. It holds up wonderfully, but yes, it's extremely clunky and pretty overrated. Platforming shouldn't exist, its mechanics are unbalanced and broken, and weapon hitboxes are a nightmare.

Still a near-necessary experience for anyone who likes vidya tho, I'm a little ashamed it took me so long to come around to it.

I think at least 50 percent of all my deaths are a result of falling down yeah the platforming is really shit.but the atmosphere of the game is great and the world design is near perfect.all in all i think its way better than the sum of its parts.
The rpg mechanics arent deep, neither is the combat. its also not very difficult once you realize that every enemy can either easily be parried or dodged. the story isnt that great and some levels like lost izalith are really barebones. its a game i really like thinking about and the feeling it gives is great but i did not enjoy playing it as Much as i enjoy playing games like dmc or god hand

I like it because it's relatively slow and clunky

what blue eye orb? the one to kill lautrec? it starts vibrating in the hall before ornstein and smough

wrong, played it for the first time as couple of years ago with the remaster way better than DS3 3 and sekiro probably one of the best game ever

the only clunky part of DS is you being shit

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It just doesn't deserve the praise it always gets. It's a good game, but it's very flawed. Just as flawed as DS2 and 3 that everyone loves to shit on. But they "conveniently" forget all that dark/awful/etc shit in DS1 just so they can jerk themselves and the game off more and more.

It is literally playing favorites and giving the game a pass for no explainable reason.

The one Gwyndolin gives you to invade as a blade of the darkmoon.

where are you stuck, noob?

then don't play it. fixed that for you

>I think at least 50 percent of all my deaths are a result of falling down somewhere
I fucking hate how Fromfags turned this genuine design flaw into le ebig meem by just saying "lel gravity is the hardest boss guise", jesus christ this game's fanbase is utter fucking aids.

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it is not a meme you nobody

but yes you no longer have a zelda roll

it's alright for the year it was published. seen so many more worse.

(walks of cliff)
>I fucking hate how Fromfags turned this genuine design flaw into le ebig meem by just saying "lel gravity is the hardest boss guise", jesus christ this game's fanbase is utter fucking aids.

it is a meme and it's subjective. i personally like it this way and you won't change my mind. if i say you should like killing yourself, doesn't mean you must do it, dumbfukko

That's probably the last word in the entire English language that I would use to describe Dark Souls.

More like
>walks between connecting platforms in 15fpstown
>clip through wood for no reason and fall

Never happened

stop being a fucking idiot and look where you're going

Attached: ummmm.webm (1280x720, 917.06K)

It's not as smooth as BB or DS3, but it's not clunky. A clunky game to me is something like RDR2 or GTA V, where it's actually frustrating just moving your character. Fucking Rockstar, it's disgusting how much money those two piece of shit games made

Good luck finding anyone to invade. I'm sure even red eye invasions are hard to come by anymore.

that's a vivid fantasy you have there

I figured it out and already invaded a couple people. All 3v1 gank squads.

Okay, fromfags, you got me. Game is immaculately crafted. No flaws in it. Platforming works perfectly. Brilliant arguments on your part have persuaded me.

Except Demon's Souls and Dark Souls got rave reviews when they came out, pretty much invalidating your very first point. Cunt.

why is Yas Forums suddenly full of DSP tier ""people"" who blame the games for their own absurd levels of incompetence?
why do they always respond with when called out?
is it one guy? we have the same shit in god hand and pathologic threads. even threads about easy games like hollow knight seem to be attracting these retards

Attached: 1516077183024.gif (270x480, 3.31M)

good, have a webm for your troubles

Attached: what did you expect.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I've done several sl1 runs, I love DaS1. But the platforming fucking blows.

I give the same quality of reply that I receive. I say the platforming sucks. People say "nuh uh" or post webms with no context. I phone in my post too because that's exactly what they did. The fuck do you expect? You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to write a dissertation on why Blighttown's platforming is complete shit with 20 videos of people dying to it just because one guy said "ur gay and bad lol".

It's really not that bad with dsfix

"Platforming" is exceedingly rare in this game, unless you zoomers count every time you have to jump across a gap as platforming. Which is also quite rare.

am I misremembering or is there any actually necessary jumps in blighttown outside the easy one you need to do to get the samurai sword?
I'm really confused about this muh platforming complaint

Just because it's rare doesn't mean it isn't shit when you have to do it. Blighttown and Anal Rodeo have multiple totally unnecessary platforming sections that add nothing to the game.

The thing that makes the game's platforming particularly bad is that it can easily fuck over inexperienced players, and it's easily abused by experienced ones (see Blighttown skip). The way your body interacts with your environment just doesn't work that well regardless of your skill level. The game's physics are simply not good.

Lmao, the meme about Fromfags defending any clunkiness as "part of the difficulty" is real.

And I say that as someone who's beaten all of the games and all of the hardest bosses without summoning.

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>And I say that as someone who's beaten all of the games and all of the hardest bosses without summoning.
honestly I don't believe you

Luckily that doesn't impact me in the slightest. Feels good being a CHAD.

In the last decade or so of gaming has brought with it a movement of fags like you who jack off to the "mystery" and "intrigue" of constant fail states and autistic "skill checks" for skills that only apply to one boss encounter in one game.

Dark Souls is the patron saint of this fad because it has nothing else to offer
>shit artstyle
>shit music
>no characters
>shit lore
>shit boss designs
>shit storytelling

To be clear there is nothing wrong with you and other faggots like you who want to play punishing games. But it's time to acknowledge that Dark Souls only does one thing well, and even that isn't for everybody.

That's not a picture of dark souls 2.

Nah Dark Souls is a 10/10 mastapiece one of the greatest of all time tbqhwyf

I don't recall platforming in Blighttown, unless you take detours for certain loot you should be walking on wooden floors all the way from the top down to the swamp.

This game is shit. That said, I played it without ever rolling so maybe that was part of it.

*surpasses Dark Souls in every conceivable way*

Pretty sad to see Soulsfags still clinging to those relics.

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I count getting on the ferris wheel as platforming, and it's very much necessary.

I'm not talking strictly about jumping, I don't know what word to use to describe maneuvering around environmental hazards other than "platforming".

This is how I know Dark Souls isn't a good game even though I dropped the first one. The only people who jack off to it are faggots who want to brag about how much """skill""" they've developed. This user is so deluded, he can't even believe someone who's good at the game could dislike it.

DS fans only convinced themselves they liked the game so they could feel superior to people who say it's hard on twitter.

Then Sekiro went on to surpass this.


>I am forgotten

You sound like you're terrible at video games

the other thing this breed of retard does is pretend that everyone who disagrees with them is some kind of superfan of the game. Dark Souls becomes shit in the final third, I mean five-dollar-unity-game-on-steam-tier bad, but obviously I must think it's the greatest game ever because I'm not a shrill faggot smokescreening his low competence like and then there's this schizophrenic who thinks only one person would ever disagree with him

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Nothing about making it easy to accidentally fall and insta-die makes it a better game.

>walks off cliff like a fucking retard
>wtf this game is shit

half your deaths being from falling is a matter of incompetence, yes