Doom:Eternal is one of the worst first-person shooters of this century. It's good as a doom game...

Doom:Eternal is one of the worst first-person shooters of this century. It's good as a doom game, because the entire doom series is shit. I don't know how you fucking idiots thought 2016 was anything special, it's just run-and-gun for the most casual of casual plebs. Shooter games all cater to the casual, low-level gamers, except for one special exception-rainbow six siege that is- and only an idiot who has never touched a video game before would more or less find some, albeit low, level of enjoyment from maybe the flashy ammo, health, and armor colors or glory kills.
The game is too easy. Ultra nightmare is a joke, it's just nightmare difficulty, which is still too easy, but with s hardcore element attached to it like it's fucking minecraft or something. Grow up guys, pick up a real game, such as Sekiro:Shadows die twice, or Dark Souls I and II. If you're not convinced on why Doom:Eternal is such a shitty game yet, then here are some more points:

>Chainsaw is clunky and the animation is weighty and long; I'd rather get my ammo out of a demon's asshole
>Swimming is shit
>Marauder has Jewish facial features. Is this a political statement or a video game?
>Slayer gates can be done again and again with no consequence despite saying that resources spent in the slayer gate will be lost. It ultimately kills any last chance for a real gamer to have a challenge at least in this game.
>Exploration is easy if you take the right praetor suit points, and then what you invested can be earned back by making praetor points easier to find and more abundant. Exploration upgrades are just the casual route.
>The jungle and rainforest levels are absolute dogshit linearity
>And finally, the game insults true gamers by inundating us with tutorial screens and little tips for every single item or power we come across, down to telling us how to spend our money properly by showing us-nay-saying it straight to our faces directly almost that we wasted money on another AAA piece o shit cashcow

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haha poopie


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>this is the typical pleb casual that just inhales games like Doom without question


Doom:Eternal is one of the worst first-person shooters of this cent-

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damn zoomer
thats a big post
maybe go back to call of halo or something

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Read first sentence then stopped. Lulz, fuck off retard. How many times are you going to make this thread?

How can one be filtered from a series when they know it's shit from the beginning?

You won't stop seething until you refund the game.

Cope, filtered

I like how the UAC holographic spokesperson uses terms that belittles the modern feminist and equality movement

Filtered from what? The next, even shittier release of doom? The one where you finally realize that wasting your time playing doom could be spent eating protein powder and hitting the gym? By the way, your mother just sent me a dm ;)

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At least admit you got filtered by Marauder

no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard


The marauder is a shitty enemy whose attacks can be easily BAITED. Super shotgun and ballista turn him into literal fodder.

aw, is that your fowst time being mean on fowchan? You'll save yourself a lot of damage to the noggin if you don't but this shitty game in the first place.

>Marauder has Jewish facial features. Is this a political statement or a video game?
>The jungle and rainforest levels are absolute dogshit linearity

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Objective Cringe

nu-doom is literal consolized zoomer trash though.
>low ammo count forcing you into GLORY KILLS every 5 secs
>weapons don't do enough damage (tuned to stun enemies instead to get you to GLORY KILL (tm))
>random enemy spawns all over the arena making gameplay annoying rather than hard
>faggy upgrade semi-RPG shit no one asked for
>shitty cooldown abilities no one asked for
>feels like I'm playing a console game even though I'm on PC
>devs literally described the game as "pick up the controller and play"
I pirated it though so whatever.

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*filtered from the beginning

Cope, filtered

works on my machine
no problems

>-rainbow six siege

opinion discarded dudebro, go back to your Madden 2020

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>weapons don't do enough damage

can't gib a basic zombie with a fucking rocket launcher

This is facts

based and redpilled

he's the kind of fag that wouldn't be able to get into gothic because of the controls

>boo hoo my opinion is challenged

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this but unironically

>>And finally, the game insults true gamers by inundating us with tutorial screens
>He doesn't know how to use the menu

Harakiri immediately

Jew hands typed this post


The amount of people who didn't actually read OP's post and are taking the bait is astounding
>Marauder has Jewish facial features
>Jungle and Rainforest levels

finally, someone sees through my bait!


>actually reading the OP
You're not a faggot are you.

>Not reading the OP
>Responding to it anyway

You should play a real man's game like animal crossing, now that'll put some hair on your chest.


>low ammo count forcing you into GLORY KILLS every 5 secs
>weapons don't do enough damage (tuned to stun enemies instead to get you to GLORY KILL (tm))
>random enemy spawns all over the arena making gameplay annoying rather than hard
>faggy upgrade semi-RPG shit no one asked for
>shitty cooldown abilities no one asked for
>feels like I'm playing a console game even though I'm on PC
>devs literally described the game as "pick up the controller and play"
literally every single one of these are non-problems
>why is game this way and not this way??
you got FILTERED.COM bro

I love this shit, lol.

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Evens, OP is a faggot.
Odds, OP is a mega faggot.

Nice blog post.

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>by the way, your mother just sent me a dm ;)
I havent smell this raw onions in a long time

Tell me op what do you look for in a game?
What is your top game?

god i sure love DOOM THREADS

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You will never be a real woman

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OP here.
I hate trannies but why are you bringing it up here?

Didn't read

Not your new TORtanic

Kill yourself

read it faggot

TORtanic fag, pls go

>bait thread
>serious replies
>bait replies
>bait replies to bait replies
I fucking hate this board.

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That's a lot of words to type out just to admit that you're shit at the game .
They make it so the game takes just a slight amount of strategy and all of the sudden you lose your mind

just finished og doom with the exception of thy flesh consumed
why do people dick ride it so hard?
there are hardly any instances where theres plenty of enemies on screen, its mostly outdoor areas which are super rare
level design is more labyrinth but its quite linear and more of a hit or miss
E1 is good, E2 is so and so, E3 is mostly shit
enemy variety is lackluster, most of what you actually fight is imps, zombiemen and piknies with a bunch of cacos sprinkled on top
i don't doubt it was revolutionary at the time but goddamn, the QUAKE games are SO MUCH better

I beat it on ultra nightmare difficulty. Who are you fooling? The game is too easy and does not provide a realistic or quality challenge to real gamers.

this poster did not touch DOOM Eternal

don't be a nigger man

Actually, it's one of the best