
>Best MMORPG since Tera
>nobody plays it

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astellia fucking sucks though. Or sucked, I should say. the kr version got shut down, meaning the english version is on a very short fuse till it implodes from no updates. Also it's fucking sub based in america.

Its split sub/buy in america, you can sub if you don't want to pay for the game (cheaper if you're just trying it out)

I just don't why there's literally no interest in the game
>cute graphics
>combat is pretty good, especially for a tab-targeted mmo
>dungeons are decent
>fun system with the astels giving you a new layer of combat and resource management on top of typical MMOs
>"cash shop" is literally a bunch of nothing, so no p2w

mmorpg market is done for good, old players stick to big titles, new players don't care and mostly play action mmo

theme park mmorpg fell into a niche

Just a shame people would rather play garbage like AAU instead of trying out something new.

Does this shit have any other content besides the generic grind dungeons for x amount of gear, for x amount of hours. Or does it have more depth than that?

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>mmorpg irst look

>not f2p
no thanks, I'll stay on wow private server

Not really, there's pvp and everything.

Astellia is essentially just your normal theme park MMO, just done really well, and with a magical pet gimmick thrown on top of it.
Its nothing ground breaking, just a really good game. Which might be why its so dead, it doesn't have that gimmick that games always pretend to have.
Its just a random image off google

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I don't want gimmicks, I just don't want Themepark.

What are you really looking for then?

>have to buy or subscribe in order to play
There's your answer. You can only get away with this if you're part of a major brand or have money to spend on a large advertising campaign.
Being the best since Tera doesn't matter to Tera players when you're tab target and lack Elin.

something that sticks out to me is their main website doesn't even have tabs for characters, story, world etc - you have to click on one of the various 'subscribe' tabs and such just to make it pop up at the top of the page
that's kinda greasy imo
like I watched a promotional video and learned almost nothing beyond that it has 'nice environments and crafting and pvp!!!!'
also zero flavor to the classes to the point they're named in the most generic possible way - Warrior, Archer, Scholar, Assassin, Mage
I can understand not wanting weird-ass fucking names but I'm seeing a lack of effort on quite a few fronts, plus as a Korean MMO it's kinda spotty
right now I'm merely considering it but leaning towards no

> lack Elin.
There is mage that you can make a loli.

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A Sandbox.

Astellia was meh, could see from CBT1 that it was dead on arrival, and being B2P sealed the deal. The combat was half-decent but nobody in the west wants tab-target anymore, which is half the reason Bless was such a fucking mess when they tried horrifically to make it faux-action and instead just completely gutted the combat and class progression entirely.

What I will always seethe about is Revelation Online being published by the fucking WORST publisher out there and being fucking rushed out the door with full chink pay2endgamegear cash shop, when the game was actually really fun with a cool PvP system and dungeons. All they had to do was take away most of the P2W elements and lessen the timegating and the game would've been fantastic. I will NEVER EVER support anything from aka ever again, anything they touch is instantly DoA in my eyes.

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Personally, I immediatly throw it in the trash when I hear sandbox, cause that means "we're going to pretend to have things to do, but they're all just shallow crap you have to grind for anyways and do absolutely nothing for you"

It's not the same without the animal ears and thighs.

You can make the thighs, can't make the animal parts to my depression.

lol gross, it looks like another terrible ncsoft esque mmo

Sandbox feels like a buzzword at this point, even if a game has side objectives/content and alternatives methods of progression to doing dungeons in a specific sequence people will still call it a themepark if that's an option.

breast and thigh sliders on loli characters in MMOs should be a staple, no game shouldnt have both these features

>>Best MMORPG since Tera
It's Lost Ark you guys should play it

can you be a loli?

isn't that open beta in Korea only atm

>tab targeting

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I mean, I agree to an extent but I need more to my game than what a generic Themepark offers. I don't mind grinding dungeons and doing raids, if there is other content. But that's all there seems to be in every MMO these days, and thus, they don't hold my attention.

Sandbox has been turned into a buzzword, but I still prefer a Sandpark to just a straight up Themepark.

I'd just call them both themeparks, but at least when a game just says themepark instead of sandbox, it means those elements will actually be good. instead of everything be halfassed like when they say sandbox.

When a good sandpark actually comes out, maybe i'll change my mind. but as is i just consider sandbox to be gimmicky themepark.

How's the Erotic Roleplay scene?

user with the big brain questions
I'm curious too

I love sissy boys who play dumb girl characters in MMORPGs and take a supporting role in the game.

Pick one.

>lolis censored
Into the trash it goes

>being gay

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Its not really censored, there's like 3 outfits that were changed, but they were changed in the KR version before coming to America's version.
More of a change rather than a censor.

Looks like soulless chinkshit

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Can you play this mmo on a toaster?

>Game is free in chinkville, costs money in freedomville

Yeah I'm not paying for free low quality gookshit especially for a marketer.

>nooooo $20 for a game?!!?!
>I want a F2P game that makes me pay $500 in microtransactions! THIS ISN'T FAIR

It's because the game cost money. I'm not spending money on a free to play game no matter what the market dictates, especially for one that is generic and competes with the superior mmo trinity of Wow, ff14, ESO offering nothing over them

>worth playing

>anything but absolute total dogshit


You're just a small brained chimp who needs developers to place a doggy treat in front of you before you do something. Imagine living like this.

>only human as a race


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>WOW I got to afk ride my horse in a circle for 50 hours straight! such amazing gameplay! I sure love sandboxes!
>Wow my guild needs 50000 pieces of leather for our boat? Now I get to grind that! So much better than grinding dungeons for gear!

>>nooooo $20 for a game?!!?!
>>I want a F2P game that makes me pay $500 in microtransactions! THIS ISN'T FAIR

I totally understand you're only capable of one way structured arguments, but I wouldn't play a game that makes me pay 500$ in micro transactions, both are stupid. I also have nothing against micro-transactions if they're done well, I buy all the unit skins, and some of the announcers in Starcraft 2, but I'm not going to pay for something like black desert which is pay to not grind forty hours for someone who can pay ten bucks.

It's the third most popular mmo on the market, especially if you add console, I don't particularly like it but if I'm going to play a generic mmo that doesn't offer something I'm not paying for some untested Korean gook garbage just waiting on a sneeze to go pay to win that not only failed in its home market but was also free everywhere outside of the U.S.

>its not super popular so its bad
>I only play things that are #1 on the charts
I bet you only watch superhero movies too

Yeah that's my reasoning. That and not playing that game allows me to avoid contrarian mono celled faggots like you then sure time well spent

this. it's to old school. i'll wait for pso2 and still try 14

>Nooooo why aren't you consuming popular things! don't you know everyone else is playing them too!
>How could you not like WoW! You must just be a contrarian!

Who hurt you?

I'm waiting for PSO2 myself

>korean mmorpg

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Both of those things have nothing to do with sandbox. At least google the definition.

>that doesn't count because I don't like it
>btw i'm not actually going to say what I mean, I'm just going to use a buzzword phrase that nobody actually uses correctly

the two things you listed are straight up things you can do in theme park mmos you dummy. a sandbox game is where you have a lasting effect on the environment

oh okay my bad
>wow my guild needs 500000 pieces of leather to build this house in the field

>wow my guild needs 500000 pieces of leather to build this house in the field

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>nobody plays it
it failed in the marketing department even i have only heard of that game now