Your Mount and Blade Bannerlord Characters

Post 'em

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>no body sliders besides height
weren't they in before? Or am I imagining things



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Looks fucking bad christ all you faggots have absolutely fucking negative skill at character creation EVERY toon you shitters make looks like TRASH

Do not reply to me that is a cope you cannot prove me wrong because you cannot make a good looking character to do so.

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Running a 6700k/2080Ti and im getting noticeable stuttering. Not so much frame drops, although they happen when moving around, but just suddenly stuttering as if something is loading.

Anyone else getting similar?

>cant play till tomorrow

just fuck my ass. maybe some fixes will come by then.

Jesus why did you pair a 2080TI with such an ancient CPU? That's your problem right there. You're 4 generations behind the curve user.

No you are 100% right, most of Yas Forums is absolutely shit at character creators, which is why most people on Yas Forums download modded presets for shit like skyrim

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I only updated my GPU last Xmas, before that it was a 1070

Also there is literally no reason to upgrade that CPU when its running at 4Ghz

I mean hes just the generic Romanboo but with a better jaw. Also
>not going maximum trader for those sweet money gains

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>Also there is literally no reason to upgrade that CPU when its running at 4Ghz
There is, and this is why you're stuttering. Bannerlord is CPU heavy especially if you have the battle size settings high. To not bottleneck your GPU with this game you'd want a i9 9900K or a R9 3900X.

cant wait to make some female character just to make steam incels seethe.

I dont think you have any idea how CPUs work please stop posting

I'll rape your dead body in the battlefield

too much bodyfat and not enough lean muscle to be medieval.

fuck off jew

Nice try, incel

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Fuck bros my dick is so hard looking at these characters i can't wait until mods are made and i can basically play a AAA porn game

>I dont think you have any idea how CPUs work
Judging by the fact you think clock speed is the only relevant metric I'd say you've firmly just described your own situation. Go load up RTSS and show your CPU utilization and core statistics while it's stuttering you'll find I'm correct.

>that eye positioning

Attached: sid.jpg (400x400, 27.56K)

Modeled after my boy gigachad. how'd i do?

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need a more confident smile.

put a bag over your head

i put the smile slider on 80% for this

>buys a $1000 GPU pairs it with a $200 5 year old CPU
>wtf do you mean it's my cpu you jew i oc'd it to 4ghz!

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go for 100%

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>Analysis of face is completed with a face score of 9.99 out of 10.
>Your Nose width, Chin, Eyes, Lips, Jaw Line are great features. Overall you are exceptionally beautiful.
I dunno man, seems like a nailed it.

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It's really fucking annoying with how much the character moves their fucking head around

Cope, looks like shit and is bald, aka
BZZT! Wrong.

Can you do the export/import thing you could do in warband to edit the characters stats?


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tech illiterate people are funny

i refunded

>ugly presets
>no body sliders
>no numerical values on sliders

SHIT, they easily could have borrowed the korean mmo character creator system

I always make my characters bald first to see if I find them attractive without the benefit of hair first.

Then again I always play as argonians in elder scrolls games so maybe I'm a fag of some kind

giving myself a (You) in honor of the fag who refuses to give me a reply because I am correct

Can you also set how muscular your character is? Or fat or thin?

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read thread dummy

sadly not

Sexy, and no.

Cope, objective measures proved you wrong.

BZZT! Wrong.


Best I could manage for now

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I want to make a griffith character you stupid fucking fagget

let me make him!!!

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It's over user, I have the high ground de deployed the JRD before you could making me right and the winner.

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I am god.

what game is this, fellow gamboy

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Path of Exile

Halo 4


Hiwametsu no Shoujo - Dokebi Beat 2

i got kingmaker of off a Yas Forums thread the other day, is it any good?

>Do not reply to me

Owned n00b

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Have people actually gotten so lazy that they won't use character creators? Or is it just a bunch of non-whites with no imagination?

Body? No. Just face.

Only if you want to fuck some horny goat twins.

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She's a grainfed peasant, that's what they look like.

Shit eating niggers don't deserve opinions

There is a height slider that's about it.

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oh... i do.

But you can make good looking characters in korean mmo character creators. We can't have that in western games

>thinks newer = better when it comes to CPU
Like I said before you dont have any idea how CPUs work. You would realize that had you paid attention to the fact frames stayed above 60.

Is there a way to disable controller rumble?


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He's just an idiot who looks at some synthetic test scores and thinks that corresponds to vidya performance