What games are the definition of "you had to be there" where due to the passing of time, the experience of someone new today wouldn't b the same.
What games are the definition of "you had to be there" where due to the passing of time...
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all of them
There is no game that isn't affected by the passage of time.
the advent of 3D graphics.
the jump from 5th gen to 6th gen.
experiencing GTA 3, FFX, and MGS2 in 2001.
Serious Sam. I find it very hard to get any friends to play them with me.
Why are you people posting singleplayer shit? That's literally identical when played today, except they'll run at better framerates. Dumb nostalgia cunts.
Team Fortress 2 around Meet the Medic update
trump winning the 2016 US elections
stop pretending to be retarded
Ragnarok Online
Half-Life 2.
Destiny 1 raids
Destiny 2 doesn't feel that fun anymore
the year 7 soldat tournament in the IT suite
I've noticed that people who primarily play multiplayer tend to be lower IQ on average
Thanks for confirming
>you had to be 12
Mortal Monday
Literally any/every "game as a service" that has received multiple patches and updates. Vanilla WoW, TF2, Siege, Overwatch etc. I suppose you could track down a vanilla version and host local games but the point is that it's difficult to play them as they were.
The only thing different is you know what good game design looks like and you're no longer at a friend's sleepover eating choco-tacos when you play.
Will honestly never be that impressed about graphics and plot ever again. Now everyone has high standards of everything
It's clunky and really isn't designed well with the benefit of hindsight. It did change the game, however and multiplayer had a massive impact. Couple that with the N64's 4 controller ports and it was the best way to spend hours with your friends.
Try the game today. If you haven't played it for 15-20 years, you're in for a shock. The controls are clunky, the AI is shit and the level design is lacking.
But if you owned it back in the late 90's, you were the fucking man.
Sen no Kiseki IV
The falcom general threads when it first came out are glorious. Chinanon will never be forgotten. May God bless his insect soul.
Halo 2 / Halo 3 xbox live
people get cynical as they mature
Wow vanilla and burning crusade.
The pre social media internet was a different place and the community was built accordingly.
The Shazbowl.
Well, I mean, Final Fantasy 7.
At the time it was cutting edge, now its just quaint and needs a remake.
You could list most games that defined a genre here.
Doom and Quake, later CoD Modern Warfare
Metriod and SotN
I'd personally list any and every lightgun game here too, but specifically Time Crisis and Point Blank.
No home console will ever experience Time Crisis ever again.
every game but i like to add that it is also having to experience it firsthand and not watched it from someone's letsplay
World of Warcraft, it really was a different time when basically nobody knew what they were doing and there actually was more of a sense of an adventure than today’s ”gotta look at datamined info to level up super fast and get best gear”. That one is actually impossible to experience again, no WoW Classic or custom servers can bring that back, people know too much now.
Then there’s historically influential singleplayer games that have been so successful that their ideas have became the norm. For example, I absolutely still would recommend Ocarina of Time to anyone who hasn’t played it yet, but they’re probably just gonna see it as a competent action-adventure, instead of getting any ”wow how large Hyrule Field feels” etc. awed feelings from it. It was absolutely a revolutionary moment for 3D games, but it’s hard to see the revolutionary part now if you didn’t see it yourself.
Soulless post
Warcraft 3
WoW classic is definitely giving me vanilla feels so I can't say that.
This. My dad didn't buy me a PS1 so I saved up and got myself a PS2 from mowing lawns. The jump from a Genesis to PS2 was insane.
This might be the best “you had to be there”, there really isn’t anyway to experience why this was popular. It had nothing to do with it being 007, if anything it was confusing why a 007 game was so popular, and it wasn’t the first FPS or anything. it was really just the first couch co-op FPS on a console that people actually owned and went to friends houses to play etc... it was entirely popular simply for the time it existed in.
any MGS game
the hype cycle is just as much part of the experience as the games themselves
Not defending that guy but all the single players tend to have a "capped" IQ.
Some guys that are good at Dark Soul series and same guys can't function outside of that realm.
High level competitive players surely passes what you consider high. Although I'm talking about real games.
And this
This really. Any game I would suggest would never hold the same weight to them as it does to me.
Mario kart is the same for me tried playing it last weekend the only good thing was the music everything else feels past it's used by date.
Every old school MMO, unironically. You can bring them back with private servers and whatnot for shitty zoomers to play, but you can never recreate the time of when the game was around during live/during it's heyday when we were all figuring out how to make the game work, everybody was still hopeful for the industry, and you didn't have people datamining content or knew exactly what to do where they won't engage with the community to exploit the content and actually leveled with everybody else.
Zoomies missed out to be honest and were born too late to experience a golden age of a genre.
If you wanna enjoy some golden eye multiplayer but in an updated setting I recommend golden eye source, it's basically goldene eye in the source engine with all it's quirks ported like strafing and other weird shit
Ultima Online. It was like the ultimate libertarian wild west.
Team Fortress 2 before it went free to play, or alternatively before they added hats
CoD: Modern Warfare 2
>The shit talking before pussies reporting for hurt feelings
>Uncensored clan tags before developers turned into pussies
>One man army smoke grenade at choke trolling
>Nukes actually ended games in victory before nerf in MW3
>Silenced UMP45 lightweight, marathon, and ninja pro
>The fags who went out of their way to get colorful clan tags
>Shit talking your split screen dumbfuck teammates for being at the bottom of the leaderboard
>Sending them messages calling them retards at the end of the game
>Camping the top of Rust and getting a nuke because people are too stupid to throw a grenade up there while I'm in a chopper gunner
Good times. Now we have """Modern Warfare""" where the guns do more damage and the maps are dogshit on purpose to make new players feel better. The game encourages slower movement. The devs admitted this in an interview. I'm still mad.
Definitely Golden Eye and FF7. The average mainstream consumer these days, who themselves is into big budget story driven games, wouldn't understand why it was considered so good.
The Gen 5 of Pokemon, with the dream thing and online connectivity. I know I'm never going to get the same experience as my first B2 playthrough if I do another one.
Or any game with somewhat significant online features where the servers shut down.
Early Ace of Spades was a magical time. Then reddit or whoever it was found the game and demanded lot of shit changes, jagex bought the license and ruined it and now the remaining community is plagued by esport faggots who only play hallway bullshit and premade maps. No more superior building greens vs tunnel rats blues.
The PSX and N64
Jedi Outcast - Jedi Academy
Dark Age of Camelot
Off the top of my head
Quake, Half life, TF2, CS and all multilayer games with a lot of mods or community servers
I knew my feels wouldn't come out of this thread unscathed.
guild wars 1
Timesplitters 2
Perfect Dark and Turok 2 were crazy good too.
I remember Perfect Dark stuttering like hell on 4-player splitscreen but it was worth it.
Ragnarok Online.
C&C Renegade
It was Reddit.
Ace of Spades was the last game we played together before the Reddit invasion.
shitposting acomplished. rtb
Operation Flashpoint : CWC
there is no way to replicate the marketing, bait and switch in combination with hype and anticipation
There was nothing like stopping by an Arcade after school to hang out. People kept going in the 90s because there was still a reason to, then 6th gen and 9/11 happened and no one gave a shit anymore. Beer arcades nowadays just aren't the same.
not to say it's bad game if you play it now, you just had to be there for the meta context
There is no way to replicate the marketing, bait and switch in combination with hype and anticipation
Cause everything they told us about it was SO GOOD and then it was fucking shit and generic
Hell yeah.
I liked Fable
World of Warcraft (2004).
It massively expanded the MMO market beyond belief, and was most people's first MMORPG.
The vast majority of people playing it were very casual and bad at the game. The game was not played by people looking for optimal gear builds and best dps. The culture of gaming at the time was simply very different, and more casual.
When people played it for the first time, they played it like a single player game where you met other people. They roleplayed. Exploration itself was the best part of the game for many. They got items because they looked cool, not because they had good stats.
If you look at classic WoW now, with many vanilla players going back as adults, or with the benefit of 20 years experience, even with (almost) exactly the same game, because the playerbase is so wildly different, the experience is also completely removed from the original experience.
You had to be there.
>the definition of "you had to be there"
old wow games
vanilla was fun... for the first month, when the servers were fresh and the whole population wasn't comprised of minmaxing autists
it doesn't have any of the charm of the original and tbc won't be any better
This, though you can still experience the culture and atmosphere in Japanese arcades.
go back
dark souls 2
The OG Xbox and Xbox Live 1.0. Sure being 12 was part of it but it was just pure, undistilled online gaming.
I miss games like MechAssault, Whacked!, Rainbow Six 3, Ghost Recon and, specially, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory.
World of warcraft vanilla
As much as the Wii got shit in the years to come, I can honestly say the novelty of trying it out for the first time was the coolest shit ever. Even if the """motion controls""" weren't anything more than waggle, actually swinging the stupid wiimote like a real golf club with friends had its charms back then.
Final Fantasy XI
You appreciated being able to go online and socialize with other people that liked the same things as you did.
Now you want everyone to shut up so you can be done with the quest / raid / game
OoT. So much of its impressiveness is down to how few games there were like it at the time
You may or may not like Fable.
But if you followed any of the marketing and hype for it, the final product was a bigger let down than you are.
Quake 3 / Unreal Tournament. The rise of arena shooters, it was amazing being able to play these games over the internet.
Also this.
>imagine playing this game for the first time again
>imagine playing this game when it was released
>before 4th wall breaking was a thing
This and the first had crowds like I had never seen before
There's a high chance I've been here since before you were born.
I mostly didn't care about it and played it later, when it came out on PC.
I know it was supposed to be on the same level of hype as spore but I found it good enough.
That was a whole different culture 2bh fampai, American Arcades haven't been fully been able to be properly portrayed. Not even in that one Netflix show (Stranger Things? I think it's called).
I almost wish the country was smaller so it wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is to run a proper arcade in the states. Most have too few customers to run or are tied to a chain restaurant.
I do wish though sometimes I grew up in a Japanese Arcade culture.
Most MMORPG and Alpha/Beta Minecraft
When you're told all these great things about the game, and then the game literally has none of them, that's something you can't replicate.
That's having to be there.
It can't be understated how fucking incredible Ocarina of Time was back on release.
It didn't actually do that much new, it was just the general polish and how well it made all the pieces fit together. The lock-on combat, the open Hyrule Field, the day and night cycles, just the general feeling of adventure in a polygon space. This was all before 3D GTA, Skyrim, Dark Souls etc. Ocarina of Time was the first 3D game to capture the feeling of "Open World Adventure" in a really seamless way.
If you want somewhat of an idea of how big of a jump OOT was, go back and play the original Tomb Raider and then Ocarina; along with Super Mario 64 it was just this total mic drop by Nintendo back when people were still figuring out 3D games