Yeah Animal Crossing bugs are cool, but let's hear it for the really good bugs. Silksong when
Yeah Animal Crossing bugs are cool, but let's hear it for the really good bugs. Silksong when
this time around I'm not gonna check the wiki halfway in. I'm raw dogging the lore
Hornet is pretty goddamn cute.
I just want to hear a release date or window. I loved HK so much and have replayed it a bunch of times alright. There's barely any news of SS and I just want to hear more and play more.
Finally earned my big boy wings today.
Moths: 0
Voidbois: a billion
I have had tried this 1348 times since july of 2019.
Yes I have counted.
I am thinking of just making a new save where I kill zote. Fuck Grey Prince
daily reminder
Zote used to be a show-stopper back in 2019 when I was last trying the last pantheon, but he wasn't nearly as hard this time when I started trying again last week. Did he get nerfed to not do double-damage anymore or something, or did I actually just get gud?
Hope there's an option or a mod to turn off her voice. Otherwise won't play. I doubt it will be as good as HK anyway
>Fuck Grey Prince
If Grey Prince is giving you trouble you're gonna have a horrible time with Absolute Radiance. I managed to beat her six times in a row in practice, but kept whiffing in the real Pantheon battle with shitty RNG and sweaty panic hands.
I'm happy to wait for a good game.
I expect they'll announce the release date at some point in 2020 though. The announcement trailer showed the game was already pretty far along. I imagine they are doing the finishing touches right now.
I've practiced AR hundreds of times, she's not the problem. The problem is getting to her after getting 4 of the most shit eating bosses in a row.
>Markoth (No floor, fuck you edition)
>GPZ (Sometimes undodgeable situations)
>Failed Champion, (Double damage after getting ass fucked by two bullshit bosses)
>NKG (Easy and fun fight)
All that bullshit just to die to nerves on AR
Maybe if I had tried P5 more than like twice a day, I would have more success. Sadly I can't sit around all day
>Sadly I can't sit around all day
That's literally how I got my win, I sat around all day today from morning to night doing nothing but playing P5 and practicing Pure Vessel and AR. I have Covid quarantine to thank for finally giving me enough time to waste an entire day on a video game.
Silksong fuckin when
>Markoth (No floor, fuck you edition)
This one, Gorb, Uumuu and No Eyes are all stupid and not fun. After practicing them so much they're not hard, but I still fucking hate them.
Just need to sit down one day on a day off and beat it.
I would be doing it on my quarantine, but winco is an ""Essential Service"
>NKG (Easy and fun fight)
It's funny, NKG and PV both used to give me such a hard time, but they're both actually really enjoyable and fun fights with practice. A good challenge but zero bullshit, every move is properly telegraphed and you can always evade.
Play Ori 2 hollowfags
It's good, after like 30 minutes...
Honestly, even though they are the """Hardest""" bosses, they are the most fun to fight, losing to them always feels fair. The only bosses that are comparable is Mantis Lords, and Sisters of Battle.
Absolute Rad, Markoth (Ascended, PoH), GPZ and a few others just feel like bullshit.
>Sisters of Battle
My favorite boss battle and always a complete joy. When I first saw the third mantis stand up in the Pantheon I got goosebumps because of the sudden realization that I was in for some cool shit.
I had to google it. I only took 10 minutes to do it thought not 4 hours. Its because I tried slashing down when on a platform at the start of the game and it not working made me assume there was only sideways and upward slashes.
Do you have to make your shill threads so obvious?
Not if you wanted Ori 1 but better.
>ginuinely enjoying a game that you want to talk about with other people
Actual retard.
Reminder that gay bugs are bad and should not be in video games.
Yeah, I feel that. The game is a huge step foward for attracting a wider audience, but it's not what I wanted. It's still a fine ass game comparable to hollow knight. Yet it could've been the best platformer of the decade.
What about buff bugs that turn you gay?
No, fuck off. Also Grey Prince is easy.
Why do Hollow Knight threads attract so many retards?
Weebs can't fathom that non-japs can make good games.
Makes them seeth.
Gotta disagree with that one too I'm afraid. Loved Ori 1, loved Hollow Knight, was very disappointed with Ori 2 for numerous reasons.
Is that so?
I liked it quite a bit I played it before Blind forest. Maybe that's why.
Something about the cheery attitude has made it way more enjoyable to return too, I will admit however that it's combat is no way near as good as hollow knight. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Overall I would HK is a bit better.
What are the particular reasons you disliked Ori 2?
>after years, convinced all my friends to play Hollow Knight during quarantine and they all love it
>get to watch them play the whole game
This is great.
Replaying Ori 1 and 2, it far outstrips HK in every way
The funny thing is that I played Ori 1 after HK and felt it was boring but now, it's the other way around. I cannot play HK anymore because it feels so slow and boring in comparison to a lot of other platformers that also recently popped up, like MMZ for example
The huge number of bugs aside:
1: I loved Ori as a platformer, but the way combat is added feels like its detracting from it. Soul Links were a real neat mechanic, and Bash is incredible, but one was removed for combat buttons, and the second awkwardly shared a button with grapple.
2:The combat is serviceable, but the balancing of skills needs serious work. The game only gives you three buttons to work with, and three of the first skills are a sword that stalls you in the air and refreshes your double jump, a bow that blatantly out-DPSes everything else, and a healing move. Unless the current area has a gimick that requires a different skill, there's little reason to use the three slots on anything else. If nothing else, the game needed the ability to set up multiple skillsets that you can switch between in a single button press.
3: The storytelling felt much weaker than the first. It started strong, but stalled out fairly hard. Maybe the non-linearity affected this, but Ori 1 always felt like it was moving forwards. Of particular note was how the game Handled Ku. She was a huge part of the advertising, yet her character felt utterly wasted by the narrative. The e3 reveal trailer seemed to communicate a lot about what to expect from the game in terms of Ku, yet all she served as was a damsel in distress. Shriek also felt a much weaker antagonist as compared to Kuro.
4:Smaller issue here, but I did Baur's Reach first after the game opened up, meaning that I could easily cheese challenges in other areas.
5:The escape scenes. Hoo boy. Easily the highlight of Ori 1, but the way they're included in Ori 2 just feels phoned in. In Ori 1, they were grandiose as hell. You're making a great change to the world, and with that great change comes great upheaval. Despite the destruction, the first two felt positive in nature, while the last one was suitably climatic. In ori 2, they're much toned down, even on hard mode, and with the exception of the water wheel they only seem to happen because some asshole is chasing you.
6: The ending was very out of place. The game only hits you with "Ori must abandon their previous existence to save the land" right before the final boss, and the way the game treats this doesn't feel consistent. Ori is seemingly accepting of this, before Shriek interrupts things. And then, after the boss fight, Ori is inexplicably really weak (despite the animation being reused/in reference to the opening of the first game, it's much less will done due to what seems to be a technical oversight that lets you cancel out of the weakness animation with normal animations for both looking up and crouching), and seems really upset with the choice they need to make, even symbolically letting go of Ku as their final action before embracing the light. Now, Ori becoming a tree is a fine ending for the franchise. I don't think I'd want the Ori series to end any other way. But it certainly was not a fine ending for this game, and just mostly feels thematically out of place.
megaman zero
>In ori 2 they just feel phoned in
Nigger what? The wellspring and sandworm escapes are leagues above anything Ori 1 did
Yeah, that tends to happen after you fall a height that kills you otherwise after fighting off a giant mutant bird
Also how is the ending out of place? Ori was born from a tree. He's a spirit, like all the others you meet and get your powers from. So stands to reason what happened to them can happen to Ori as well
I did specifically point out the Wellspring as one done right, but what I meant is that the chases just kinda feel like obligatory "additions to the game because the first game was famous for them.". Sandworm was tough, but it carried no narrative or emotional weight. It was just some asshole chasing you because he's an asshole.
The fall isn't shown whatsoever. You can infer it happens, sure, (though ori is explicably shown to still be carrying the feather after the fight, so why it happened is a different question) in the moment, after the cutscenes were done and we returned to ori, all I could think is "why are they weak?"
And I'd recommend you read my final few sentences again. Ori becoming a tree makes sense. Ori becoming a tree at the climax of THIS particular story is out of place. This wasn't set up as a story about sacrifice. The narrative and emotional threads for this kind of ending just weren't put in place.
I sure hope that Silksong has another Pantheon/Godsong equivalent that I'm not going to be remotely fucked to do.
How about locked content behind beating the same DLC boss ten times with gradually increased health, that was a lot of fun to ignore.
I remember when people were complaining that the White Flower quest/Trial of Fools were tedious and wasted your time. What quaint times those were.
>How about locked content
Godhome didn't have any rewards though. That's the worst thing about it.
Initially Gods & Glory with the Glory part being cool rewards. Scrapped in favour of turning it into Godmaster which was well. Nothing but a means of replaying the the bosses you've already fought endlessly across multiple playthroughs. For nothing.
>Godhome didn't have any rewards though
It had an alternate ending, how is that not a reward?
I did that and didn't even know why I was killing half the bosses. Good fun.
>How about locked content behind beating the same DLC boss ten times with gradually increased health
There was no locked content except a gold Zote statue you autist.
It's cancelled
And a shit sculpture of The Knight.
I never did the Pantheon. Is this Zote the same as the ones you fight in Dirtmouth?
The likely True Ending is locked behind Godhome.
>in every way
It has better platforming and art, but I hate the combat and the floatiness of the game
I know that's subjective, but the fact that there isn't really anything I hate about HK makes it the better game for me
It's Bretta's idealized dream version of Zote after she falls in love with him.
Yeah, so the same difficulty as that dream Zote. It's not some insane version of Zote that's even stronger than the dream one?
Asking because I never had trouble with him.
It does two hearts of damage and I believe has the same amount of health as Level 3 Zote, but otherwise it's the same.
Zote in Dirthmouth gets harder every time you fight him, like Dung Defender. I believe that the version you fight in the boss rush is as if you had beaten him a few times already.
Silksong 2020 holiday release. Will be a Xbox Series X launch title. It will be the biggest indie game of all time.
It's Switch/PC exclusive at launch.
Developed scope has expanded.
But megaman zero is shit
>t. Rank F shitter
I just wanted to explore and they were in my way.
I did about 3 kills, so I guess the same.
I was fine with Zote but NKG was hellish. One of the only fights that I had to save & quit to try again another day.
I guess those are the kind of people who would waste 10 minutes on Cuphead's tutorial area.
That word has lost all meaning at this point
The problem with Zote is not that he's hard under normal circumstances. It's that you have to fight him right after No Floor Markoth with no break, and healing in the Zote fight is hard.
Imagine not being able to do all versions of White Defender.
I'm still amazed how such a small team could make something so good.
Way too buggy and still shorter than the original HK.
It's still a really good game though.
Do it again to get the flower ending
I get putting a true ending behind the hardest part of a game, but I didn't like the way HK did it.
Spending a long time in an arena to get the true ending doesn't work for me, especially not in a Metroidvania.
If they wanted a whole new, true ending, then they needed to make an entirely new area where the difficulty is increased dramatically.
You would still fight Pure Vessel and Absolute Radiance, but there's actually a proper build up to the two final battles, like you get with the Dream No More ending.