Why new animal crossing is hated and despised so much?

Why new animal crossing is hated and despised so much?

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Island too small.

It isn't whatsoever

No NES games.

It's either

1. People who are autistic
2. People who never played the game

I've been playing the series since gamecube, don't jack off to the villagers, and think this is the best game in the series. The fact that you can actually craft stuff and move buildings and terraform means that Animal Crossing finally got real gameplay. Instead of a dollhouse sim it's a nice little island building sim.

Tranny's love it!

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Its the latest universally acclaimed Nintendo exclusive on the Nintendo Switch.

Both game and console are breaking sales records.

Of seething Yas Forumsbrats are throwing a shitfit.

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They cut a shitload of characters, content, and features from NL in order to push the minecraft mechanic, which is neat but doesn't make up for it. The game feels rushed, barebones, and small. Which is incredibly disappointing considering both that NL was on handhelds and that this game was delayed for half a year. If you consider that City Folk was a WW port, this is actually the first AC on a home console since the original, but the difference in quality and content doesn't match up.

It's literally Sword and Shield 2.0, but no one's complaining about it because of both the timegating, the memes with Doom that let people ignore criticism, and the lack of a meme like Dexit to rally behind.

>Only one shop upgrade
>No café
>No club
>No shoe shop
>No hairdresser
>No police station
>No dream suite
>No home exhibits
>No gyroids
>No art
>No Pitfall Seeds
>No daily villager errands
>No villager visits
>No group conversations
>No villager friendship pictures
>No unique home layouts for each villager
>No island minigames
>No random multiplayer islands
>No shrubs
>No island fruit
>No home exterior styles
>No constellations
>No silver tools
>Golden tools break
>Online functionality regressions
>Can't access your storage from another island
>Can't craft in batches
>Crafting benches don't use materials in storage
>Can't disable pixel scaling algorithm on designs
>Several fish and bugs cut
>Most major NPCs cut
>Every single old furniture series cut

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I'll agree that there's missing content but they're going to release a ton of shit over the next 2 or 3 years

New game bad, old game good, etc.

Implying most of that stuff won't be added later.

That's what we though, but after the last direct it looks like a majority of that content is just going to be holidays and events that they cut from the game to gate time travelers. It's not new content, it's removed content being added back in. And the lack of holidays isn't the problem with the game.

>don't jack off to the villagers
low test fag

>No Pitfall Seeds
confirmed in
>No Pitfall Seeds
confirmed in
>No group conversations
confirmed in
>No unique home layouts for each villager
confirmed in
please update this stale pasta

I mean, the missing content isn't an issue yet. We're over a month away from getting to anything that's missing as far I can tell?

The weird island mini games are all that I can see that's missing from New Leaf, and nothing else of worth is gone. Will miss Brewsters, but once again not really far enough along for that to be a thing.

Wonder if there's an April Fools event going live tomorrow though?

They're willfully withholding content and people are actually defending it.
What is there is nice, though. Outdoors furniture and terraforming was a natural evolution for the series.
It'll probably be the best by the time all the content rolls out, but seeing the game in this state is disappointing.

All bullshit.

You tried the same laughable shit with Pokemon and every other Switch exclusive.

Animal Crossing is one of the biggest selling games of the year.

Nintendo are selling a million Switches a week and can't keep up with demand.

I cannot stop laughing.

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I don't think it matters in Animal Crossing? Honestly it's nice to not have the events plastered everywhere before they roll around. I can actually get a little interested in the future of the game.

Its pathetic that you would even defend cut content being drip-fed. It should be in the base game.

>You tried the same laughable shit with Pokemon
Pokemon already made a joke of itself, I agree, there was no need to help it.

>Will miss Brewsters
Pretty sure he's gonna be added to the upstairs part of the museum

The island is so fucking tiny. The music still sucks. The graphics are so simplistic and it can’t even manage 60 fps. Best stick with the original.

Most of what he posted is factually true with a few exceptions.

also Sales =/= Quality

>it's animal crossing, it'll always be niche enough to not get botw-tier shitposting and flamewars
>coronavirus happens
Just fucking kill me now.

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there's a very simple state machine for describing Yas Forums's relationship with any given game

is it popular? then Yas Forums hates it.

But Yas Forums loves Dark Souls.

It will be added in a 30$ DLC, you paypig. Pay up for content they removed to sell back to you, just like with Pokemon.

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No. Yas Forums loves Dark Souls 2, which is objectively the worst of the series.

Yas Forumss top games is literally the most normie shit ever. Pretty sure Ocarina of Time is first.

>Outdoors furniture and terraforming was a natural evolution for the series.
It was, nine years ago. Since then, AC's competition has moved past it. The latest Tongari Boushi has you opening your own mall in the city district and managing everyone's stores, on top of terraforming shit and all the other features the previous three games added in.

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Sorry kiddo. Pokemon and Animal Crossing great reviews. Great reviews and record breaking sales? Now what? They don't count?


that sucks the most, why not add it, fucking jewtendo, it was my favorite part about GC AC

>reviews and sales means its good

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Doesn't it?

Yes, well, that series is dead while animal crossing is alive.

>Why new animal crossing is hated and despised so much?
It isn't. It's just a few shitposters on Yas Forums.

City Folk is actually the shit game. I was bored with it after a week, because you simply got everything from the get go. Every store was placed in a seperate city hub and you couldn't cutomize your town much, which made the town boring as shit.

Huh, that looks cute.

What are you talking about
Yas Forums hates das2, mostly because it's full of pc kids who had das as their first game

Angry pokefaggots projecting their rage confirmed, haven't you learned that bitching everyday on the internet isn't going to do anything.

>great reviews and record breaking sales means its bad

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I figured Shitendo would fuck up this game somehow. glad i quit animal crossing when i did.

I’d rather rape you to death you stupid faggot tranny.

Being this obsessed with a game you haven't even played.
Being assmad because the rest of the world is having fun.
Same-fagging you own posts.

Holy shit lol.

>Ocarina of Time
>not Majora
Are you new?

It's only been eight years. We're due for a fifth.

Konami doesn’t publish console games anymore.

>>No daily villager errands
>>No villager visits
>>No group conversations
>>No villager friendship pictures
>>No island fruit
>>No home exterior styles

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the last direct is incredibly vague. they discretely say that the bunny day event update is purely for the bunny day content, but then they say that they're adding an update that also has Earth Day content and they put up a picture of Leif.
Is Leif going to be the Earth Day event NPC? Are they adding Leif's shop? Are the patching bugs? Who knows. But seeing as this game is being handled by the Splatoon team, it's easy to assume that we will get some meaningful content, even if it isn't incredibly soon




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>so triggered over his shitty cooperation he believes can do no wrong he thinks everyone is samefagging

But out of the two developers that worked on it, one last made a Sword Art Online game three years ago, and the other made Super Kirby Clash, all the Dillon games, and the Chibi Robo spinoff.

Maybe this new AC breaking records will encourage them to make Tongari Boushi 5, right?

You could say that it's out of principle. I don't like devs' trend to overrely on patches to fix their games or to have a respectable amount of content, happy to get the games go barebones or buggy as hell because of that.

What if I wanted to replay it years down the line and I couldn't download the patches for whatever reason? I'd be shit out of luck, all that content would be out of reach and I'd get a very basic experience.

mentally ill

my roommate bought this recently and I noticed immediately this game both loves and needs to waste your time. There is so little going on and its all tedious chores.

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What bugs are there in the game?

That's the appeal of it, yeah. It's not a secret, it's been the point of the game for two decades.
It's very comfy.

New Horizons fag here, Sword and Shield are legitimately awful games and I am tired of total fucking faggots trying to act like they're not just because they sold well. The fact you specify SWSD and SWSD alone as something you're bitter about shows you're just a massive Galar Gaylord.

It's not. Literally everyone who actually enjoys the game is playing it rn. Only contrarians and people who don't care to play it are on Yas Forums.

Autistic people, seriously. The game appealed to people on the spectrum who became the major fans of the game, because new horizons has almost sold more than every other animal crossing combined, they are reee'ing that it's now a normie club

>Sold on the school aethetic and deer girl on the cover
>It basically plays like a magic themed variant of MySims
>Despite being able to date, there is absolutely no point due to how one dimensional every personality is

What a fucking disappointment

so I wished on just under 200 shooting stars last night for the nookmiles but I only got 4 star fragments and 1 aries fragment
when I wished on 12 the other night I got 9 star fragments and 3 aries fragments, so what gives? can you overwish? I wasn't expecting 200 things on my beach but 5 is sad

Doesn't change the fact that faggots like you is the reason we get shit games.

It's only pathetic if it's actually paid content. Which so far is NOT. It's not some stupid shit like Luigis Mansion paid DLC or another wave of overpriced Smash toons.

Even if they do paid DLC I'm not going to buy it when I already have every other Animal Crossing game for free thanks to emulation and homebrew.