Why did Dance Dance Revolution fall into obscurity?
Why did Dance Dance Revolution fall into obscurity?
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This isn't real ... is it?
No arcades.
Why are we forcing facebook memes?
It didn't. Go to an arcade
Woah, is this real?
what the fuck is that real??
Can you really teach cats to dance like that?
is this real?
because ultimately it is the same game to a lot of people - all that changes are stepcharts and music in most cases, or changes to the judgments/QoL adjustments
sometimes there are weird modes but the majority of people who played it never even used them
I'm glad the games got as popular as they did but it was never destined to last tbqh - also at a guess it has more of an arcade feel and if you want regular, non-shitty play you have to invest in a good pad
can you totem in CS:GO?
I thought that was a 1.6 thing
Why aren't they wearing shoes?
There is no way its real
I really like that gif. May I save it?
As real as your mommy's milkers
you can do 2 person towers in csgo just like 1.6
3+ and it will push the players off but if you're getting pushed into a wall you can stay on top
Save it. It's all yours my friend :)
Does anyone know which DDR PS2 game has the original version of Tsugaru in its track list?
You're in Beanbean Kingdom when these guys slap your gf's ass. What do?
cat's aren't real user
>bethesda npc
It stopped getting releases in the west because arcades died.
Because motion controls fell into obscurity.
No one likes the Wii or Xbox Kinect, and barely anyone has VR.
maybe their feet hurt?
holy shit what the fuck??
Yoooo what in the
this isn't fucking funny they tortured that cat to make it do that
fuck cats
fuck you
no fuck you and fuck cats
hey, fuck you
I bet u would lmao
ddr max 2
Can anyone explain how he is really hitting that nae nae though? Also is he, dabbing??
You know how they'd beat and starve bears in the circus? They basically do that with the cats to make them whip and nae nae. It's pretty fucking disgusting and mostly done by third-world chinks and russians
here's an easy to understand explanation
fuck you bitch
fuck you
fuck you
I know people keep making memes about if it’s real or not, but at this point I don’t even fucking know anymore.
I thought for sure it was fake when I first saw it, but the more I watch, the more I doubt myself.
I think it might be real lads.
I said... How is that nigga dinna hitting that whip doe. You mongoloid.
You realize we all know it's you who is the newfag, right?
Someone who isn't a newfag would know people respond to it like that every time. It's a running joke you don't know and have therefore displayed your newness by not recognizing.
Amerifats can't dance
Is this the new thread template for trannies?
No it's a newfag containment thread
wtf is that real?
Arcades dying and home versions with special mats being replaced by retarded kinect karaoke that isn't fun
wait a second
cats can't dance, i've never seen one dance
how is this possible
you've gone too far this time wojakposter
DDRfag here with a wall of text.
There are many reasons why DDR isn't popular anymore
>Arcades are not popular anymore
Ever since the mid-late 00's Arcades started to fall into obscurity to become a niche place to waste time.
>Lack of dedication
Unless you're a person w/ turbo autism, no one is willing to put effort into something as expensive as going to the arcades.
>Lack of console releases
The last console releases of DDR were on 2012 in the Wii and PS3, which are very easy to obtain and they aren't that expensive nowadays. The problem comes when you want to obtain the game and the pad since they aren't that common anymore, and the pad is shit anyways so is no bueno if you don't tape that shit to the ground. Supposedly they were gonna release a DDR game for phones w/ a mew pad but who knoes when. Also Stepmania exists but you still need a good dancepad.
>Just Dance exists
This shit is more accessible to normalfags since they have songs for people with shit taste.
>Lack of international support
Unless you live in Japan, S.Korea or the US, it's very difficult to find a cabinet in good conditions. Here in Tacoland the most recent version you find is Extreme, released in 2001, the majority of the time the cabinets or dancepads are in a bad state because the owners don't give a shit.
It's also one of the reasons why PIU is more popular internationally, because they actually care.
its real, my cat sometimes do that too