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Oh good, now maybe the virus will kill his obsession with Hollywood and actually make a good game for once.
Better yet, he should die.

This corona shit is never going to end is it? This is the new normal.

Of course it is, retard fearmonger.


pandemics like this usually last for about a year

Did influenza end after the first outbreak? You mong


report, sage, hide.

healthy sickman

Just wash your hands.

They already found the animal that transmitted this to us.

Guess what, they're going extinct because of the coronavirus too.

It really isn't this fucking hard to curb the spread of this infection. Treat it like the flu and it becomes very difficult to spread
>wash hands
>don't touch face
>cough into sleeve if need be
Such simple rules, yet people can't follow them.

humans dont like to follow rules even if it kills them lel

>they're going extinct because of the coronavirus too
Are you talking about the pagolin? If so, this isn't true. They're going extinct because the Chinese kill them for their scales. In addition, finding the animal that originated this doesn't really help with anything.

Most pandemics are declared over sometime between 1 to 2 years from the initial outbreak. Around the 2 year mark, effective treatments have been developed, tested, and distributed.

It does help for testing and finding antibodies

I was baiting. I know its because the Chinese is driving them into extinction, like nearly every animal they hunt out there.

Those mother fuckers are subhuman

When will China pay for their crimes?

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kojima-swaaaan~ nooooooooo

>Retarded Americans instruct everyone to NOT wear surgical masks, and only to wear them if they are already sick
>More and more people being tested with Corona each and everyday
>Americans start questioning if wearing face masks would have actually really benefited them
>Even though Japan has already been wearing these same masks for decades prior as just part of their cultural norm to wear them, and how effective that's proven
My country is filled with so many goddamn braindead mouth-breathing neanderthals.

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2020 is fucked at most, we can/will make a vaccine

The Chinese are going extinct?

A Hideo Kojima disease

if only

user, they have farms to farm wild animals. It's allowed by their government. Those snakes and etc at theur wet markets are usually farm grown wild animal.

Good. Fuck old people.
I literally love how they are seething on national tv in my country because the rest are starting realize that we cant just ruin the future economy just to keep some walking corpses alive for a few more years.

Oh noes! Not the hecking flu!!

>Airborne virus that is spread by breathing
>Retard thinks wearing a thin piece of cloth over their face filters their breath
The only reason why those masks exist is to prevent particles from going on other people. If it was a transmission of fluids, then the masks would be perfect, but the reality is NO hospital has the proper filtration or air cleaning to wipe out the virus.

It also doesn't help that everyone that gets tested ends up with the virus. Common sense should show that the testers are compromised, and should be avoided.

featuring The Skulls

If literally everyone is wearing them, it's going to help filter a lot of that shit and prevent the disease to some extent, as long as people remember to not touch their face. I'm talking about actual surgical masks, not those fucking construction masks that retards are buying in bulk.


user, it's not just the pangolim, a lot other animals are being hunt into extinction by these dirty motherfuckers.

>Kojima dying of corona
>Hideo is back

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Silent Hills is canceled.
Sorry everybody.

There are no vaccine or cures for SARS or MERS.

Surely they have enough death stranding suits in the office for everyone.

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>If literally everyone is wearing them
I believe you have found the problem with your argument.

I think your a few years late there buddy.

Hospitalfag here
I work at a dedicated COVID hospital for my region. The typical surgical masks do fuck all. It's really to stop the wearer from spreading by coughing/sneezing. There's a whole other levels of PPE you have to have to even be around positive cases. That's why everyone was scrambling to get N95 masks for healthcare workers.

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Farming wild animals isn't the problem, it's the fact they have the worst sanitary conditions possible for the things.

It doesn't have to primarily be about the cure. Sometimes containing the illness is just as good.

that image hurts so bad because my fuckwit country is doing jack shit to stop people from going out for the sake of money despite people having died.

>t. Doesn't live in Korea
I've been stink eyed several times in the past few weeks for not wearing a mask.

Sure it sucks but if you survive you get DOOMS

Question about the masks; everyone's always on and on about how they 'don't do jack shit BUT prevents droplets from infected people getting around'. Does that mean that I'm safe around people wearing masks? Or just less at risk? How much less?

If it was really Kojima no way his ego would allow him to let someone call him an "employee"

Nooooo not the heckin Kojimerino

>being tested with Corona each and everyday
>>Americans start questioning if wearing face masks would have actually really benefited the
Japs wear face masks as a fashion item and for when they're actually sick, not to mention that they aren't even doing extensive testing for the new virus. Not only that but viruses infect people through mucous membranes, so if someone coughs into your face, despite you wearing a mask, you will still get sick if they're sick because you didn't cover your eyes. wearing a mask as is already does nothing, but if you don't wear eye protection it's extra pointless. Gloves are better than a fucking mask.

If it isn't an n95 respirator, don't bother unless you are already sick. The mask is good to curb the spread of infection because the virus only spreads by coughs and sneezes. IT's worthless if you aren't sick, especially if you only wear a mask.

My entire hospital has gone on lockdown (no visitors) and just about every unit has been converted to a sealed COVID unit. The ICU is filled to the brim with incubated people. And still people in my state think this is a hoax. I hope it doesn't get much worse because just about all the drugs we need to treat these patients are currently on back order for the foreseeable future.

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>zoomers first pandemic
wew lad

The virus is airborne, as in, floating in the air you breath in. If someone infected shops in a Walmart, that Walmart remains infected after they leave.

just like zeka, swine flu, bird flu, the black plague, mad cow, that one flesh eating virus, SARS, small pox, right?

Japs wear surgical masks because it's a cool thing to do there. Sometimes people wear them in public places such as cons or tournaments because they don't want anyone to recognise them or dox them somehow.

>God-King Trump tells people that the virus is a hoax
>Americans get infected
>Media tells people to not wear face masks or gloves
>Rate of cases in America shoot up overnight

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A man deprived of his breaths...

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Darwinism in action.

The black plague killed millions and those other viruses are mostly from africa where people rarely enter or leave

it's ogre

The general consensus is that the majority of people are going to get COVID from touching infected surfaces. If you've seen the research on how long this virus can live on most surfaces, you can already tell how fucked that is. Washing your hands and not touching your face while isolating is going to be a lot more effective than a mask right now.

Being around people that wear masks doesn't mean you're going to be safe. Hell being around people isn't good right now anyways. Your health is more dependent on our collective hygiene.

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Can you not buy any more, or do you choose not to?

Sick Gookman

And proof of this should be Japan. They were the third country to have a confirmed case and yet their numbers so much lower than European countries and the US. There's no public stigma around wearing a facemask, they wash their hands, they're more conscientious.

America got 18k new cases yesterday. That's more than Italy, Spain, and Germany combined.

Will Kojima tweet "I'm alright" again

>saves you from Corona complications because your government weren't retarded and didn't stop bcg vaccination

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America also has almost twice as much population as all those countries combined.

>Mother's work is still forcing her to come into the office later on this week after she's been working from home since last Tuesday because of the new profit margins
>They could literally send her home with a printer and she would be just as effective at home, but no, she has to come into work, even though she picked up a regular flu a few weeks back from all the sick people at her office

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>tells people that the virus is a hoax
I am still blown away by this. Like what the fuck?

The chinese planted the seed. We don't need them around to coof and spread their disease any longer. We're spreading it just fine ourselves. Every american man woman and child... we're all sons of coronachan now!

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