Why does Yas Forums love jap games so much again

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eroxun.com/有片!電眼正妹「lola李佳玲」迎新年性感撩落企 /

if that chink looking hoe is japanese i'll suck my own cock

She looks like she fucks Octopuses.

cuz japs prioritize gameplay over graphics

cuz japs prioritize graphics over gameplay

Yas Forums is full of fat, smelly weeb coomers who spent their teenage years hotglueing their figurines instead of making meaningful connections

and that's a good thing!

Because I liked a couple of jap games and since then I fooled myself into thinking I liked jap games.
After a while I understood I didn't like jap games yet I still forced myself to try to like them.
After failing for too long now I just hold the hopes that maybe one day I'll enjoy another jap game like the ones I liked.

Why the effort? Because all western games, while enjoyable, look the same to me.

I don't like weebshit tho. Also Yas Forums is not one person, stop being so triggered.

I'm not a weeb coomer but c'mon man do you really care what other chick think?

correcto, it's a chingchong. Lola, li jianling
eroxun.com/有片!電眼正妹「lola李佳玲」迎新年性感撩落企 /

Why do we love Japan so much?

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guess it's time to rev up my cock

They are fun and don't have much politics in them.

female empowering on their games is getting to me tho. Persona 5 made me cringe sometimes.

Yes. And?

why are asian girls so great bros?

They've always been superior for most aspects of what a video game can be and should be.

The west is good at realistic immersion but besides that I have Japanese games to play.

Something like Battlefield or Call of duty have that fun arcade but gritty aspect to them that Japan simply doesn't care to make.

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What are you talking about? Yas Forums hates Japan now. And if they don't hate it then they pretend to just so they can fit in.

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That's a chink user.

cool vidya collection bro, where did you get them from?

and she can sneeze in my mouth any day if you know what i mean

i would drink her pee

Cause they're the cutest

>fat white loser calling other fat white losers, losers

>Asian women

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I dislike Asian games, they are full of micro transactions.

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that's one based vidya collection.
Can't believe I'm approving, but I am.

You're just missing Red Dead Redemption 2, and Spiderman.

fugg i want to fug her so bad bros

You'd have to slid a coin first.

Everything about this picture looks Chinese, not Japanese.

There isn't a single honest opinion on Yas Forums. Everything is done ironically for (you)s

unironically what's the difference, not trying to be racist but i never saw a asian person irl as im from a slavic shithole

I thought everyone here was aware of that, guess not.

which one

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they look different. its like chinese, korean and japanese writing, they look different

t finland mongol

Western games are shit

Chinks are like cockroaches, japs are like a harmless beetle or something

Third from the left.

Imagine wanting your offspring to have those shitty leg and height genetics.

Why is she kissing the wooden stick.

placeholder for my dick

just carry the height gene yourself bro, you're not under 190cm right lol?

I dub thee: "Black Hand, Player of Games - Poster of Hands - Slayer of On Topic Discussion."

Chinks are generally scrawny and tend to be yellowish in skin color. Some of them get blessed with giant tits though.
Koreans have wider skull structures, particularly their jaw bones and cheek bones. This is why they shave them in facial surgery. Some girls get blessed with fat thighs.
The Japanese are the least "east asian" looking of the trio. Some of their women can unironically look barely different from other south east asian girls. Due to Japanese diets, their girls get the best of both worlds when it comes to tits and ass.

one spread the kung flu
the other one raped the previous one's grandmothers

The one with tons of gold of course. I'll be rich!

The coins are fake, there is chocolate inside.

Oh well. Chocolate's nice.

So are japanese the ubermensch of asians?

That's not a japanese woman
Pic related is what a japanese woman looks like, perfect wife material.

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more please

Why are asian women so small

>perfect wife material
But she's not a virgin, I've seen her having sex.

Please don't compare japanese with other asians, they are way better than any of them, heck, even chang wants to fuck suzuki now.

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Because so many are weeaboos.
No it's not, they should stick to their containment boards.
Sick fucks.
Dragon ladies.
It's all kungfu writing.
Your hafu kid will be shunned.

They're just better, and not pozzed. And if they are pozzed it's ironic

Pretty much yes.

>arabs want to fuck japs too
There are no weebs there I believe

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not based

Pubes are disgusting.

whichever is easiest for sumata

>porn tainted coomer doesn't like the signs of a sexually mature woman

yeah that sounds right


Sand niggers sleep with kids, like their prophet.
Found the pedo.

You think teenagers can actually afford figs?

Imagine the hapa kids and how happy they would be having a father like me...

Why do you love 3dpd so? We're on fucking Yas Forums, a board about videogames not 3dpd shit.

um hello cringe department