Actually did nothing wrong

actually did nothing wrong

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except, hmm, idk, bring demons to earf?

actually did nothing wrong

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His retarded employees did that.

Earth needed some culling anyway.

He got fucked up like a nerd he is.

t. Khan Maykr

implying Khan Maykr wasn't planning that already and Hayden's plan was to bottleneck her before Olivia fucked it all up

Who? I got completely lost in that plot, was I supposed to remember what happened 4 years ago in a game that prided itself on not caring about the plot

He is not the villain of this story

Legit understood nothing of what was going on in eternal, did I miss a marvel movie between the two games?

How did he get so fucked up between Doom and Eternal?

Olivia pierce dindu nuffin she a good girl it was all haydens fault

I finished another 2016 campaign a few days before eternal came out and there was barely any continuation from the last cutscene the first in the new game.

He returned to earth to warn people of the impending Hell invasion and built/led a resistance army

maybe he tried using the crucible by himself but then got his shit Wrecked cause not the slayer. hell We don't even know What the fuck happen between DOOM and Eternal but hopefully we will soon

That's the second Deag's work not Hayden

buy the dlc to find out :)

Eternal retcons/ignores pretty much everything from 2016, it's just another soft-reboot.

What are the odds they'll pull a Wolfenstein Old Blood on us to explain what happened between 2016 and Eternal much like Old Blood explained what happened between Wolf 2009 and Jew Order

When the tether was activated at the end of 2016 doomguy (and Vega) were teleported to the dimension housing the doom fortress and brought it back online.

It was only running on backup power so it took them years to fly back to earth, meanwhile Samuel Hayden built an army to defend earth from the demons but got his ass kicked.

Sam betrayed you and took the demon crucible from you at the end of 2016 because Vega is actually the Makyr AI known as The Father and he possessed unfathomable calculative power, he can essentially simulate the future. Thanks to Vega, Sam knew that the Doom Fortress would be invaded and shut down in the future and he also knew that the demon crucible would serve as a perfectly fine alternate power source, so he hid it from you so the Khan Makyr couldn't get her grubby little hands on it and take down the fortress for good.

big brain shit right here

Look around at the promotional art for 2020 Hayden. Look at all the giant mechs with their hands or cannons jutting through titanic demons. Arc "Resistance."
Hayden saying in 2016 lore, that he took his chad cyborg body because "you never know when the world will need a hero."

He was trying to handle things his way, and defeat Hell on his own terms. Hayden's character is hubris.
Well, we saw how that turned out in the end.

actual lore was the worst thing that happened to doom
all I ever wanted was a faceless guy fuckstomp demons, I don't need a third rater sci-fi fanfiction tier background story to enjoy the game

how can anyone enjoy this fucking awful "lore" in any shape or form?

All the pseudo religious/templar shit reminds me a lot of Warhammer 40k lore. It's so delightfully hammy.

god damn, Hayden is absolutely based

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Isn't he supposed to be the Seraphim?

He won't accept responsibility for letting Olivia Pearce get out of hand.

>implying he wont have his consciousness transferred to the giant Khan Maykr in the pool in Urdak and be bigger headed than ever

That's bullshit but I believe it

I miss this Samuel

>Quotes himself verbatim
>Knows everything about argent energy production
>Known everything about the Makyrs and Sentinel tech
>Even knows about the torture engine in Nekrovol
>Robot body is literally alien technology his own science team can't figure out.
>Which is also 100% compatible with the doom fortress
>Same voice actor
Nah, totally different guy.

source: my ass
actually sounds cool as fuck

Same, bro. I don't even remember what happened in 2016 except demons on Mars lmao.

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>Zoomers care about Doom plot

God I hope the Chinese Virus kills us all

You know what games need more plot? Racing games. I want to know why the FUCK I'm driving fast in the middle of rush hour.

I have no problem with lore. I do have a problem with sucking Doomguy's dick every 5 seconds. Those logs of that woman doctor talking about him were so melodramatic and cringe, how can anybody like this?

You are a massive faggot

Doomguy went from some insane marine trying his best to survive to some EPIC and BADASS reddit caricature to the point where he has his own space station and some childish mancave in it.

Who the fuck kills catcodemons and shoots a hole in the surface of mars?

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He was kind of a loser who fucked over Doomguy at the end of 2016 and tried to be Earth's hero but failed miserably

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not him but it's pretty spot on if you read the codex.

notice me senpai

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Play the Arc Complex mission. There’s literally an announcement over the intercom stating “The deceiver, Samuel Hayden, has fallen. The resistance is no more.”

He got all beat to hell right before the Slayer arrived.

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Is multiplayer worth playing at all?

The codecs explain it. He was the leader of the ARC resistance and got utterly btfo'd during all of the fighting.

Makes sense. Problem is he will probably try to take over or something and put himself back on Doomguys immediate kill list

So basically satan's just trying to be a cool dude?

kind of, there's supposed to be another multiplayer mode in the future where you can invade someone's campaign.

He's holding that sword wrong for a start

"Could he be demon kin, spawned from the loin of a grotesque infidel? Yet, the seal of the heretic binds him. His origin is as dark as his coming."
"The power held within the Crucible will punish man-born and demon kin alike. It will crush the divide. It will corrupt all realms. It will create the monster. It must never be found."
"Yet even as the Doom Slayer revels in the spoils of his war, another shall rise from the fires: a dark priest consumed by the Crucible. And even the Doom Slayer shall weep in his shadow."
"The heretic-turned-apostle Olivia, birthed of the dawn of our resurrection, by her hand we cross the divide. And for her tribute, she shall be granted the form of the Dread Widow."

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why do people keep saying he's satan? the dark lord already exists

Why introduce that later when the majority of players already finished the campaign?

yes and it's samur
who is also samuel

>deports slayer after getting the crucible
>uses it 3 times on imps
>out of charges
>gets torn apart

To get them to come back and keep them engaged with the game in the lead up to their proper DLC drops.

Staggered content drops are the new hotness.

Why didn't we fight Icon in a mech?

I think the Battlemode is pretty interesting, but it can be a pain to play as the slayer. I think I've only ever seen the slayer win a full round like once out of the dozen or so games I've played.

absolutely canon
fucking rekt.

Because that would have made "le epic badass doom slayer" look less capable.

What I don’t get is if Hayden is really Samur, and his memories are intact why would he fuck around with demons on Mars in the first place? He knew the demons would invade and consume the planet. Also wasn’t he supposed to have a had a human body before? Also what the fuck happens in the hundreds of years between Samur leaving with the Father and becoming Samuel Hayden and being on earth?

They should have not tried to force Samuel into Doomguys backstory, it just makes the character absolutely inconsistent from what game to another where they might as well be two different persons altogether.

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That would have been really gratifying but you'd also be cockblocking the player somewhat by throwing away literally everything they spent the last 20 or so hours learning for what would essentially be a turret section.

Mechadoom would be a cool idea to fully develop and explore on its own as a DLC though.

He's satan.
Furthermore; Samuel and Samur were individual entities until Samuel got "Brain Cancer"- which turns out to actually be Samur

>samur is actually cancer
OLOLOL holy shit what would we do without head-canon guys like you
thanks for the laffs

The final Icon fight already does that anyway so who cares?

>asks user for his thoughts
>laffs it off immediately
Offer up your alternative then, megafaggot

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"I am not the villain of the story. I do what I do because there is no choice."


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He went in to retrieve Doomguy who he new would fix the problem.

Olivia is the one who fucked up that whole plan.

and then ends up becoming an absolute loser in Eternal

can't believe they massacred my boy

That makes even less sense. If he’s satan (or the dark lord, I think Stan goes by that name) why is he actively sabotaging himself? And how does Samuels brain cancer make him into another entity?

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ok hear me out
satan teleported from another dimension and switched places with hayden with nobody being able to tell the difference
while doom is going on, hayden is now working for the demons trying to make clean energy

If Icon of Sin is some kind of weirdass demon
And Doomguy is Slayer
Then what the fuck is Icon of Sin in Doom 2?

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>Doomguy defeeats Icon of Sin in the events of DOOM II
>Doom 64 happens
>Doomguy eventually warped away to Argent D'Nur or whatever
>all that shit happens, Betrayer's son dies
>Betrayer asks for son to be resurrected
>son resurrected as the Icon of Sin

So what was the original Icon of Sin then? If Doomguy beat an Icon before the kid was the Icon, who was the first Icon? And can't Hell just obviously make another one lik they have done before?

Shut the fuck up, I asked it first

I mean he deliberately left the doom slayer alive so there would be a plan b in case he failed. He even left explicit instructions for if he got taken out to just wait for the doom slayer and hand him over everything important.

I still don't trust him. If my timeline is right, he's the whole reason the nu-Doom plot starts at all.
>The Father is chilling in Urdak
>Makes Makyrs because that's what gods do: Create life
>Makyrs are subject to decay, transfiguration. The Father creates new ones.
>This goes on for fuck knows how long
>Seraphim/Samuel steals the Father
>Makyrs stumble across Doomguy
>Doomguy keeps mumbling about demons, makyrs follow up on this lead
>Makyrs see the potential in Hell, and in humans, to harvest argent energy to prolong their lives in place of the Father
It's quite literally all his fault.