Risk of Rain 2

Big day tomorrow. Post Yas Forums rules preditictions.

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>Sky Meadow returning
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.

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Is it still on schedule? Was honestly expecting covid to delay it for no good reason

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hopoo games is like 3 dudes in a cellar (which they never leave), I think they'll be fine

Hopoo Games is fine, what you should be worrying about is shitbox publishing's QA team, Ghostpunch and PlayEveryWare (the console port team).

wheres the fukkin artifacts at

>PlayEveryWare (the console port team).
Wait, people actually play ROR on console?

Post favorite tracks.

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Yeah a fun game is a fun game

what are they adding tomorrow again ?

Yeah? It's not like that many of the survivors really require precision aiming.

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>implying it's not delayed to may
also host when

>Another doompost
Don't you get sick of this?

Artificer is fucking shit

Uh just get perfect RNG on items, bro. It's not that hard.

when are they going to be finished with this piece of shit?

empty, soulless levels

retarded buzzword your mother is a whore cunt bitch shit eater and your father is an alcoholic, thief and a fucker

all true, but at least I dropped this boring disappointing shit instead of FOMO bandwagoning because MUH Yas Forums CULTURE

RO1 was great, this is not good

we know im suprised she wasnt buffed again no movement is death later no matter what

Thanks for sharing, you can fuck off now.

whats the status on lewd mod user's work. its been a few months since i checked

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Anyone got the update teaser pic handy. I can't find it for some reason. Wanted to see which artifacts are in the picture.

Rex is the best character prove me wrong


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why isn't Loader more popular?

The few times I've watched people play Loader for the first time they've usually complained about "this dude is so slow" because they don't realize that her grapple is supposed to be their main method of mobility to begin with.

Can't wait for parents and children.

What if parents gained damage buffs if you kill children near them? Wouldn't that be a fun change to them?

They did the stage variants and helped on the other stage 4 map which are all fine. More stage variants for both stage 2 maps would be really fucking welcomed, I hate that god damn swamp

Both will probably need to be redesigned anyway. Parent's slam attack was already basically given to beetle guards. they'll probably get something new or at least get some sort of special move alongside the slam, kinda like golems getting the laser, and children's stubby ball move is likely going to be a projectile.

bros i cannot wait for command AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Command is for bitches. I can't wait for Chaos so I can literally shoot commandlets like you down in the street.

cant wait to kick people as soon as they friendly fire intentionally

Spank you.

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>parents getting a speed and damage buff everytime you kill a Child near them
Sounds like a cool idea.
I hope some RoR 1 bosses return too.

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>has no movement
>has no survivability
>has literally zero damage
>items can barely save her
Bros I like her and her concept, she looks cool, but every fucking time I select her because "yeah I wanna have a little bit of fun instead of playing the same character over and over again" I just get fucked because she's useless.

Engineer should be nerfed

hes fucking useless lategame
needs buffs if anything

Just bought this game now what

unlock everyone
unlock their alt skills
git gud

wait for host

I think it's fine to play on drizzle at the start but don't do it too long, once you get a feeling for the game switch to normal, otherwise you'll just keep getting runs where you don't die and you'll get bored

set difficulty to Monsoon
otherwise you automatically join Hopoo's discord and your personal information is posted in the "sissies" channel

I wish I had a loader gf bros....

>hes fucking useless lategame
he really isn't you're just bad

i wish i had a void reaver gf

if you want to unlock new characters or skills do it on drizzle if you want to play them play on monsoon because that's the best way to see if they are shit or not

Play it

I wish I had a bro like commando...
t. enforcer

>turrets instapop
>shield does jack shit
>no long-range proc spamming, relies on short-range grenades to do any actual damage
sorry, he's shit.

your mom

Damn, you really do suck.


Why hasn’t there been a second chart for 2?

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because the game isn't complete yet and no one can be assed to make one only to have to edit it with a new update