Before 2007 games were entirely apolitical...

Before 2007 games were entirely apolitical. Games like Deus Ex and the 2D Fallouts could tackle deep social issues without any political propaganda. Japanese games are mindless nonsense not even worth mentioning.

Since 2007, video games have been infected with propaganda, becoming little more than political tools to inject destructive leftist political ideologies to children in there formative years. This was not present when oldfags were growing up.

Only a small fraction of gamers today are redpilled enough to have their own opinions, rather than the ones installed in them by modern SJW games. Thankfully most Yas Forumsirgins fit into this category.

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Yas Forumsirgins are idiots with no self-awareness. They fall for every marketing scam thrown at them.

Yas Forumsirgins also spent at least 10 of their formative years obsessing over post-apocalyptic fantasy games with smoothbrain lore. No wonder they think everything in an actual functioning society is some sort of Yas Forums conspiracy.

By your logic you're one of them as well.Not every user in this board are morons

Completely false. The whole premise for the cause of the apocalypse in the original Fallout game, according to Tim Cain, was all about the idea of patriotism and pride in one’s country going unchecked and out of control. Fallout 2 hammers this over your head with an antagonist faction that makes up the overzealous remnants of the US government. I’m not even going to respond to you calling Deus Ex apolitical because it’s a stupid assertion. Frankly, I doubt you’ve even played these games, and if you have, you were too fucking dumb to pay attention to what was going on in them. Brain dead retards like you who think politics = liberalism are complete dipshits that need better education.

>politics are only acceptable when I agree with it! Also I need tiddies and naked chicks!
That's not how that works little timmy.

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I should also add that Fallout 1 displays this at the very start of the game with an intro that shows American propaganda proudly displaying US soldiers executing a POW and laughing over it. This shit couldn’t be any more obvious, I really don’t understand how you can believe the diarrhea spew of bullshit salad coming from your mouth OP

Yas Forums is just a silo filled with the lower IQ school dropouts. It's a shame the phoneposters and /thedonald/ kids have infested Yas Forums as spillage.

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This plus that shit didn't start in 2007. 2007 is literally the year AFTER PS3 and Wii came out where we were getting shit like GTAIV.

All forced SJW and politics shit was much later around the beginning of the PS4, as it's also the time hacks like Sarkeesian started to appear.

7th gen was just gaymes.
8th gen minus Wii U was the beginning of "problematic" games.

wii u didnt have any games, it could only process n64 tier visuals. Nobody except children and office workers got a wii.

what the fuck is sjw about GTA4??

Wii U had an actual library of exclusives.
>t. Former PS4 owner

No, I'm saying games like GTAIV were coming out. Saints Row the 3rd, titties in fighting games. It wasn't until 8th gen that the SJW shit happened.

meant to type wii, but wii u was even more of an embarassment with its paltry two years of games.

COD1 was 100% pure anti-Soviet and pro-West propaganda. How was that apolitical?

>games magically became "political" out of sheer coincidence at the exact same time I got brainwash- errr I mean "red pilled" by Yas Forums
>t. brainlet

>muh obama

>Defending literal Stalinism

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>in ye old times of yore, there were NO politics at all
>but then, dem SJW nation attacked!
40keks. Have some nice apolitical picture for your troubles

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>shooting people is being 'goodly'

You're conflating two very different ways of using politics in a game, old games used politics as flavor, for example the political critique and commentary in Fallout was mostly theoretical, it was a vague condemnation of human nature, capitalism, the failures of patriotism and democracy etc that had no purpose other than mirroring the real world and providing an outlet for the creators. The politics started and ended in the game and had no requirements, urging, or impact on the player after he was done with it, and the player was free to disagree with anything stated.

Nowadays politics in games are used as an explicit manipulation and propaganda tool for waging a cultural war, it's directly criticizing the player for not agreeing with the creator's personal politics and requiring them to conform in order to be "accepted", while brainwashing those whose brains have not yet finished developing. Its use is very current and actual, where one view is explicitly pushed as correct and unquestionable.

It's like saying Wall Street (1987) is the exact same politically as Das Kapital because they both talk about capitalism negatively, when one is entertainment and the other is a call to arms.

>Nowadays politics in games are used as an explicit manipulation and propaganda tool for waging a cultural war
no. you're just saying this because it's politics you disagree with and it makes you feel threatened

>Before 2007 games were entirely apolitical.
They were not but they didn't market themselves on being on the "right side" of the political spectrum.

Nope, try again tranny

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Respecting our troops' fight in WW2 isn't a political statement, the protection of freedom isn't a partisan position.

I think both you and OP are conflating personal agendas with "universal" politics and morals.
Every game, movie and book has some form of politics or moral message involved.
Even games like Final Fantasy had some politics involved. But what we have today is a representation of "every inch of your personal life is political, your body is political".
Politics didn't matter that much, and people didn't take it so personally, because politics remained in the political sphere. That's why people like OP don't see the Fallout saga and Deus Ex as "political".

Nowadays, games have the same amount of politics in them, it's just that politics now reach our personal space, they affect our lifes in more ways than ever before.

One thing that has changed on entertainment, though, is the way they frame this. Now it's more about lecturing you on the hegemonic opinions rather than giving you a point of view. Also, lobbies have access to games now and therefore they also push their agenda.

God damn why did you have to remind me how great this game is.
Bethesda couldnt write a good sentence of dialogue if you put a gun to their heads.

Cry me a river Yas Forumstard. The world has changed and video games changed with it.
It's not a "culture war", it's just a piece of media reflecting current cultural landscape.
There never was a "culture war": it was a slaughter.
Because while your opponent where working and connecting and getting jobs in various media industries, you retards were posting frogs and screaming NIGGER in every online space you could find until you get banned.
Enjoy being "based and redpilled" and getting triggered by every single movie, game, tv show and other piece of media featuring women and minorities.

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It's nice of you to admit I'm right, saves us both the trouble of bickering back and forth

>Respecting our troops
God damn you are fucking dorky

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Politics =/= gender politics

you never be a real woman. faggot



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>Not representing a Soviet chick in ww2 game
Try again jumbo dumbo

why is Yas Forums so easy to BTFO?

The saddest part of it is that it isn't entirely wrong.

Dilate your shit-scented wound, tranny.


Yas Forums were always losers and dropouts. Even I as an ESL noticed their low vocabulary and simplistic syntaxis. When you are unhappy with lack of accomplishments, your body tends to soothe the pain by looking at 'outside factors'. You can break any Yas Forums by just pointing out he's probably fat, or a social reject, or failed school/carreer. At least half of them are underage/virgin. Once you figure out that this collective bad boi posturing is just a fake image that these guys cling to this out it becomes almost too easy to break them.

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Because Yas Forums is Yas Forums 3.0 — edgy teenagers looking for validation online.

seems like you're actually very close to ordering your HRT pills


Post wound, you hot piece of tranny meat, you.

Seriously, show us your body.


Eh, up until the end maybe. But calling a modern social justicey game a "call to arms" and conflating it with Das Kapital is kind of ridiculous.

Your reasoning faculties are as absent as the penis you had removed.

>getting triggered
>needing buzzwords to hide behind
>0 actual content in post
What's it like being an npc?

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>so thirsty to jerk off he's asking some guy on Yas Forums for nudes
Jesus, nigger, just go watch some gay porn.

He is clearly bating and exagerating, that does not really even deserve pointing out. He is NOT wrong about the fact that left wing ideologies have been systematic influence over media (and academia) while those who oppose them did fuck all, most of them quite literally jerking themselves off on the internet.

>reasoning faculties
Irony is a thing you know.

>Games discussed political topics so it's fine for me to turn all video games into propaganda for my politics.

lmaoing @ the unhinged Yas Forumstard talking about trannies in EVERY single post he makes
dude just go be a tranny already if you're so obsessed with them

I did. And then I got barred from the industry.

That doesn't even make sense. Why are you supporting aritfical top-down imposed movements being pushed by the Thompson-Reuter Foundation?

That thing was asserting that everyone who criticises trannies is fat or whatever. I’m extending it an invitation to show us what a beautiful healthy physique looks like, you stupid niggerfaggot.

>show the hardships and heroism of people from underfed, malnourished and mismanaged commie hell-hole
That's because it WAS like that, you fucking moron - dictatorship of a dogma, thinly veiled as uncontrolled censor-happy socialism.

The only thing that matters about art and creativity is truth - and if the truth is bent/skewed/misrepresented to pander to ideology some fanatic will never stop believing in, then it turns into a shit art / shit game / "political" game.

>being this desperate for photos of trannies

except there were good examples for both, thanks to both sides not acting like children and exposing the drawbacks of both right and left.
Syndicate, Deus Ex - anti-corporate
VtmB - anti-establishment, rebellious

All of those cases argue against accumulation of ruling power in hands of an immortal dictator, be that a self-repairing cyborg or a well-branded international enterprise conglomerate.

Nice meme. Did you dad/boyfriend make it for you?

What’s it like falling for the jewish meme that there are more than two genders, mutilating yourself and getting on the expressway to suicide?

>trying to veneer his desire to see male form with some retarded excuse
Fucking kek.

That isn’t a retort, it’s just faggotry!

>a media company doing media company shit

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Shut your hole, fatso!

Do you still meet regular volks sometimes user? Or does your mother do the shopping for you?

You have no idea what you're talking about, lmfao