Games that “get good after 20 hours”

I’ll start

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I love it to death but the first few hours aren't a good indicative of the game as a whole

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I was invested in the first hours leading up to the actual game though, I didn't see anything wrong with the build-up.

Yakuza 0

persona 3-5


Tell me what the 20 hour mark is, because I played this game until you got the mechanic girl and I eventually got utterly bored of it and put it down.

funny, I dropped it after 20 hours.
Grinded until I unlocked all abilities, which was pretty quick, left no point to the game.

good, fuck double digit iq secondaryfags

Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the low stakes adventure with hidden things going on behind the scenes of FC, Zero and CS1 more than when things start ramping up with giant robots and stuff.

that's not an unpopular opinion, user.

pic unrelated

Everyone with taste shares that opinion.

Trails in the Sky is good from the start, it just becomes great after 20 hours.

At the end of that chapter is when you find out all the events in the story up until the end of that point have been orchestrated by a certain character and the final chapter of the game is you working to unearth the conspiracy.

This shit doesn’t even become good after 9 games

The entire first game is literally just build up and establishing lore, second chapter is where it gets good. The problem is it still doesn't get good enough to justify buying two (2) games for one (1) story and 100+ hours of reading inane pointless dialogue and slow as fuck combat unless you're into that kind of thing

Calvard when?

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Nah, Trails is engaging right from the start. Problem is the games get progressively worse after Sky.

>slow as fuck combat
From memory, that's the main thing that made me drop it. Every random encounter was taking too long and I honestly just don't have that kind of time when it felt repetitive and unengaging.

Trails in the Sky is a patrician game for people with acquired tastes.
Unfortunate that the series devolves into haremshit persona clone.

When you play 20 hours

Hopefully never, Reans stink would be all over it tainting the series further. Fuck NuFalcom and fuck /fg/

Apparently this from what Yas Forums has said over the years. I dropped this trash after a few hours and refunded my money. I don't understand the whole "You have to get through the first 2/3rds of the garbage game for it to get good!". If the entire first half of the game is completely horrible and boring then it will never get good.

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Speaking of series that keep devolving.

They all look like VRchat avatars

>gameplay trailer
90% of it is cutcenes

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Lmao fucking loser.

Taking my time with OP's pic and just finished rescuing the hostages of the hijacked airship. Having a good time and looking forward to the adventure that is about to unfold in the next sequence.

The buildup of slower-paced stories generally tend to have really nice payoff in the later segments of games like these. Also they usually open up and become more flexible in combat allowing for fun experimentation.

Xenosaga: Episode I

Hack levels and avoid combat. Or speedhacks.

It aged badly, but at the time of its release I didn't hear people saying only the final third of the game was good.

console garbage

I wouldnt say it ever gets good, it's just okay and there are way too many custcenes.

If it's one thing Monolith has improved on it's definitely the gameplay aspects of their games. Xenosaga episode 1 had a serviceable turn-based battle system.

The story is a childwish, except for some parts.

I've had this fucking game sitting on my desk, in its wrapper for the past year. I've not felt any motivation to open it up and play it.

Shill me on this game, please. I keep hearing that it's either amazing, or absolute fucking garbage.

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Hory shiet this fag

>implying trails ever gets good
You enjoy it because it's such a cliche piece of shit, not in spite of it. Get that through your heads

Shortly after getting the mechanic girl. The first 3/4 of the game nothing is happening and then is gets going.

Zero and Ao were unironically great

Pretty run of the mill JRPG storywise though it does have a pretty good closing act compared to most modern JRPGs. Gameplay loop is really fun after you are able to equip 3 blades and built them up to use their arts quickly via arts cancel and switch between them with good timing via cancelling too.

I "enjoyed" it from the start because the world and its characters are incredibly charming. But it doesn't have any of that kind of videogame pacing that bombards you with rewards to keep you hooked and whatnot so it'll still feel a bit exhausting to play. After a while I did get fully immersed though and then it stayed a joy to play for the most part.

I don't remember anything particularly bad about KOTOR's start besides the fact you have to stay as low level as possible to maximize jedi powers later on.
That said the game is a bit mediocre and the sequel is much better.

I remember when FC was released and anons were hyping it up as having the best and deepest writing of all games.
Its just standard anime cliches with lots of text.

It's exhausting because you have to travel through all liberl on your foot. Also some quests are really boring

Game would've been so much better without its terrible character aesthetic, the villains were the only ones with cool designs. It genuinely disgusts me how half the cast look like gacha characters, such an eyesore that stains a pretty good game

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I mean isn't literally every jrpg like that? With a few exceptions.

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>*gets good after 200 hours*

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FC is good but SC is miles better and more interesting so in this case "it gets good 60 hours in" is more accurate

Most aren't THIS bad with it, and especially not as inconsistent as hiring a bunch of gacha-artists to put their waifus in the game.
FFXIV is unironically a Kiseki game in my eyes. Same pacing issues, same cliches, yet also the same decent writing that somehow makes it feel worth it. Even has its own Coldsteel in the form of Stormblood

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It gets good in Ishgard. 50 lvl hell is real tho.

This looks like a skullgirls character

Gets good in Ishgard.
Then turns to shit again when you have to babysit stupid fucking Lyse and sit through her bullshit.
Then suddenly it turns pretty fucking amazing.

You collect big tiddie anime waifus like pokemon and i'm convinced that is the only reason anyone likes this game, the story is so severely autistic it almost becomes so bad it's good. It's enjoyable in an ironic sort of way, xenoblade 1 is better

Yea Lyse and ala mgiggers are a dumbsterfire.

It's really good since the very beginning though.

When you play as Joshua. Estelle is a dumb slut.

DMC4 for me.
I love 3. But the normal difficulty 4 is a slog. Kinda better at SOS, but still the bosses are lacking.

Dragon Quest 11

I didn't even bother learning naval or air warfare until I had over 200 hours

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