Got P5Royal a week early

>Got P5Royal a week early
>Gonna get FFVIIR early too now

Australia wins again, fuckers. Imagine not living in the future.

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Even though I suffer from the same problem, wouldn't it be wise to at least play Persona Royal before playing FF7?

P5R is like 100~130 hours of content depending on how good you are at JRPGs and difficulty settings and whatnot

not sure how long VIIR is meant to be, but if we weren't in a global lockdown i imagine it would be hard for most people to actually beat P5R in the time between it's release and VIIR's.

fuck these bigheaded producers and directors. it was shit in persona 5 and its shit here. i hope everyone is spoiled.

what the fuck is wrong with not wanting a story-heavy genre to remain spoiler free so people can actually play it and see the story for themselves?

maybe their same society jap bugman will follow their fellow japs but its arrogant and foolhardy to try and ask the whole world to do this. stinks of fucking smell your own fart creativity. If youre some getting spoiled by a 20 year old game in the age of let plays and streamers youre a fucking sub human and more if you complain about it.

God I love being Australian.

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Seething fat autist

wait who do i order it from to get this shit early

>Mentions many surprises for everyone
This means more retcons of course.


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Sure man, here's a P5Royal spoiler for you to throw at people when you get mad or whatever the fuck keeps you alive.

I don't think there's anything wrong with *asking*

It's not like Square are doing the japanese Atlus thing here and warning everyone they're going to smite content creators with copyright strikes if they dare show the wrong content they decide has to keep secret. Which I think Atlus West don't seem to be doing this time around otherwise we would have seen it by now.

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All I want to know is how long ff7r is and how much extra/postgame content there is


who is selling it in aus? need that shit the moment i get out of quarantine

EB were the ones that decided fuck it and dropped Royal on the 25th, I'd just keep an eye on them

Metal Gear did it better.

Outside of JB Hi-Fi who usually don't break street dates, your only other option is EB Games unless you know someone at Big Willy or Target.

>Europe and straya
Feels good man

How am I meant to buy a physical copy when everywhere is closed?

EB and JB are essential services.

>physical copy

you go to a store and exchange money, and they give you the videogame written onto a disc that comes in a fancy box

Australia never wins, you're in Australia.

Fkin weebo u know. Real fanboy finished in first week in Japan are u stupid or dogshit

Can you try that again but in english, bud?

Why not just push the digital release forward at this point?

what do you mean, my country is perfect

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That gives you some time to make up a bushfire plan at least.

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why are companies so obsessed with release dates? who cares? I always figured they were just general ballpark estimates, but if it's done why not just put it in stores right this fucking instant? a few days/weeks means literally nothing.

>The Aussie menace wins yet AGAIN
I can't take this bros

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>why are companies so obsessed with release dates?
for shareholders
>who cares?
they want a streamlined release schedule and still think releasing a game one week earlier / later might cause less sales because some holidays or other game release or some shit

because customers are not happy when they do not get their product when they plan around getting their product
dates allow everyone to plan sales and purchases

anyone know of sites in EU that sell it early?

>This is all the Aussies get in return for sucking up to China


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>all the digital fags in the comments, begging for the release date to be pushed forward
Physical chads win again

>70€ and up everywhere
I'll just wait until 1-2 weeks after release and get it for 40

>I'll just wait until 1-2 weeks after release and get it for 40
From where exactly? it's not like there is a global quarantine or anything

used on ebay/amazon? it's not like people stop exististing during quarantine. I got a new graphic card delivered yesterday


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Man fuck Europe and Australia.
Let them all die to COVID-19 and ship the game to America now.

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>Australia wins again, fuckers. Imagine not living in the future.

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no risk no reward coward
get your game, play it, and die happy

has a video game ever done that?
I don't think that's ever gonna happen

Doom Eternal did that the other week


Enjoy your weebshit, Chang.

Why did I fall for the Corona digital meme, this hurts so much

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So are Aussies the only ones who get their copies earlier?

I'll wait for it to be beta tested by you then. I always do. Why play a game at launch when it is broken and needs to be patched? It just ruins the experience.

some eufags too

Euros too it seems, and it's still probably gonna be on a by-store basis. Gonna need to do some hustling.

>PC chads are bullying us again

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It literally says in the fucking picture both Europe and Autralia.
Jesus fucking Christ learn to read before you ask stupid questions.

>Australia wins again, fuckers. Imagine not living in the future.

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now they've got an excuse for the bugs and unfinished stuff
>"the first part only has 5h of content because of COVID-19"

Why are aussies always so rude?

chill out sparky

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They're not, that's just how they speak.

Fuckers in the OP can be translated as 'good friends' or more accurately, "mate"

Pizzabros where are you at tell me where i can buy the game early i'm desperate

I'm gonna go down to the EB I got P5R from tomorrow and ask them about when they expect to get copies in and when they'd be willing to sell them