Buy an Oculus Quest

Buy an Oculus Quest

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i would if they went back into stock
resupply when?

all headsets have major downsides, waiting for index 2

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actually a good list

so basically the valve index is the only good one, and alyx is the only decent game.


nah i don't feel like puking

why would I get an inferior headset?
unless you're outside the 61-66 ipd range, the Rift S is better

Best budget headset goes to the Oculus Quest for sure, being its own thing not needing a computer, even though you can use the steamlink too and really easy to set up anywhere in seconds is great.

Best image quality guess to HP Reverb, especially with it removing that screendoor effect, honestly which the other headsets were at this resolution.

Best controllers has to be Valve Index's, with proper finger tracking and better pressure sensitivity it really adds & helps to the whole experience.

From what I hear HP and Oculus are cooking up new headsets that might break new ground or whatever, so I'm looking forward to whenever that is.

literally all the Quest 2 needs is a 90hz panel and a more comfortable headstrap, facebook is so close


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These things are on the verge of being wireless AND pc compatible right?

Be honest with me user.

Is it even worth it getting an index just for Alyx?

I dont even know what else there would be, everybody screams Beat Saber shit but, I want some vidya and not so much arcade stuff.

The HMD? Maybe not. The controllers? Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
The latest LinusTechTips video about Alyx pretty much answers all the questions you may have. I love my Index and the only other headset I've ever used was the original HTC Vive (we have a couple at work for our game room), and it's miles ahead compared to that (obviously). I don't know how good or bad the Oculus stuff is, but I don't trust anything about Facebook so I'd rather not touch that. $1000 (or equivalent) is a lot for a headset, but the controllers are well worth it. Alyx performs really well on all kinds of headsets, or so I heard, anyway, but the experience is vastly different with the Index controllers.

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That's the Oculus Quest; yes, it had existed since May of 2019

>Best budget headset goes to the Oculus Quest for sure, being its own thing not needing a computer
This is pointless because mobile VR is worthless garbage and if you're going to play on PC you might as well just get the rift instead of using a shitty tether which worsens the quality/responsiveness

Ya I am a fan of the knuckles controllers, I just want to make sure the investment can pay for itself over time.

For example, are there any art programs or anything that take advantage of the Index? Something?

3D modeling?

it's what i did, i had the disposable income at the time (bought at announcement) and although i havent had the time to fully delve into all the VR stuff out there, there isn't really any buyers remorse. alyx is very fucking fun, it's just the issue of when im done with this, there's not really anywhere else to go. i imagine the index will be relatively futureproof for a good amount of time though

Nah I got the HTC Vive in 2016 and see no reason to upgrade.

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>For example, are there any art programs or anything that take advantage of the Index? Something?
>3D modeling?
I don't know about the Index specifically but there's a lot of various 3D sculpting/painting art programs for VR. I've never tried any of them though, I'm not an artist, so I wouldn't know.

As an Odyssey+ owner, I'd say it beats the Quest when it gets down to $230 (which it does very frequently). I feel like the Quest would be a sidegrade and as much as I'd love to have Oculus controllers instead of WMR, I think the O+ beats it pretty much everywhere else.

I heard it plays like shit when you hook it to pc

I'm really looking forward for the new generation of VR games now that Valve actually showed the industry how to fucking make a proper game (and not just a tech demo). Also hyped as fuck for the Alyx VR SDK. Think about all the mods that came out of Half Life (1 and 2), and now think again about Half Life VR.
It's coming, bros, it's finally coming.

>trackpad is a positive
lmao htcshill and their garbage wands

>The HMD? Maybe not. The controllers? Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
Actually the opposite. The controllers are only better because they're not vive wands. They have terrible QC. Get a Rift-S or Odyssey+ and you'll be happy you didn't blow a grand for current VR in the long term.

>but there's a lot of various 3D sculpting/painting art programs for VR.
You are perking my interest user.

Not just on the verge, its a standalone headset which can run simple looking games but can be hooked to a PC via USB-C 3.0.

There are a few games I really enjoy playing without a cable on the headset itself. They use an overclocked and fan cooled snapdragon 835, but its still a mobile processor and has its limits.
Connecting over USB-C to a PC is pretty much flawless at this point, no visible compression (except on the very edges, as if someone turned fixed foveated rendering on, which it basically is since the center has the most detail) I also don't notice any real latency on the controllers either, tho some say there is something of a 10ms delay. Only negative thing for me is a slight system overhead due to the video feed being compressed and streamed in the background. But even then the fact that you have nearly flawless PCVR over a single USB-C cable is kind of incredible.

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I’m still using the original oculus rift. Next headset needs to seriously improve on that resolution

What about that one that makes you look like a dead space character? That shit's so expensive for some reason, any reason why?

Its really not bad user, its definitely a step up in image quality over the first gen headsets despite the video compression and controller latency is virtually non-existant

>The controllers are only better because they're not vive wands. They have terrible QC.
I'm specifically talking about Alyx here. The game is made to be played with the Index controllers.
Watch this video
All the QC issues with the Index controllers have been solved, so as long as you don't buy them a year ago, then you're fine. They work really well, are very sturdy, and I haven't seen any issues with build quality or defects whatsoever. I bought my set in November just FYI.

I wouldn't bother with non-standard/non-mainstream VR headsets. The VR market is already small enough that developers really aren't going to be testing and targeting all kind of weird combinations of non-gaming/industry-level headsets or controllers. Stick to the main ones and your life will be much easier, otherwise it's literally a lottery whether or not you get a supported headset.

Damn, but it looks really cool.

How desperate are you to post the same image when not even asked. Are you the one making these threads? What sort of insecurities do you have and validation you're seeking? This is some supreme gentleman levels of desperate.

>All the QC issues with the Index controllers have been solved, so as long as you don't buy them a year ago, then you're fine.
Most of the issues manifest after a month or more. People just got their headsets, you'll see plenty of mentions of drift in April and May.

I was considering it but just bought and Odyssey + I'm so excited to get it. It'll be my first time using VR. Have to wait a week to get it, and all I'm going to do is play Beat Saber for the next 3 months

Pimax? Because it's a chinese scam, but they have wider FOV and or resolution so they target experimental paypigs.

>Most of the issues manifest after a month or more. People just got their headsets, you'll see plenty of mentions of drift in April and May.
Literally had this headset since November, there has been a huge surge of new purchases in November/December after the Alyx announcement and over Christmas and people have had plenty of mileage out of their headsets already. None of these issues are still a problem, get over it.

Has anyone modded Skyrim vr for proper index controller support?

No. I have a Vive, and it's fine. I'll replace it when it breaks.

Do you use the same schwifty things wallpaper on your phone too?

Probably doesn't have any friends and just hopes to "flex" his perceived wealth (which is just a waste of money anyway) to internet strangers. It's quite sad, actually.

I don't know, I bought Skyrim VR and played like 1 hour of it and felt really sick. It feels like a game not made for VR (which it isn't) and it played like absolute shit so I just insta-refunded it. Not this time, Todd.

Man, I think 10-15 years oughta do it for me. Imagine being able to replace a laptop/Surface device with a VR headset in the future. I'll wait until my pc becomes too outdated, then I'll make the jump to full VR for all my desktop computing. (I think by then, we'll have improved internet/wireless speeds unlock with better cloud computing, which will make having a pc more of a novelty rather than a requirement). Or even 20 years.

Skyrim VR is amazing after you install a couple hundred mods and tweak the INIs. It's a complete night and day difference, from unplayable to spending hundreds of hours

That's definitely the smart thing and I've been shitting on VR for years because the technology is in such an early and expensive state, but I couldn't help myself getting a low-range headset. Regardless of the quarantine, I've just been real bored lately and need some new spectacle to obsess over for a month then let it collect dust until I pick it up again in a year

This shit isn't worth over $600 and nobody is selling at MSRP.

fuck off todd skyrim vr is irredeemable garbage
...fallout 4 on the other hand

>The game is made to be played with the Index controllers.
I played with oculus touch controllers and it didn't feel like a single thing was missing.

which controllers are used in that webm?

none you dip

It's not unplayable on other controllers, and admittedly I haven't played with other controllers either, but the idea of simply just letting go of your controller to release things feels extremely natural and many people I've talked to that played with both prefer the index controllers by a mile. It's not a surprise considering the game was made by Valve, who also make the Index. This said, Valve has done a more than excellent job making sure the game is playable and enjoyable on all kind of setups and price ranges.

I've got a PSVR and it's enough for me. Fits my budget, which is most important, but I like the exclusives.

Attached: Ace Combat 7 VR 03.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

The next Oculus will have a neural interface wrist strap to read your hand state and intention, this will bring high quality hand tracking to PC


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Laugh all you want but it's the best cost benefit you can get in VR right now. 1/5 of the entry cost of a PC VR and it sure delivers well above 1/5 of the experience.

It's an important part of making VR affordable and popular.

Attached: PSVR 03.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

And a DisplayPort connection for using it with a computer. Jesus what a fucking oversight.

People said that about Boneworks too, just because you could wiggle your fingers, when in reality both of those games have some backwards mechanics regarding to gripping and both of them feel like they were made with Oculus Touch in mind.

Wasn't there talk that the Quest's screen and hardware could do 90hz but was software capped because of electronic certification reasons?

The main one is Google's Tilt Brush

I did

>mfw 74 ipd

I'm quite fond of the O+ controllers myself. Their only downside is the lack of buttons, but you effectively get five buttons under the trackpad, plus the trackpad itself, compared to Oculus' two. My biggest complaint, and this goes for all of VR, is the lack of customization. You're forced into using the home button on each controller for Windows Mixed Reality Home, and then the joystick click on each controller for the SteamVR dash. Takes away a lot of input. I'd love to be able to unbind SteamVR from the joysticks, shift the WMR summons to a double tap or something of the home buttons, and put SteamVR on the home buttons (because WMR home is fucking useless). Add some tactility to the trackpad to let you know more easily what quadrant your thumb is in, and capacitively to the grip and trigger (and the joystick) so you could point (trigger capacitive sensor), middle finger (grip capacitive sensor), or thumbs up (joystick and trackpad sensor) and it'd be perfect.

I agree though. The O+ is a better value if you have a PC. The Quest would have been damn near perfect if they hadn't dropped the ball and omitted a displayport/hdmi connection.

Really? That's cool stuff

The latency isn’t noticeable. The compression absolutely is, as well as the weight added from having a cable not suited to be linked from your head to your PC (official link cable is completely sold out). Quit talking out your ass.

USB 3.0 is absolutely not up to the task of transmitting real time VR video, and there are major compromises. It's a huge fuck up that they declined to add a simple port. That Carmack got it to work anyways is remarkable, but Facebook needs to be called out on it.

>playing VR on 2013 hardware

please sudoku

The compression is noticeable but it's not bad and doesn't distract from what you're playing.
I was able to overcome the added weight of the cable by using a Velcro strap to bind the cable along the top and down the back of the straps.

PSVR is absolute garbage, it's not even worth wasting money on that shit, user

I'll be buying a rift s instead

The Oculus Quest is EXTREMELY uncomfortable to wear unless you mod it and it only runs 70hz. Be aware.

It will work on PS5, taking advantage of its beast PC specs

By the time you have wasted money on a PS4, a PSVR, AND a PS5, you could've basically just bought an Index and found yourself with a shitty ass outdated piece of plastic with dildos as controllers

yup, afaik its actually the same panels as the vive pro