PChads Jedi Knights Are Destroying Star Wars Younglings On Nintendo Switch


>Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has finally been released on the Nintendo Switch, but there seems to be a disturbance in the force.
>There is reportedly an issue with the game's online multiplayer component. While there's no mention of a cross-play feature in the official Nintendo description, right now, PC players are able to join Switch matches and it's causing all sorts of trouble.

>"I was excited to play this game online, so I picked it up immediately. I joined a game where 1 player was absolutely mopping the floor with us and he had .twitchtv in his username."
>"Sure enough, I looked him up and he was playing on PC in a switch server absolutely decimating everyone."
>"Apparently all you have to do is take the server IP from a console match, which is clearly visible on console, and enter it in the PC server browser and join."

Holy fucking shit, which retarded dev thought this is a good idea to be able to crossplay with PC players grinding multiplayer for 17 fucking years?

Attached: PC_players_vs_Switch_players.gif (450x338, 1.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>which retarded dev thought this is a good idea to be able to crossplay with PC players grinding multiplayer for 17 fucking years?
Its not about the grinding, its about sending a message.

>which retarded dev thought this is a good idea to be able to crossplay
They didn't, it was an accident. Though I'm not sure how such a mistake could occur.

What's the problem?

Is keyboard + mouse better than gamepads in this game? If yes, then, it's an issue. If no, trial by fire for the switch players.


>accidental crossplay on a 17 year old game
so is this the final bullet in the head of the CROSSPLAY IS TECHNICALLY DIFFICULT lie that devs have been feeding us for years to let the console manufacturers stroke their peepees about their walled garden platforms?

>Though I'm not sure how such a mistake could occur.
I really doubt it could be a mistake.

based pretendo slayers at work

Hopefully they keep it but add a separate lobby just for new Switch players.

Crossplay between console and PC is retarded anyways
You don't do crossplay between PC and Console for the same reason there are separate leagues for men and women's sports. Men (PC) will dominate women (consoles) every time.

those kids are gonna grow up destroying people

Fortnite has a similar issue ages ago. Seems like a hard thing to do unintentionally and now the game officially has cross play it makes you think

It's more immersive this way, you can pretend you're really a padawan getting shrekt by his mentors.

based Jedi Knight homies providing irrefutable evidence once and for all that PC is the superior platform for FPS

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>implying there are any good players online anymore

all good base and tdm puggers stopped playing like 10 years ago, now you only have a few trash spergs playing on shitty JA+ janky mods

they need to learn the ways of the graphics card.


>Game proves by complete accident Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have been lying about the difficulty of crossplay for decades

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i don't give a shit about nintendobabbies getting rekt, but it's quite alarming how a very old game port is able to have crossplay when modern devs have been saying "crossplay is fucking hard to do"

They need to learn the ways of the Force.

>switchkiddies getting fanned to death


I think it’s more that the hardware of today’s consoles are more like low powered PCs. They don’t have unique chipsets anymore.

>Sóytendo players seething over PChads

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It's not a story Nintendo would tell them.

I remember getting my shit pushed in so hard in Jedi Academy back in the day. I had a friend who was really into these lightsaber duels and he and the others could basically kill people like me with one move.


It's difficult to stop treating your customers as hostages!


anyone got that webm where Darth Maul jumps off his speeder and decapitates anakin?


You don't know much about programming then

Man, consoles are such pieces of shit

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It's a mistake in the same way that shipping your game with Denuvo disabled is "a mistake".

If its this easy, why dont fighting games do this? Is it really just about sony/nintendo being assholes?

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How bad are Jedi Knight games on gamepad? I'd love to replay them but my wrist isn't as good as before these days so I'd prefer to play on console.

>Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

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Wow, this guy is literally me

It just got ported on Switch and PS4.

They were released on consoles even back in the day, Jedi Academy was ported on Xbox and Jedi Outcast on Xbox and Gamecube.

So is it worth playing?

On PC yeah

>They were released on consoles even back in the day
This doesn't answer my question in any way.

>It just got ported on Switch and PS4.
answer me please i can PLAY THE GAME ONLINE? or the comunity is dead? last time i played was 15 years ago

They're fine.

do i need movie battles to join their server? how do i do it I just launched the game on vanilla, and see a lot of siege currently. is that them?

The MB2 community is still fairly active, especially when there's new media released.

Wait what, i thought it was only switch.
Brb spending 23 bucks on a 17 year old game, and if it's just to show them they should continue that series.

I used to play outcast on gamecube and academy on PC. Controller is hella slow but doable. Just don't expect to do any fancy stuff like slamming people into walls with force choke, or picking them up with it and force pushing them into oblivion. Also, lightsaber combat is pretty much just whacking away at stuff.

You can play it online, and it's alive at least now when it's relevant again.

Yes, you can join switch and ps4 servers on PC.

>being upset that you have an even more active and populous multiplayer
Why? In what fucking world is crossplay a bad thing?

if you want to buttblast nintendkiddies then yes, game is still active.

I don't get why PC players are so mad that a game they enjoyed is getting ported to modern consoles. If anything it would show to the devs that there's still an interest in a series which would potentially mean more games of said series.

>Third person shooter on the quake 3 engine
>Is kb/m better than a shitty controller?
Of course it is you fucking mental degenerate. You can't even strafe jump on a controller.

how explain;is it as simple as playing vanilla, and joining a siege game right away? what is the process? im really intrigued, and I play this game regularly.

Don't call me a mental degenerate you silly goose. I've never even heard of this game before let alone the engine it uses.

>nintendobabs are just saying all the PChads are cheating
cope more

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nobody is mad, the more cannon fodder, the better

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>don't get why PC players are so mad that a game they enjoyed is getting ported
Can you show me a single person who is mad? Or do you just really like this narrative?

>/connect - Duel
how do I do this is it a `/~ console command? please explain fren am retarded

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Get fucked Switch kiddies

*Duel of the Fates play as PCMR enters the server*

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Is there a list for console servers? I've never played in my life but it might be free multiplayer fun for me.

Nintentranny janny deleting posts showing server IPs lmao. A new low for Yas ForumstendoGAF

Dumb fuck Yas Forums faggots like you aren't welcome.


Should I buy this on steam or can a pirated version work online?

shift + ~
have fun raping


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>IP servers are for PS4 servers
Rent free.

it's literally in the fucking OP you mongoloid

Ninkiddies getting destroyed

This is good

almost makes me want to buy the game

It's not just that M+KB is better for this game, due to the amount of direction based attacks. More-so the fact that the PC players hopping in Switch games have over a DECADE of experience dueling eachother. They're probably fucking mopping the floor.

i fondly remember my struggles as i improved in this game over the years.

i used to think i was pretty boss, until i started playing in the 1v1 servers and started getting swept. Eventually i thought to myself power style is the only style! then i got mopped by quick styles.... and rinse and repeat.
i still don't think i am good at this game but god damn i would be lying if i didn't say i used to organize and participate in little tournaments and forums... i used to be obsessed with this game. i once got a double kill by returning a saber through 2 people. i nutted.

Go download it on GoG or Steam. There are a handful of servers with players still playing religiously. Fucking nuts. I love it.

of course it is

While loading the multiplayer game on console, there is full IP address shown. People are writing this down and connect seamlessly on PC through /connect command. Simple as that.

Does this mean people are actually playing Jedi Knight online again?

>Darth Maul jumps off his speeder and decapitates anakin
here you go user

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