Lets have a good ol' webm thread

Lets have a good ol' webm thread
post your webms of video games

Attached: Hideous Destructor.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Ghetto Gravity Gun.webm (1280x720, 959.85K)

Attached: Quake Difficulty Selection.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Attached: Fuck Crabbers.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

Attached: Toomanyshotguns1.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: Harvester (PC).webm (1920x1080, 889.78K)

Attached: Quake xmas lava.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

Attached: Toomanyshotguns2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

how the fuck do i make high quality webms? what do you guys use

Attached: POSTAL 2 - Headless Gary Coleman Puke Party.webm (622x350, 2.88M)

webmsforbakas is a great place to start, its what i use and it really simplifies the process

Which pak is this? I don't recognize that weapon.

Attached: BloodRayne.webm (1440x1080, 1.13M)

I know the Game was awkward, but wtf

Attached: zdravko kekuje.jpg (504x335, 41.71K)

Attached: balanced revenents.webm (640x360, 1.36M)

2018 xmasjam

Thanks, going to give it a look, been awhile since I touched Q1 so this'll be good.

Not bad facial animation for a sixth gen game FMV.

>Keep this disabled until Moot allows audio

Attached: 3721.png (480x480, 479.51K)

Still mad they had to rename it because someone got offended on github.

Attached: Combined Arms.webm (1000x500, 372.21K)

>uses only 4 shells

what the fuck did you do to doom

Not OP, but it is Hideous Destructor mod. It is mod that makes doom realistic to the point it being very tedious. Think of arma but a doom mod.

did they really? wtf?

did that revenant just shoot a fucking chaingunner

HD is such a dogshit mod.

>two Chambers
>shots three rounds

So is it like Doom 3?

Does anyone have that massive image of good DOOM mods?

it's the triple barrel from arcane dimensions
the map is from a Christmas collab

Github doesn't like 'slurs' or profanity in repos hosted on their network. webm4retards fit that bill.

Attached: hellyeahdoom.png (1543x6892, 1.67M)

thank you user

Attached: gzdoom_2020_03_15_03_41_29_363.webm (536x288, 1.85M)

Is playing in 16:9 acceptable for Doom or do I have to play 4:3 for real gamer cred?

Attached: 1585446522489.webm (710x400, 2.86M)

looks p fun

doesn't don't have texture filtering on and everything's fine

All day dying

Attached: 1584242897721.webm (600x350, 1.69M)

I loved Pirate Doom, what should I play next that is similar in scope and creativity?

Attached: 1585560872757.gif (410x301, 2.96M)


>le ironic glowing polygon enemies

Attached: soyjak.jpg (335x350, 16.76K)

Golden Souls

where's the irony?

Golden Souls 2.

Attached: catcumber.gif (387x263, 1.32M)

Attached: 1548324778902.webm (853x480, 1.35M)

looks incredibly easy

>what should I play next that is similar in scope and creativity?
You didn't ask for difficulty.

Attached: 1546484157313.gif (242x227, 1023.6K)

Attached: assblasted.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

>minimalism makes me better meme
>still has hudguns visible

I wasnt other user its ok. it looks interesting true.

Thanks, I had my eye on those already, Gotta check those out.
Wasn't me who complained about it

That fucking Cyberdemon. I swear I spend like an hour on that map only for him to fuck me up when I finally got to the end. At least you can just run past him.

>what are preferences?
>hurf durffffjrt

just played that map on brutal doom with extra speed and damage on enemies with mnore enemy placements. The start of the map has so many enemies firing at you it was starting to play like the final bit of farcry 1 on hardest diff, where only one set of moves was valid to not get deleted within a second.

Attached: Assassin's Creed Origins 2020.03.29 - (700x392, 2.88M)

It isn't that easy. Later levels have really tricky enemy placement and some precise and sometimes awkward platforming

Attached: MGS3 DSP.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

A shame the second game sucked and Betrayal is suffering from floaty movement.

user, your textures haven't loaded properly.
