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remove the 4th panel and it’s funny

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Sakura Maiden

This shit has happened to me so many times. Anti-comfy

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Isn't this just a joke stolen from Ronnie?

>one fucking week of "quarantine" and people are already going crazy

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That was my first thought too but I think the Quarantine/Animal Crossing angle makes it enough to stand on it's own, the Ronnie comic was more specifically about his status as a fat virginal loser contrasted with the dating sim.

My daily routine is unchanged aside from work.
It's made me think I should probably change my shit up when this all blows over.

The NEET shall inherit the Earth.


>setting your password as something you can't easily remember forever
I learned from this the last time I encrypted my porn stash and lost it forever.

>angrg wasp
>bunnies in room
small details like this add soul to an otherwise lame comic

>Putting a password on your PC

Would they rather he be out there looting?

I’ve seen this same joke about about animal crossing loading screens about 4 times now.

I don't get it. Is the comic criticizing him for not actually outside and doing those things? If so it kind of undermines that point with the final panel.

I guess people just rip off Ronny now.

The rabbit hole goes deeper than that.

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I have been using this same password for a few years now, but I haven't gotten into it for a few days and my brain has turned into mush playing nothing but console games. Even my muscle memory stops working halfway through.

I fucking miss when Ronnie was good. I can't remember the last time I laughed at one of his new comics.

Nobody is going crazy apart from that one autistic girl who killed herself. You are not an ubermensch just because you can remain functional, as everyone else is remaining functional as well. You are not interesting.


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You should try exercising.

>Normalfags that do social media, netflix, online chat, etc and after 2 days they go crazy and are "lonely"
How the fuck do they exist while constantly wanting attention from everyone

People aren't actually going crazy but they're acting like they will. Getting all depressed because they can't see their friends and shit. Kinda weird.

Some girl killed herself? Why?

There are literal articles on mainstream media about how people are getting """"""""depression""""""" and shit because of social distancing. Fucking dumb normies.

huh. this comic is more amusing now that i can relate to it more

actually autist, and not Yas Forums """"""""autist""""""""

>he thinks Yas Forums autism isn't real

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I need a haircut but I kept forgetting. Now I can't get one because they are all closed and I am not going skinhead.

Just ow many times are hacks going to use this same punchline?

yeah bro i'm totally just a larping normalfag haha... all my friends think i'm a joker...

shoulda been a female pc

This is why I hate playing on handhelds.

>small chong flu
>american health"""care""" system turns into a fine mist

Wish granted

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Its escapism fagget we all do it here

based, boomers and zoombrains are the future while millenial manchildren will forever stay in their cucksheds

Healthcare system is fine. People are paranoid about getting sick or getting others sick since this shit spreads way before you start showing symptoms.


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My life literally has not changed in the slightest because my shitty wagie job is """essential"""
I have to come into contact with strangers every day and I'm probably going to get infected if I'm not already, and if I do I'm going to spread it as far as I fucking can out of spite

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lol. the problem was never the health care system but the capacity

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>actual female playing a female villager
Immersion ruined

They are having lotteries for who gets a respirator lmao, it is crumbling

honestly the real joke is imagining that this beta male can actually reproduce

Where do you get a gamecube box that big

Thank fuck I'm not forced to deal with america's housing situation

Why are ACfags anti-funny? After making the same joke about Doom now this is the joke they're making nonstop.

I'm the only one in the office in a 15 feet radius, and public transit is fucking empty. I see less people at work than I do at home right now.


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is this dobson

Anyone else instinctively hate all Animal Crossing players? It's not even a real game. I've always despised casuals of all kinds, but the Animal Crossing fags are actually significantly more repulsive to me because while people who get addicted to shitty mobile games and Facebook garbage are human trash, the Animal Crossing fags are a special breed of retarded given that they'll pay full price for a fucking game about catching butterflies and cutting down trees and shit.

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am i seeing things or is that a subtle JUST edit?

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Nintendies are literal manchildren

Real version here

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Are all switch owners bearded fat fucks?

why isn't he looking at the screen?

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post more whomps

A sequel with Byleth should be made.

wtf where did they get this picture of me

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He's playing 2 other dating sims at the same time.

This actually is pretty funny.

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ho ho ho

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Isn't this the joke book a mom made for her son?

Of course, he always gives people he doesn't like stuck up noses.

it's more the position people default to when playing hand held over time. This joke is made on all hand helds.

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